The air force. Birds eat fish, not the other way around!
Marines....more disciplined
Air force. It's harder to know how to drive an aircraft, I think.
Being one myself, I gotta go with the Marines over the Chair Force;)
Marines, because if my ass was on the line I would rather have 5 Marines looking after it than 100 Air Men. (wooo, sounds so important air man)
I would say the Marines. The air force kill their own and innocent people far too often! The Marines also do this, but far less often.
Depends on what you're looking for. Do you want to be on the ground killing bad guys? Or are you looking for something that can actually translate into a civilian job after your time is up? If you answer yes to the first, go Marine. If you want a technical job you'll enjoy, go Air Force.
air force is so much sexier.
They both risk thier lives for thier country, All our armed forces are great and deserve our respect and thanks
Neither, they both work for the same boss - us! :o)
Dont you know the song. Nothing can stop the U.S. Air Force
In my opinion that's a silly question. Both services are equally important and serve their own purposes.
The Marines without question. No one else in the military has as much respect, nor deserves it more. Perhaps some quotes are in order: 1. The safest place in Korea was right behind a platoon of Marines. Lord, how they could fight! MGen. Frank E. Lowe, USA; Korea, 26 January 1952 2. Why in hell can't the Army do it if the Marines can. They are the same kind of men; why can't they be like Marines. Gen. John J. "Black Jack" Pershing, USA; 12 February 1918 3. We have two companies of Marines running rampant all over the northern half of this island, and three Army regiments pinned down in the southwestern corner, doing nothing. What the hell is going on? Gen. John W. Vessey Jr., USA, Chairman of the the Joint Chiefs of Staff during the assault on Grenada, 1983 4. Some people spend an entire lifetime wondering if they made a difference in the world. But, the Marines don't have that problem. Ronald Reagan, President of the United States; 1985 5. I have only two men out of my company and 20 out of some other company. We need support, but it is almost suicide to try to get it here as we are swept by machine gun fire and a constant barrage is on us. I have no one on my left and only a few on my right. I will hold. (He did) 1stLt. Clifton B. Cates, USMC in Belleau Wood, 19 July 1918 6. The deadliest weapon in the world is a Marine and his rifle. Gen. John "Black Jack" Pershing, U.S. Army Commander of American Forces in World War I 7. Don't you forget that you're First Marines! Not all the communists in Hell can overrun you! Col. Lewis B. "Chesty" Puller, USMC rallying his First Marine Regiment near Chosin Reservoir, Korea, December 1950 Semper Fi!
Semper Fi!
My grandfather Joind the army air corps and was a member of the airforce in Korea he downed a mig nad recieved a distinguished flying cross (one step below medal of honor) for his actions. I am proud of his service and yet I proudly insult the airforce every day and have since he began allowing me after seeing the amount of amenities and leisure that the air force high command has allowed. if you need flyers call in a marine, anytime, anyplace don't believe me? I chellenge any airmen to land a fighter on a carrier deck an night without lights or equiptment. Semper Fi
I don't think you can really compare the two. They each have their own mission that they do very well. I am a little partial to the AF however because I'm in the reserves
See Brian Stann.
I love em both.. they fight for our country.. but the Marines uniform is SOOO SEXY!!!
My dad was a Marine so I'm kinda partial! :)
They both serve and should be honored, but for pure selfishness, whichever looks the best in uniform...Yummy!;)
I think they are both good at what they do. I have respect for any member of any branch of the military.
i personally like the army HOOAH but definately the mariens ORAH!!!
The Marines.
i would say air force is the lesser of 2 evils because you probably will not die but i might be wrong because you will have to kill at one point if commanded by a human
The Marines of course. There's a reason why they're the "First Ones in and the Last Ones Out". They have the most training and discipline of any of the other branches combined. And that uniform! Oh, don't get me started on that.
I really don't want to choose. I think they are both serving their country equal! I love a man in a marine uniform, and the men that fly those jets.........OMG!!!!!!
For what purpose? Are you considering joining the military? What do you want to do? I have a brother who served in the AF and one who served in the Marines. Myself, I served in the Navy. Look at what the branches have to offer you, compare them to your abilities and what you want to get out of life. If you are just asking for an ultimate answer to which is better, it depends on what you need done. For strategic purposes, and air superiority, the AF is best equiped for this. If your purpose it to get in there, take and HOLD enemy territory, the Marines are your choice. Ain't much meaner or more dedicated to that purpose! "USMC: When it absolutely, positively, MUST be destroyed in 30 minutes or less."
well i'm going to the air force. but i respect all branches. it's not a competition.
I am in the Army. Depending on the person...I would say the CHAIR FORCE is better because there isnt as much brain washing BULL SHIT. I have a bunch of buddies in the Corps and I have dated my Fair share of them. They have all turned out to be jack asses. I think the mentality of Marine...goes to their head a little TOO MUCH. Even the good ones go bad which is really sad. I actually wanted to go into the Marine Corps at one time. But I have learned from several of my buddies the Females are called WALKING MATRESSES and are treated like SHIT.
Air Force.
better at what? ;) each has their area of expertise. i'm an air force vet so i'm biased and won't answer objectively, but the air force has far better pilots and aircraft ground crews ;) but, really, we're all on the same team. army, navy, air force, marines, we ALL rock! ;)
I suppose it depends what your trying to do. If you are looking to raid a building and extract a hostage the Marines are the weapon of choice. If you have a building with a buch of bad guys in it, just one phone call will send them all to hell, courtesy of the US Air Force. You just have to know when to use the right tool.
Air force. I have a theory that the other military branches ALLOW the marines to assume the role as "the most pridefull" because if the type of people that enlist in the marines weren't promised automatic respect just for wearing a hat and dress blues, no one would EVER join a branch where you are a rifleman first. Air force is better because you have the oppurtunity to acheive a greater respect. Although you also have the chance to allow yourself to be degraded. It doesn't take a big man to sign up for something that guarantees respect.
Hardcore Conservative
Yes, we do enlist to be a rifleman first. That's the point. "Every Marine a rifleman."
Marines, but I have to say that since my boyfriend is one. ;D
the NAVY dont forget the marines are a branch of the NAVY!!! hooora NAVY!
As an Air Force guy and proud servant of my country, I'm sickend by the "whos better" argument. NEITHER!!! There's your answer and here's why. The USAF and USMC are 2 completly different branches of military with 2 completly different missions. We fight for the same land and salute the same flag. Marines fly airplanes and Airmen Fight on the ground in combat. Have you ever heard of a Unified Combatant Command? Its the most beautiful thing in the world. Members from all 4 branches working hand and hand- and every one's equal. If you're looking to join the military, the first question is to ask yourself "what do I want to do?" and start there.
I'm a Marine so guess which one I think is better?
Blackwater! Get paid 4 times what the services get. Carry whatever weapons/ammo you want. Shoot whomever you feel like. No sticky "Rules of Engagement" or "Uniform Code of Military Justice" to worry about. Privatization---it's the wave of the future!
This is just a twisted question, I mean come on. The one that is BETTER is clearly the Air Force!!!! of course this is coming from a 8yrs Air Force sergeant so it might be a little biased. The quality of life is better, the food is better, the working hours and conditions are better, overall life is just better in the Air Force. Yet with all that said, THANK YOU MARINES!!!! I am glad there are people out there willing and able to do the things you do. I know I couldn't (I'll stay back here and work on the jets) but hey we got your back, BOMBS ON TARGET NIGHT OR DAY!
MARINES!!!! I can't believe how easy the Air Force has it. I've seen so many that look like scrawny nerdy kids. The Marines are hardcore fighters that are more disciplined than any other branch. Not to mention hott as hell.
hmmmm, i say marines over airforce. but with out a doubt/no question/no competition/not even close......... Special Forces would slaughter marines in a fight (if that were to some how happen) Green Beret are so much better than Marines. "De Opresso Liber!"
it all depends on what you want to do if you want the glory and traning of a warrior join the marines if you want to sit behind a desk then join the air force. not saying anything against the air force just saying that you are more likely to get a desk job in the air force.
Depends on what you're looking for. If you want to be a warrior, Marines. If you're more concerned about good food, cold beer and maybe some job skills, go to the Chair Force.
Air Force hands down. Anybody can be a grunt.
When a Marine leaves the Corps and elects to join another service, he does not have to go through their respective basic training. That should tell you something. Any member of another branch that wants to be a Marine, must earn that title, by going through boot camp.
Marines,they fight face to face.... But the ARMY beats both of them.
Neither...the United States Navy is the best.
i have a deep respect for both , but of the marines i know, they all seem to have a certain mentality....they are the first ones in and thats where they want to ,a marine helicopter pilot , he was not satisfied til they sent him off again... i find the boot camps differ too.... but as with all their branches of elite,Seal=navy,etc....they also take a different mentality ... :)Justme
MARINES. My dad was one in Gulf War 1.
we are indebted to all our forces
At what???? They are like apples and oranges, too difficult to compare.
Depends on what. Marines are sent in to a hostile environment before the Army goes to: check it out, do surgical killing, evaluate the people/situation, many things they do. But what they do they do in small groups in very hostile areas. They have to be able to think fast and well, to react in the best way for their small group. . The Air Force does their best in the air with different planes and in total actions to control the air space, to control a battle, to do surveilance. The Air Force thinks and moves large.
Marines fight the ground war and Air Force supports the Air side of war. Depends on what you want to do.
First any branch of the military you choose you should feel proud. However I am a Marine girl :) my boyfriend is a Marine and I am so proud of him! The Marines are the toughest branch, the hottest :) and they are one of the oldest military branches out there!! GOD BLESS THE USMC!!! Semper Fidelis! <3 -Marine Girl For Life
I'll let you be the judge: The AIR FORCE had the nerve to lay claim to the idea that Airmen are in better shape than most MARINES after basic. Upon this news having reached the MARINES, the AIR FORCE felt compelled to pull the advertisement featuring this claim.
The air forces
I am an Air Forcce veteran but not one branch is better than the other. Each has a job to do and anyone that has ever been a part of joint force operation realizes that all the branches combines make a formidable team- and that is the only way this country is protected on all fronts - air, sea and land ( and yes the marines do it all) is by a concerted team effort. And yes there is friendly competition between the branches that make each one of them even stronger and more effective - just ask mour enemies- shock & awe bombing in Afhganistan invasion of Iraq support of ground troops by naval shelling during Irqai invasion of Kuwait All working together- go with what your heart head and gut tells you.
This is a difficult one to answer since I know people in both. The marines is the toughest, without a doubt. They have the longest boot camp (3 months) , whereas the Air Force and most other branches, their boot camp (sometimes called basic training) is only 6 1/2-8 1/2 weeks. Also, in the Marines, you are not allowed to contact anybody throughout Boot Camp. I think you can in the Air Force, but am not sure. If you want more information - i know alot seein as i have family in the Marines and my boyfreind is in the Air Force along with relatives and friends.
Defenatly the marines....You learn cool deffens and attack moves...just saying.
Marines....we deliver more destruction overnight than anyone who delivers overnight.
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