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  • You may, or may not. There are cases where women continue to get their menstrual cycle well into the pregnancy, sometimes up to the 5th or 6th month! Of course, caution is to be taken with cases such as these. If you are taking birth control, and you miss your period while taking the placebo pills, call your doctor so he/she may give you a blood test for hcG. Or, take a home test yourself.
  • I'm wondering the same. I've been on the pill for 15 years & I'm showing all the signs of pregnancy right now. Except, i did get my last period. I was 3 days late (never late), no PMS, then 5 days of bright blood. (Medium flow.) I was also on antibiotics. I think my imagination is just running wild here, but I really am wondering now. Picking up a test in the morning.

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