• I would give half
  • Between 15 and 30%.
  • I'd give 60 million to charity and distribute about half the rest among friends and family. The rest is mine.
  • 75%. I don't need millions to make me happy.
  • Well, if you take out taxes, then discount to present value, calculate your estimated life expectancy ....screw the calculations...half. Now the key question...What charity would that be?
  • I think the question should be asked differently. God is the one that would have given these funds to me. So the correct way to ask this is; "How much would you keep." Im not sure. I would pray and ask God how much of it I could keep and how much He wanted back.
  • All I need for myself, family and close friends is about 30 million. The rest suppose to go to charity. It's rightfully theirs.
  • about 45%
  • Probably a little bit, no more than 25% though. Most likely between the range of 5-10%
  • Of my net winnings, probaby about 25%
  • Ideally 100%, though perhaps I would be overcome with greed and take some for myself to buy mere luxuries... $50'000 or so.
  • 75% the other 25% would go to my charity, diapers, bills..etc
  • i would say about 30%
  • After taxes 10%.
  • I would give none to charity you think they return the favor bull****! I would however find a strugling church that is in Gods favor and give to them though! I have a 4 year old with cardio myopothy that will need a heart transplant and charity tells you well we will pray for her come-on why give to them, they only use it for theirselves!
  • Twenty-five percent
  • I would set up trust funds to enable education for those who can't afford it. I would look at housing and jobs for those who need them. I would look at shelters for battered wives/husbands and for abused children. I would set up places to look after all the abused animals so they could live what life they have left in comfort. I would see to it these things were funded as long as the money held out and help them to be self funded. I would want to take part in what was happening.
  • O, charity begins at home, charities of today are the most crooked organizations going. Of the millions donated pennies get to the target groups.
  • Truth? None. I have needed help for almost 2 years, and have been denied, over and over. Why should I line the pockets of various people in the name of 'charity' when 90% of what comes in to them goes to pay people that don't need help?
  • About half after I paid the taxes.
  • 0%. zeros a percent right?
  • Whatever my tax advisor indicated after I established my foundation.
  • if by charity you mean the companies who's opperators and employees cash in off what is donated, 00.00% and a one finger salute. having been on the receiving end of "CHARITY" as a child, and an employee of a goodwill store, i know that what happens is your basic trickle down theory. what ever comes in is sorted by the big cheeses first, then the middle management gets their crack at the pot, next the lower level employees are allowed to pick over the leavings before the very least of the lesser stuff is then divided up among more locations than it can fully cover and the poor get almost nothing. example one: at the store where i worked we got in a shipment of coats one autumn, they were placed in a store room and the head managers went through the entire shipment and selected out the best coats there, then the rest of the senior staff was let in to pick what they wanted, finally we low level unskilled laborers (who by the way were the ones to unload the truck and put the coats in the store room in the first place) were allowed to pick out coats for ourselves and our families. what was left for the poor and needy? almost enuff light jackets and sweaters to fill a mid-size van or suv. from a shipment that came in filling a moving truck with a fifteen foot long cargo section. example two: when i was little my single mother and i went to the local food pantry about two or three times a year because she made almost nothing as a motel maid. many times we would see the supplies being taken inside as we waited in line. and every time we got rice, green beans government cheese blocks and oatmeal. the same as everyone else around us. so how does 5 lb hams, butterball turkeys, cans of campbells soups and all the other nice stuff placed in the charity bins at grocery stores become generic rice, green beans and oatmeal? and have you ever seen the cars that "CHARITY" organization managers drive? you don't get those on minimum wage. if i won a million dollars, i would use about 25% to 35% at least to help poor people at the street level, that is i would give the real poor people GOOD food, clothes and money, not some fat cat who will skim 90% off the top and pass along the crumbs. i would use another 30% to boot strap my extended family back in texas (even though they were never there for us i would like to be better than that)the rest would go to make sure i, my mother and my little sister never had to go a day without food, clothes and shelter again. i have been poor, starved and homeless, i will never be there again as long as i draw breath.
  • probably about 25% after taxes, And I would donate to 2 local Charities/Non-Profit Organizations. 1. Helps people who are less fortunate either with paying their bills, or if they need furniture/clothing/etc. they have a warehouse of such items ( my family runs it, with help from the local churches) 2. The company I work for is Non-Profit, It helps individuals(young or old) with intellectual or developmental disabilities.
  • Not a very big percentage. I have had this planned out for awhile now, except I don't ever buy lottery tickets! I would give a million dollars to the Ronald McDonald House and each family member of my husband and I (parent, grandparent, siblings & their spouses, nieces & newphews, that makes 25 people for us) Children under 18 would recieve theirs in the form of a trust fund.
  • Much to the cancer ward at the Royal Children Hospital ... Some to a charity for the starving in Africa ... 1 million to each of my family ... 1 million for myself ... They need more than I
  • 5% - 10%. Hey - I need that money to be able to donate more later in life.
  • Absolutely none, though I might endow a scolarship or two.
  • I probably would give none to charity. I do not trust many,but if I knew of a charity that I could trust possibly 10%. Being is I have a very large family,I would have to hook up their greedy butts first.
  • None at first. I would invest it, and once I used that money to get even richer, I would probably be making a more steady income which would allow me to give more money overall. However, friends and family come first in my book.
  • I would give money to one charity, a non-profit that a friend of mine is working hard to get running... and it would be 10% of whatever is leftover after taxes. The rest I would keep for myself and my husband and our family and friends who could use the money. I would also make sure all the kids in the family have free education and a generous but small trust fund to help them start their adult lives. I would from time to time give to causes, but only directly to individuals in need or very small shelters and missions, food banks etc.
  • ahh well actually probably at least 75%. who needs that much money, ya know. it would be nice to have some money for the rest of my life but i dont need 100 million.
  • After taxes, I would tithe, then give 20% of what would be left.
  • 25% to charity for abuse, 50% to start my own charity for abused children.
  • 10% as tithe. 10% as charity. 10% to each of my siblings. (5) And the rest to me.
  • 20% tithe 50% scholarship program 30% me & my family
  • 10% goes to charity, 50% to MAKING A TIME MACHINE!
  • Realistically, taxes would be taken out and I think any money your government takes from you is a charity whether its legally forced or not. No reason to give any of it to anyone else. Simply, if you just got 100 million dollars and theres a charity you have to choice to give to? In my own personal opinion "no". You charitize the rest of the world by spending ur money and using what you have alone.
  • well govt would get 50% for taxes, so I would give 20 million to hospitals, and give to all my relatives and friends. Maybe payoff their mortgages. I could retire on 2-3 million.
  • I would set up my own charities to give the money.
  • If that $100 million was after taxes, then I'd give about $20 million to charity and set aside another $30,000,000 for Bri's Direct Relief Fund. Quite often I see people in the news who have suffered terrible tragedies, e.g. they've lost a child in an auto accident, their house has been destroyed by fire, and they don't have insurance. I think I'd get a lot of joy out of being able to get them a new house and giving them enough to retire on, or pursue some other dream of their's.
  • I would donate all 100 million to the Walker Foundation.
  • I think the bigger question is what charities would I give it to? At least 75 million of it would go to various charities. I would give a several million directly to my church and a couple million more to help various people in my life who I know need it. The rest of the money would initially pay off loans and mortgages, and then the rest would go into savings to pay for the education of my sisters and I, and for the future so my mother can live comfortably after retirement.
  • I would keep enough to live very comfortable for the rest of my life and enough that all of my children would always be taken care, enough for all of my neices and nephrews and of coarse my parents and friends. Then that would probably leave about 60 to 70% I would give to churchs that I know need it and I would have my own charity group and give it directly to the people that need it. I do not trust all of these organizations today. I know too many people that have worked their ass off all of their life and when they need some help, NO you make too much money, you own too nice of a car. But if you didn't work at all and you never tried, we would take care of you. That is such BS.
  • i woodnt giv it to a specific charity really cz most of the money thy get they keep for themselves, but i would take about 75 million and make my own charity so i know my money is actaully helping
  • zip, zero none. as a child i saw first hand what the poor receive from charities. as i grew up i saw from the inside the "trickle down" theory of charity. what is given is filtered and filtered and filtered until, by the time it reached the needy poor, it is maybe 5% of the original. the rest goes to the people who's hands it has trickled down thru. if i won 100 million dollars. 70 million would go to insuring the future of my family 20 million would go to my few good friends. 10 million would go to my kind of charity i.e. I would buy food, cloths and other essentials and deliver them to the real poor myself . (don't cut out the middle man, castrate him, kill him and bury him in the yard)
  • 1% Not much?. It is when that equals 1 million dollars.
  • I'm sorry but it was my luck and I feel like I wuld keep it though I would give a good percentage to family and friends of course, but I am not one to spend money either if I won, I would put it in the bank, but no I would not give my money to charity.
  • I wouln't give any of 100 million to any charity that exists. Instead I would use: 10 million to start my own housing for the poor charity; 10 million to start a 'Make a Wish' charity for sick kids; 10 million for a neo natal ward at a hospital; 5 million on a lobbyist group to effect change in government policy and raise public awareness of issues of the poor, sick and disadvantaged; 5 million for a 'Make a Wish' charity for other disadvantaged groups. With 10 million I would buy a nice big home with a maid, a nice reliable car, a big boat and a very profitable business to pay the overheads. The change of that 10 million I would buy a modest house and car for each of my kids and a tidy little cash account for them to splurge. That would leave 50 million. I would put that into a high interest bearing bank account. The interest from that would be used to fund the annual expenses and grants from the charities. I wonder what I could do with US$700 Billion. I certainly wouldn't give a cent to the bail out the blood suckers fund! Maybe a bail out the home owners charity should be advised.
  • 95% 5 mil is enough for anyone, anything else is just greedy!
  • I would give 100% to the charity of ME
  • I would give 40% to charity
  • The same percentage as if I had won only $1,000.00. What does the amount have to do with it?
  • Probably about 20% or $10mil. That would be 20% of $50mil after taxes.
  • I would buy a house and a car and a college fund for my few friends and family. The rest would likely be spent doing charitable things. In America first and then in Africa and any other less fortunate places.
  • let me think first about the sum of money! oh, it is really huge! oh, dear, if i got it, i would not imagine what to do but it is true that i would not devour all money for only myself.
  • I would be very interested in donating some of my "free"money. I first would have to investigate charitys. The charity that I would donate too would of course have something for Senior citizens. I think they are the most ingnored form of human being. I would open a nice safe place for Seniors to go spend the last days of their lives. Good clean and have pets if they want and of course. That would be cool!~. <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="hello"></a>
  • I would give 80% of the money away. The rest will be used for myself, family and,friends.
  • I would give 25% to 2 non profit organizations in my community, one is the one I work for, it helps individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities with their daily living. The second is a place that helps individuals who are burned out of their homes get donated furniture, people who cant afford their bills, people who got out of an abusive situation and only left with a suitcase we help to clothes them, house them and such.
  • 0.00 none:S
  • If it was the lottery about 25%(govt takes 50% off the top) Then I'd endow some scholarships. My kids homes would be paid for and my grandchildren can go to college if that's their path. The local high school would have their arts dept refurbished. The local library would have more computers. The local youth center would get some new equipment. The youth center here is very well supervised and for some kids the lunches, dinners and snacks are the best meals they have. The local food pantries would be well stocked, they're in trouble this year with the unemployment getting higher. I just need enough to pay my bills and maybe my dream trip back to the Netherlands.
  • Although I would not give any of the original winnings, I would arrange some sort of major investment that would produce a constant and continuous residual income, and then I would arrange to make continuous automatic direct deposits of 10% of the investment income to a single charity of my choice ... then I would make occasional donations to various other charities throughout the year.
  • sum of use ppl r selfish gits!! not givin muni cuz they dnt deserve it?????????? wat bout them poor we kids hu suffer everyday from abusers cuz they cant sick up 4 themselves or the ones hu ave cancers and all sorts!!! use r jus so selfish!!! i would keep enuf so that i wouldn ave any future muni probs, lyk buy a house instead of renting, buy a car n put sumaway for the future, the rest i would split up into different charities for kids, cancer research and animals!!!
  • 100% the charity will do more good with it than I ever could alone
  • I'd give it to actual people, rather than charities...that way, I could see it being used
  • I would give money to only charities that are local to me and i would not be pressured into giving any to other ones. Id stay with the same.
  • 10 - 20% over a range of charity's... I couldnt be gready and keep it all to myself.
  • I dunno but I would give A LOT to Autism.
  • 100% and be free
  • Of course I would give a big percentage; that's what percentage I would give to charity. Anybody out there want to give me a 100 million dollars?
  • Not that much to be honest. My version of charity would be to help down and out friends or relatives who can't catch a break. For example, I have a friend who has 3 kids with his ex, and as good a father as he is, his ex is just a complete bitch to him. He always has trouble keeping money because of child support, so I would give him some money. I would also of course take care of my parents and other family, give a few thousand to charities, and just travel the world. I have never believed in giving millions to charity. I might take a million and spread it out over a few charities, but 7 figures of my money would NOT go to just one charity! They already have plenty of foundations and rich people who can do that.
  • 5 0r 10 %.
  • 90% and all my time
  • 23.6% mostly to food banks. I recieved alot of help a few years ago while i was sick and would love to give back.
  • I'd give 1 million to a girls halfway house til they went all the way. Seriously....I'd help people in need, familt members and those I deem worthy. I'm not ever giving dough to a religion or a foundation so they can use 40% on the foundation and 60% on allowable expences like Jerry Lewis's Codeine Fund. "Oh Dean my Codeine"
  • though i'd give about half to "charity", my form of charity would be to open a protected wildlife preserve. that way people can enjoy my donation for as long as my preserve is around (which could potentially be much longer than i'd be around)
  • 100 million dollars is a lot of money. That's £61,195,765.30 to me. Hm, I'll give £40,000,000 of it to charity. That's 65.3639999498462%
  • zero percent
  • none ass hole
  • If you are talking about after tax dollars, I'd give away half.
  • None to charity. Will give some to my school though. But when I do occassionaly give, then I guess I can be more liberal.
  • 75% . Other people and the environment needs it more than I do. 25 million is more than enough.
  • If I won that amount I reckon I would give away about 90% of it - either through currently recognised charities, or by setting up charitable trusts for "gaps" in the market - or to support people who are in the situation I have been in. Example: we run school trips to France and Germany -I would set up a fund to pay for that, so the kids studying French and German in my school would be able to do that without parents worrying about the cost; I have been studying part time while working full time - it has been a struggle to meet both commitments, I would like therefore to set up a fund for people in that position to be able to take time off unpaid by their employers to write their theses, without losing out financially; I would like to set up a fund to buy uniforms for boy scouts, so that boys can take part without parents worrying about he cost of the uniform. Stuff like that, really.
  • i'd give 25 percent to charity
  • I think id give $10 mill
  • I would give 90 million to carefully chosen charities and the other 10 million would be invested and spent on securing my children's future, paying off my sisters' homes and taking care of their debt, taking care of my parents, etc. . Of course I would take a cruise and world tour or two as well! Oh, and get 2 hour massages everyday. I don't think that is being toooo greedy! WAIT..... did I spend my 10 mill already?!?!
  • =0- charity begins at home. Go home, I would re-imburse anyone who ever helped my with inyeredt though.
  • Ten percent.
  • Truth be told, I'd start up a few charities of my own. Would also hire staff to check out the veracity of a few charities so that my millions would be spent wisely.
  • In the past I took help and meals from a catholic mission and after I was able to get on my feet I started giving to "Salesian Missions"- P.O.Box 30--New Rochelle;NY 10802-0030---they care for basicallly children from many countrys around the world. I know most of their donations go to support there efforts. If I had that kind of money; first I would set up a foundation in my first name; I would then give partially to the 2 charitys that have already helped me out. #2) Paralyzed Veterans of America--7Mill Brook Rd.-Wilton;NH 03086-0908--They help Service people that need extra help because of there injuries. These charities have helped me out greatly and I will still give no matter what happens because (and this might sound odd to some of you) these charitys are partly my purpose because anything I give goes toward good. My needs are small compared to most people but I would also give to something you never heard of: [email protected] breed unique horses and use to have a yearly festival (but money dryed up for the festival)--I would change that. Ive always felt it was funny how when people get money (they always want to invest in something to get more money /headaches too)-Why not wisely invest it so you can live and enjoy life--give a little take a little? ) Whats so wrong with that plan ??
  • Fifty percent, with more leftover in my will as I haven't much family.
  • Fantasyland, ride the Dumbo flying elephants! How many of the people who answered would really do what they said they would, IF the impossible happened?

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