• It depends on track condition, usually it's 45 mph, but can do 60 mph.
  • Speeds Here's a handy chart of railroad speeds. We periodically add to it as we run across additional info. If you have additions for the list, please feel free to forward them to [email protected]. MPH STOP Speed limit for trains approaching a crossing experiencing warning device failure at which neither a uniformed officer or appropriately equipped flagger is present to protect traffic (49 CFR 234.105(c)(3)) 10 Speed limit for all trains on Excepted Track (49 CFR 213.4(e)(1)) Speed limit for freight trains on Class 1 track (49 CFR 213.9(a)) Speed limit for all trains passing over switch frog points that are chipped, broken, or worn more than five-eights inch down and 6 inches back (49 CFR 213.137(b)) Speed limit for all trains passing over switch in which the tread portion of the frog casting is worn down more than three-eighths inch below the original contour (49 CFR 213.137(c)) Speed limit for moving non-FRA-complying locomotives in yards, if for purposes of repair (49 CFR 229.9(c)) 15 Speed limit for passenger trains on Class 1 track (49 CFR 213.9(a)) Speed limit for trains passing through crossings experiencing warning device activation failure where appropriately equipped flagger is providing protection for traffic in one direction only (49 CFR 234.105(c)(2). Speed limit applies to head-end only. Speed limit for trains passing through crossings experiencing warning device false activation if there is no uniformed officer or less than two appropriately equipped flaggers protecting traffic (49 CFR 234.107(c)(2). Speed limit applies to head-end only. 19 Speed limit for trains with controlling locomotive not equipped with speed indicator (49 CFR 229.117(a) Speed limit for trains operating over public highway grade crossing with lead locomotive not equipped with operative auxilliary (ditch) lights (49 CFR 229.125(d)) 20 Speed limit for freight train or work train following a freight or work train into a block under manual block system rules, but must be able to stop within one-half the range of vision (49 CFR 236.0(c)(4)) 25 Speed limit for freight trains on Class 2 track (49 CFR 213.9(a)) 29 Speed limit for trains without an in-service event recorder in the lead locomotive (49 CFR 229.135(a)) 30 Speed limit for passenger trains on Class 2 track (49 CFR 213.9(a)) 40 Speed limit for freight trains on Class 3 track (49 CFR 213.9(a)) 49 Speed limit for freight trains unless a signal system or approved manual block system is in effect (49 CFR 236.0(c)) 50 Freight trains operating at this speed or above must be afforded with a signal system or approved manual block system (49 CFR 236.0(c)) 59 Speed limit for passenger trains unless a signal system or approved manual block system is in effect (49 CFR 236.0(c)) 60 Speed limit for passenger trains on Class 3 track (49 CFR 213.9(a)) Speed limit for freight trains on Class 4 track (49 CFR 213.9(a)) Passenger trains operating at this speed or above must be afforded with a signal system or approved manual block system (49 CFR 236.0(c)) 79 Maximum speed at which any train can be operated without cab signals (49 CFR 236.0(d)) 80 Speed limit for passenger trains on Class 4 track (49 CFR 213.9(a)) Speed limit for freight trains on Class 5 track (49 CFR 213.9(a)) Trains operating at this speed or above must have cab signals (49 CFR 236.0(d)) 90 Speed limit for passenger trains on Class 5 track (49 CFR 213.9(a)) 110 Speed limit for all trains on Class 6 track (49 CFR 213.307(a)) 125 Speed limit for all trains on Class 7 track (49 CFR 213.307(a)) 160 Speed limit for all trains on Class 8 track (49 CFR 213.307(a)) 200 Speed limit for all trains on Class 9 track (49 CFR 213.307(a)) NORMAL Trains approaching crossings experiencing warning device activation failure or false activation may proceed at Normal Speed if at least one uniformed officer or two appropriately equipped flaggers are protecting highway traffic in each direction (49 CFR 234.105((c)(1)(i))

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