• No, I don't think so, but I'm sure there a many medical problems that could occur should you choose to drink blood i.e. AIDS, Hepatitis, and probably some other stuff too.
  • Well since most of your blood is biologically composed of water and the only nutrients would be iron and such (things you could easily find elsewhere). No not really. Your mostly getting some iron, protein, and water. Pssh oh wow.Course theres plenty diseases someone could get drinking another's blood. Anyways,I say, "eat mo ckikin". ~SKiLLz~
  • And actually when you drink a certain amount of blood it causes nausea.. That's why if you have a stomach ulcer that bleeds, after there is a certain amount of blood in your stomach, you throw up blood. The enzymes in the blood mix with the stomach linging and cause nausea.... In otherwords, take a pill for iron because biologically its not useful and will ensue throwing up.
  • i don't believe so. blood belongs in the circulatory system, not in the stomach. like if you have a bleeding ulcer.
  • I think the only plus side to drinking blood is not seeing yourself in the mirror anymore...really only good for people who do not like their appearance though.
  • yes... vampires think that drinking blood of the sick can prevent them from getting sick, but it can make them sick too!
  • There's actually a condition; a form of anemia, that can be treated only or mostly be drinking blood. I have it, but I forgot what they called it.
  • blood can be consumed to help cure some types of etiology aneima, however you must take care not to ingest to much as it will cause nausa also be compleatly sure your blood source does not have a blood born pathagin such as HIV,AIDS ect..
  • For some, yes, but for most it is an unwize desision to try it. There are those who drink blood and say it is better than any vitamin, iron pill, etc. that they have ever taken. For most however, it will only make you very sick and wish that you had never tried. There was one guy that drank blood for the first time(even though it was the blood of a pet store rat) and was very sick for the rest of the night, but the next morning he woke up feeling better than ever and has been a blood drinker ever since. In my opinion, and perhaps in the opinion of other blood drinkers, the best way to find out is to get a good friend that you know is perfectly healthy and has NO blood deseases. I'm talkin' tests done every few months man! It's a serious thing! One of my emails is... [email protected] Feel free to email me if you have any questions or want the names a a few sites that may help you out and put you in touch with other blood drinkers. -CAT- ((d|_-_|b))
  • If you eat meat and soups or broths then you've at one point drunk animal blood. There are specific foods that are also full of bloody goodness like black pudding. Drinking human blood is not advisable because if they had something like AIDS or even a bad cold then you're prolly gonna end up getting it too. There are benefits in drinking blood if you are particularly iron deficient or need more salt in your diet. That said you should probably not drink/eat a blood based food when it hasn't been cooked in some way.
  • Not to my knowledge and who would anyway?
  • actually there was a program on awhile back .. about athletes that actually drew blood from them selves .. and when the body replenished that blood back to the normal level ... they would inject the old blood back in ... it would make them stronger , faster , and last longer and perform better ... it's called blood junking . but honestly i cant tell you if this is real or not .. the program was movie based and the athletes ended up not wanting to wait the required days ... and ended up killing people for their blood etc ... but afterwords i did hear a few times that the concept was real... ok ... i just had to look it up ..
  • It's supposed to be rather nutritious. The Masai in Kenya drink it mixed with milk, cattle blood that is. +5

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