If I'm not mistaken, they believe that they will be the only ones saved at the Apocolypse so they cover up the windows so that you won't be distressed by the suffering of the nonwitnesses should the end strike while they are in church.
Jehovah's witnesses have no such crazy belief. I'm very familiar with why the kingdom halls in some areas do not have Windows it's this simple my friend. There are people that are haters of Jehovah's witnesses and will throw a rock or a brick through the window and destroy the window Jehovah's witnesses can't afford to have broken windows we don't have a lot of money. There is Kingdom Halls out there that have Windows but when we deem that it's a high risk area or that we don't have time for somebody to sit around and watch the Kingdom Hall all day we build one that doesn't have Windows if you don't have Windows you can't throw a rock or brick through it. It's just that simple no other crazy ideas that are religiously based it's just what I just told you
Having no windows keeps insurance rates low. Without windows a building is much more difficult to vandalise. Members build Kingdom Halls and this plays a part too. Not having to fit windows means the structure can be built in less time. It is a recent decision to build without windows at least in North America. Many European Kingdom Halls do have windows. Jehovah Witnesses, perhaps don't like the distraction of the outside world and they see their Kingdom Halls as places of gathering rather than giving them a sacred identity. Jehovah's Witnesses (locally) pay for these structures through the Watchtower loan program so I believe having no windows is basically a cost issue. Money and security as well as not being distracted during meetings are a few reasons for their decision to build without windows.
Kingdom halls do have windows dont know where you have been
J.W's have instituted a "quick build" system that can build a substantial brick veneer Kingdom Hall in just three days. Baptised members who are also qualified tradesmen are organised to work from a Friday to a Sunday. By Sunday P.M., the building is complete with painting and carpets, and gardens with reticulation established. Finance is pre-arranged as well as land and local government permits. All labour is voluntary. As to whether or not they have windows, this is simply answered by the fact that the building MUST comply with local government building codes as relating to a public hall catering for up to 200 people. Local government would not permit a public hall to be built without windows, especially from a health point of view. Further to the comment of CEE CEE. J.W's NEVER try to circumvent the local building codes in respect to their Kingdom Halls. A recent quickbuild was held up for three weeks due to a local government gliche but hte brothers patiently waited out the time before continuing. Any other organisation would have commenced a case for damages.
---------------------------------------- Note: There are a growing number of new users who provide comments, questions, and answers for the sole purpose of discrediting the Jehovah's Witnesses, both the organization and individual members. This group activity undermines the purpose of this forum. ---------------------------------------- On to my answer... ---------------------------------------- There are a couple of answers here that are 75% correct. Many, but not all, Kingdom Halls are built without windows in North America. Why? - Security: For the building and contents. Unlike most churches, they do not have a parish residence attached or near by. - Cost: It costs more money to build and maintain a structure with windows. Installing windows takes more time during construction than a plain wall. Double-pane windows cost more per square foot than brick or siding. Windows produce higher heating and cooling costs because they have a much lower R value than an insulated wall. Kingdom Halls are build by volunteer labour, when possible, as quickly as possible. Their labour force has only so much time to give to construction, because, like most of us, they work full time at jobs to support themselves and their families. Whenever possible, they use standardized plans to keep costs and construction time down, since the building costs are paid for by local congregations. Until there are enough members to afford a dedicated Hall, congregations will often purchase existing homes or small commercial buildings and convert them for use as Halls. They do not build Halls without windows or with small windows to keep the public from observing them and vice-versa. They welcome any and all visitors to their meetings - just walk through the door. The following information was obtained from a Jehovah's Witness website: "Jehovah's Witnesses meet for their religious services at houses of worship called Kingdom Halls. What a Kingdom Hall looks like varies from country to country. In Papua New Guinea, a Kingdom Hall is an open-air structure with a thatched roof. In Kansas, U.S.A., it might be a renovated athletic club. In Kobe, Japan, it might be a newly constructed building." "Usually a Kingdom Hall is a modest structure that has an auditorium with chairs for the audience, a speaker's platform, a lectern, a library, and an area where members can request or pick up literature for Bible study." "Jehovah's Witnesses are organized into congregations, generally each with fewer than 200 members. Congregation membership is based on geography, and most Witnesses attend the Kingdom Hall closest to their home. Often, several congregations share a single Kingdom Hall by alternating meeting times." "Members often build or renovate their own Kingdom Halls, and they keep them clean and well maintained. In countries where Jehovah's Witnesses have experienced rapid growth or where economic conditions don't allow for construction, Jehovah's Witnesses may rent buildings for use as Kingdom Halls." ---------------------------------------- Re: "Inaccurate", "incorrect" You seem to take the position in this section of the Answerbag that any statement made by the Witnesses on any subject is false and that any person who quotes their information is also incorrect. You make these claims to spread your agenda. ---------------------------------------- Re: "They're obviously just filled with hate and are unreasonable. What can you do?" Not much, I'm afraid. Bigotry drove me away from the Christian church decades ago. I was deeply disturbed by those who preached an inclusive Christianity on one hand, while excluding those from other races, cultures, belief systems, or socio-economic strata. Hypocrites who lurked behind a mask of good. ---------------------------------------- Re: "kettle calls the stove black,Jehovah's Witnesses hate anyone not of their creed" It's the pot calling the kettle black - get your metaphors right when you set about to insult someone. As for "hate anyone" - not from my experience. It is unfortunate that you so hate members of this sect. You are also mistaken if you assume that I am a member if I fail to insult them myself. I am, however, not overtly hostile to them. If one expresses hostility to any comment - positive, negative, or neutral - concerning a person or organization with whom you disagree, you are promoting intolerance. Period. It is as evil as everything you claim the Witnesses are. ---------------------------------------- An end note... I cannot say how many times I have encountered individuals and organizations that promote intolerance assume noble-sounding names to lend them a mantle of righteousness. Any person who disseminates hatred in the name of self, society, or god is a person the world best ignore. ----------------------------------------
$200 billion in Watchtower corporation worldwide real estate assets,they are not too poor to have windows,just too cheap. The building of these Kingdom Hall “quick-builds” is impressive, but many Witnesses and outsiders do not realize that this is also makes for clever economics. Few people except the religious will devote free time to putting up a building, but Witnesses can do it, and since non-baptized helpers are always present, it affords those reluctant to go door-to-door additional opportunities to “get their monthly time in,” as is required to be considered a Jehovah’s Witness. The local Witnesses benefit, since it cuts the cost of their loan from the Watchtower Society to get the land, and the Watchtower benefits, not only from the publicity but they also now own more property and buildings (No, the local Witnesses will never own it.). The Watchtower is big money, being one of the top 40 New York City Corporations making nearly one billion dollars a year. That’s just from one of their many corporations.
There are many kingdom halls with windows in the U.S. and elsewhere...Colorado Springs to Aspen...and other states across the country. Strange question...
"Jehovah Witnesses, perhaps don't like the distraction of the outside world..." but "Many European Kingdom Halls do have windows." Does this mean European Witnesses less distracted by the outside world than Jehovah's Witnesses in the USA and therefore do not need to be walled in? Or could it be that the different regional building and safety codes are that which alter the design of Kingdom Halls? Cee Cee
I attend a kingdom hall that has many big windows and even the doors are made of glass, the front sliding door is always open and anybody walking by can see what is happening inside and can come in and see if they don't come in to cause trouble. In summary, why do not all birds have pink spots? it is not rellevant.
Jehovahs witnesses do not have windows in there kindgom halls for 2 reasons. In some kingdom halls (such as ones in the city) it can be a huge distraction, with people walking past and cars etc. Another is because people are ignorant and have taken it upon themselves to smash windows out of some of the congragations in the past. So if there are no windows in the kindgom hall, then there is nothing to smash.
Many years ago, a local Kingdom Hall was built to replace one that had been vandalized many, many times. The new one had no windows...I was told it was to prevent vandals from breaking the windows and breaking in. It made sense at the time so I thought that was the reason.
I was one of Jehovah's Witneses for 27 years and I never heard of this as any kind of policy. I've not been a JW for 8 years but most of my family still are and I don't think this is a new policy. Where I live in AZ the majority do not have windows. But, that is because there is a group that oversees all the plans for construction of new Kingdom Halls and they have a few different designs they choose from. From a practical standpoint it makes sense to me. It is cheaper, easier for the unskilled labor (even though they are usually overseen by professionals -- my brother is a lather and his wife works with him.) It cuts down on security costs and allows the inside to be configured however they like. The biggest reason, however, is probably that there is no need for windows. Most Kingdom Halls are just big rooms with one or two smaller "library" rooms, bathrooms and "literature counters." They are very simple buildings with rows of chairs and simple stages. Pretty boring and not at all mysterious :) As for the apartments -- originally they were added to "assembly halls" to provide a base of operations for the traving overseers. They are occasionally added to smaller Kingdom Halls now but the apartments are still pretty rare. Sometimes they are rented out to a caretaker, sometimes a "pioneer" is allowed to live in them, sometimes the traveling overseers. I don't think there is an official policy on this either (other then they have to be exemplary JWs.) Now I'm no fan of the JWs but this question is really a non-issue!
They don't know the exact time when the end comes so that is just plain wrong and since only God decides who is to be saved or not that is wrong. The issue of windows can be answered by any of these 1. The location: In Nigeria where i am from we need windows, because of the heat and no Kingdom hall is without one.Now this will be inappropriate in the western world with the weather changing constantly winter, spring, summer and fall. 2. Safety: with vandalization rampant in certain areas, windows are not included in design to prevent this however enough exits are provided in case of emergencies. 3. Cost: Insurance cost, maintenace are a few reasons why windows might not be placed in some halls. Since members of the congregation decide on what they want in their hall, though we do chose from a group of generic designs based on your location, halls having no windows have nothing to do with doctrine. It is just a choice that was made by a group of people.
They are called Kingdom Halls not churches. If you've noticed the windows are dark does that mean you were trying to look in? Perhaps this is the reason for tinted windows, to keep prying eyes out. It could be an avoidance of bright sunrays because people can't see what they're reading on a bright day. There are likely numerous reasons. There's a Kingdom Hall near me and it doesn't have dark windows. These photos of Kingdom Halls don't appear dark. The front door of a Kingdom Hall is always open to anyone. You'll find photos of both inside and out on this link.
Our hall has clear glass windows. And in a section of the country that rates over 300 sunny days a year. This question seems to be aimed at making Kingdom Halls appear "sinister". Which of course they are not.
You must be a baptized witness approved by your local congregation service committee to be a part of the RBC team (Regional Building Committee)that builds or remodels the halls. It is false that unbaptized people are used for this.
Many Halls have windows..... Certainly in the UK they do. .. however, point about the whole quickbuild thing is fair. Its very impressive and shows the dedication that these guys show. Unfortunately, it is misguided dedication - look to Jehovah himself! Not the "MAN MADE" organisation.
Windows may or may not be added depending on local circumstances. Windows do add to aesthetics of structure, permit natural lighting, can even provide soothing views during education/worship, depending on locale. Some KHs do not have windows due to various factors, sometimes cost may be issue, but many times location, such as high crime areas, and industrial/commercial areas (who wants to look at the McD drive-thru all morning/evening). No windows can mean less maintenance. Interesting the house my parents live in (valued at $190K+) has no windows on 2 sides, built in 1998. KH in Mahwah, NJ, US, has windows, beautiful structure that fits well into residential area. Bluehill, Detroit, MI, US, building had to remove windows in front due to loony-person shooting windows out. 2/3 of KHs I've been too (45+) have windows.
I attended services at Kingdom Halls in Ohio and Pennsylvania for the first 20 years of my life, being raised a Jehovah's Witness. None of these places had windows. Having attended many different churches, temples, mosques, etc., I feel there is some strange link between Judaism and the Jehovah's Witnesses. There are no windows in the synagogues I've been to and minimal decoration, just like the Halls. Oh well, just an observation!
the windows are not tinted. the blinds cover the windows so o one can see out or in
In 1996, the last of these ugly structures I have seen built, they DID have windows (in western New York). I have yet to see any built later, or in other parts of the world. This practice of halls without windows may have started later. Their excuses that I have heard of state too much vandalism (people throwing rocks at the windows). However, this doesn't explain why other businesses and residential houses have windows and are not excessively vandalized. In my opinion, there are two major reasons to delete windows from these prison-like structures. The first is that the lectures are so boring that people easily get distracted and like to watch rain, snow, or people passing by. Eliminating windows removes this distraction, allowing the talk to further damage one's mental/emotional health. (If you don't believe that these talks are boring, ask any of the kids that spend the meetings playing with jewelry, doodling, and reading worldly literature during the meeting.) The other reason is that the people are too damn lazy to make the windows. They want the structure to go up quickly to impress the neighborhood, so they see a faux "spirit of Jehovah". Windowless designs make framing the walls much easier, since there are no jack studs and headers where there would have been a window. Putting windows in would slow down construction, and reduce the "spirit of Jehovah" effect. It also makes it easier to have most of the congregation pitch in on the walls if they don't have to worry about windows. There may well be other reasons for windowless halls. Money may be an issue (as if $200 billion or more isn't enough). And in rough areas, there may be a problem with vandalism or burglary. However, I feel that cutting out distraction and getting the piece of s&#@ up faster are the two main reasons.
Some do have windows. At least, there is one that I have driven past on a regular basis in Nuevo Laredo that has windows. So, it is not correct to say that they never have windows.
so that no-one can throw bricks through them
Jehovah's Witnesses call their places of worship,Kingdom Halls. The First Kingdom Hall was built in the 1940's during WWII. Before that the Witnesses met strictly at rental facilities). During WWII, the Witnesses took some very unpopular stands, as in regards to neutrality and in refusing to participate in flag ceremonies. Those stands did not win them many fans, and they became subject of much persecution and even physical violence while having their property destroyed. Building Kingdom Halls without windows seemed like a good idea. Today, more Kingdom Halls are being built with windows. I know of one in South Central Pennsylvaina built this month with windows.
You'd have to ask the members of the particular hall you are refering to. In area most of our Halls don't have windows for saftey reasons. When asked why I explain it is safer in some neighborhoods to not have windows and that ANYONE who wishes may come in and see for them selves.
They have already seen the light. now is wee time to keep it out.
to cut down on cost of cooling the hall
I have seen Kingdom halls with windows, (small ones) but windows, but why the question? I mean if you look at a church building they have windows but they have stained glass, (not really a looking window), so why generate the question toward the Kingdom Hall? I believe it is because We question what we do not understand.
Um? Who cares. A window is a window. We would hate to have people know what we're doing inside our kingdom hall, BUT we spend our time going door to door... to keep you away from our kingdom halls cause.. we'd like to be closed in. Its a window!
i have recently, as in the weekend of sept. 8th and 9th, had the priviledge of helping construct a kingdom hall in clinton iowa and that paticular kingdom hall had windows in it,i think that the best answer to why some don't is the security of the area, if there is a high probability of vandalism it would only make sense to not put any windows in the structure. and for the people writing in, you can look up any documented information we (Jehovah's Witnesses) are recognized throughout the World as not a sect, not a cult, but a true christian religion, and if you really have a problem with us talk to one us we would be happen to explain any questions you might have, in fact we probably will be coming to your door soon.
FOR 1 OUR halls are not churches there halls where we all congregate to worship jehovah and our hall in cornwall has lots of windows !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thanks Emma
It occurred to me that in instances where it is claimed that there are no windows in order to save money on construction, insurance etc, they must nevertheless be paying a lot of extra money on lighting! Also they are contributing to global warming by using more electricity than would be necessary if they had windows. If they are concerned about vandalism, I would have thought in these days it was cheaper to buy reinforced safety glass as used in public buildings in earthquake zones, which would eventually pay for itself in electricity saved. If they are worried about being distracted, why not use frosted glass or simply buy translucent sticky back plastic designed to obscure and put it on the windows! I feel sorry for anyone who suffers from seasonal affective disorder (SAD)as spending time in any windowless building would just exacerbate it! I am not a beliver or church goer but if I had to choose which to look at while worshipping: a blank wall or stained glass window, I know which I would choose!
the windows of the one i go to( and they're called kingdom halls by the way honey)aren't dark theyre clear glass, and anyone is welcome to come inside and have a look, we aren't trying to hide anything. i used to go to one in the next town along, which had frosted glass and grills over the windows, so it let light in but for security reasons (its was a pretty rough area) no body could see in or break in for that matter
because there Goths
wired i have never seen a Jahovahs witness church in my life and i have travelled to loads of places
All the kingdom halls I have seen have clear windows.
In southern california I have seen many Kingdom Halls With NO WINDOWS, but I have seen Kingdom Halls elsewhere with Large Windows. The Kindom Hall Where I reside now, REDLANDS, CALIFORNIA only has windows for the restrooms. I think it depends what era the houses of worship were built. I am not a Jehovah's Witness, but have respect for all houses of worship
So your mind doesn't wander.
the Kingdom Hall I attend here in Ontario is a beautiful Hall. It holds 3 Halls and currently houses 5 congregations. while their are no windows in the back part of the Hall where the congregations are their are windows in the front which look into the library and the corridor leading upstairs. We also have 2 apartments upstairs with many windows in each. of the of the 5 different congregations in Alberta and Ontario that I've had the privlige (sp?) to be a part of only 1 of these had no windows and that Kingdom Hall was in a village of only about 500 people. I imagine that the small congregation there would have opted for something simple when the choices were presented so that the cost incured in the build would not be too great for them to handle. (Just my opinion as I was just a kid at the time)
This 1 has windows
Some of these answers are obviously based on "fear of the unknown". Not that it's that important, but not having windows for 1 hour and 45 minutes will not cause "seansonal affective disorder" (S.A.D). If ever a grown (intelligent) adult would listen to the teaching in this building, they would agree that no kind of distractions will keep them from wanting to learn and listen to everything being taught. I, myself, have attended these meetings. In addition, they are not lazy at all. After all, while the majority of the world's society sleeps in during their days off, most witnesses are volunteering their sleep and recreational time to help others learn of these wonderful bible teachings, voluntarily...that's not being lazy. Also, they help build other Kingdom Halls (for free) for their industrial spirit and goodwill towards all men. In addition, during natural disaters, many witnesses volunteer their free time in their area (or outside their area) to help the victims of those disasters. This could include helping with sand bags, building other homes destroyed, or just helping to distribute food and necessary items...for free. My guess is that the time and money saved by not adding windows to these halls would be greater served in building more needed halls or other homes for future victims of natural disaters. Just because you don't understand their beliefs doesn't mean you need to show a hateful attitude towards them. Attitudes like yours are what this hateful world is filled with already. I'm not even one of Jehovah's Witnesses, but I do admire what they do and teach by their selfless example!
To keep all of their demons inside. My 2 cents.
What a waste of time this is, well done to those who are trying to wast our time, - sucked right in!! can't believe this could cause such a discussion. Can't believe i've just wasted half an hour reading it (never again) and i'm dissapointed with myself for bothering to write this reply. Could have been out preaching instead? $55 each convert! Ever seen a really rich JW?
What a waste of time this is, well done to those who are trying to wast our time, - sucked right in!! can't believe this could cause such a discussion. Can't believe i've just wasted half an hour reading it (never again) and i'm dissapointed with myself for bothering to write this reply. Could have been out preaching instead? $55 each convert! Ever seen a really rich JW?
You may want to say "limited windows & doors". Secret societies and cults are known to love secluded areas to maintain control of their membership with demonic brainwashing techniques. Limited access/exits also means to keep all of their demons inside, ie like a pressure cooker. It is all about mind control & brainwashing. My 2 cents.
So the nuts can't escape
I was raisd as a JW, and have been in probably over 100 Kingdom Halls. I don't remember any that didn't have windows.
Some kingdom halls do, and some do not. Some are in higher crime areas, or areas that are poorer, so they may choose when building a kingdom hall to not put windows in to protect against people breaking them, or to lower the cost.
Windows increase building costs, (heating/cooling also, I imagine) and provide access for thieves. You'd think the fact that the meetings are 'Open to the Public', would be enough to assure people that nothing 'weird' is going on indoors.
Please don't assume that the question was asked as a veiled slur on JW's. Here in Albuquerque the Kingdom Halls have no windows (even though one had windows but they bricked them up). I never suspected anything evil or sinister but WAS very curious. The non defensive answer that they build them themselves and build them quickly answers my question quite nicely. I googled the question and hit this thread in case anyone wonders.
I was raised as a JW, and have been in many Kingdom Halls. I do not remember a single one with darkened windows.
I'm not so sure about JW halls ,but mormons seem to have a lack of windows in their temples. like they are hiding something.
As a company who has installed windows in a number of Kingdom halls, I can verify that there is no specific standard set by the Jehovahs Witness organization as to windows existence or size at these halls. These are more usually specified by the architect. Also,the individual congregations order as to their specific requirements and personal desires. Of course, if the hall is in an area where the locals are of such a nature as to throw objects at the glass, the congregation have been reluctantly willing to dispense with large areas of glass for security precautions. Perhaps Kim, who posed this disingenuous question, lives in an area populated by such vandals
i have not seen any with windows in Texas or Louisiana, not saying there aren't any , just that i have not seen any that do...i thought maybe ,because i have asked myself this question, it saved the watchtower money on building and heating & cooling..
The answer is simple, windows are expensive and loose energy, and are a easy way for vandalizers to break in. It has nothing to do with some sort of secret they are trying hide. With modern AC and heat windows just are not necessary.
Because they're usually Mac people
This question has been asked many times before ,, but to set the record straight ,,,kingdom halls do have windows.
Was meant to comment
Well all the Kingdom Halls I have visited in the UK did not have any windows. When I asked I was told that it was a local planning regulation.
I believe that all the NEW Kingdom Halls are built without windows ... I go to a hall that was built in I believe the 1970s and there are 6 windows. However, we are getting ready to build a new one and there are no windows in the build plan. None of the quickbuilds I have been to in the last 5 yrs have been built with windows. It's a crime/safety thing.
All the kingdom halls I've seen have windows. Windows, doors, floors, bathrooms, walls, a whole crapload of donation boxes. The one I saw looked like a poor man's church. Not a lot of decoration or embellishment. Nice enough, but not nearly as nice as say... Ste. Anne's cathedral in Metz France. More like, slightly licer than the olde-style chapels built in the 1700's.
Depending on the geographical location, a hall may or may not have windows for economic reasons (it is more energy efficient and cost effective not to have windows) as well as avaoiding most security issues. As for the link between Judaism and Jehovah's Witnesses: 1. Jesus was a Jew, raised by devout Jewish parents; and 2. The Nation of Israel were the first to be called witnesses by Jehovah Himself (Isaiah 43:10), even though His people existed long before then. All other nations worshipped many false gods. The biggest difference between the Nation of Israel and other nations of that time is that they worshipped the One, True, Creator, Jehovah God and the others had many false gods (Exodus 4:35 and Psalm 83:18). Jesus said that the Jews of his time were bogged down by traditions of men and rejected God's Word (Matthew 15:1-14), so when he came as the promised Messiah, they not only rejected him, but they killed him. Unfortunately, most religions today still do what Jesus warned about there in Matthew chapter 15. Jehovah's Witnesses accept and appreciate Jesus as their Redeemer and the only way to be reconcilled to Jehovah God (1 Timothy 2:5 and Ephesians 1:7); we know that he is in fact the King of Jehovah's Kindgdom. We know that Jesus sits at Jehovah's right hand (Luke 22:66-71) awaiting Jehovah's Day (Zephaniah 2:1-4). We need to seek God's Kingdom as Jesus instructs at Matthew 6:33 and then we will all be joined together in the promised paradise (Revelation 21:1-5 and 1 Corinthians 15:20-28). Now that is Good News (Matthew 24:9)!!!
Without a big song and dance I'm going to come straight to the point there's a lot of people that don't like Jehovah's witnesses and they take revenge by throwing rocks through the windows. If there's no windows to break that solves the problem. Now there are plenty of Kingdom Halls out there that do have Windows. But those Kingdom Halls are generally on land that was purchased outright by Jehovah's witnesses and is off the road enough so that people walking by that don't like Jehovah's witnesses control a rock through the Windows.
Many Kingdom Halls have Windows. But without a big song and dance it has nothing to do with any religious idea whatsoever. Jehovah's witnesses no that there are people out there that hate Jehovah's witnesses they throw rocks and bricks and break the windows! If there is a Kingdom Hall in a high risk area. Then they make a Kingdom Hall that doesn't have Windows if you don't have Windows to break you don't have the added expense or worry about broken windows. That is the sole reason for Kingdom Halls that don't have Windows
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