The kind that turns a profit
Zee G NDith
If you need help to grow your business. Please check my website.
A profitable one that helps people.
A profitable one.
Something you really enjoy and now possibly will be paid for.
Zee G NDith
Yes, It's true . Freelancing is the best. It's about passion and financial freedom
If I had the money, I would start an Insurance company. It the perfect business. People pay you tons of money and you never have to provide a service! Or a casino! people come in, spend all there money and walk out broke and again you didnt have to give them any real services. In all seriousness, I started an electronics repair service that specializes in iPod repair. I do all repairs out of my home, and have lots of spare time to spend with my kids. After all the paperwork was finished, it cost me less than $200 to get started. I turned a profit within 30 days! I'm not rich, but comfortable.
One that solves a problem or fills a need.
A food business.
Something that you are interested in. An Undertakers and Stonemasons, everyone needs one eventually I am afraid to say.
A cafe like a starbucks but a little more relaxed. Not a huge money maker but could be fun.
if you're in it for a profit go with a franchise
The best business to start is one that you love doing. You may not realize it, but you are already on the ground floor of starting your own business. Write down the ten things that you most love to do and then narrow it down to the one that would not just satisfy you financially but mentally as well. Once you know what it is that you love to do, and are good and talented at, concentrate on becoming an expert in that field and find out what it takes to start your own enterprise. If you like skateboarding for instance, find a job with a skateboardig retailer or manufacturer and learn everything you can about skateboards, from the physics of design to the retail end and so on. Invest in tools to manufacture your own custom skate boards and see if you can locate a large distributor to sell your product exclusively. This is just an example, success doesn't happen overnight, it takes years of applied practice and a lot of sacrifice and hard work. But you will get out of it what you put into it.
Do something you enjoy doing. I, myself, am about to start a computer consultation business for Mac, Windows, and Linux users. Wish me luck. =)
A profitable one.
Someone said a food business. I am a pizza shop owner of a small family owned pizza shop and I would never get in the food business again. There are very long hours and a lot of work involved in the food business. The people you meet and get to know are wonderful and that is what makes it all worth while. If you want to start a business, start something you love doing, something you will not burnt out on, and something where you can set your own hours.
Subway Restaurant is usually rated the #1 franchise for a startup business owner. After that, some other good ones are Chipotle, Public Storage, Embroid Me, FastSigns, Papa Murphy's Pizza - lots and lots of good choices :)
do something you love but others hate...
something you know how to do, you are emotionally balanced about, you already have connection in and potential customers ready to buy. something where the exit barriers are not high, the entry barriers are quiet high, best if it's cash driven (*chuckle* @ IRS), well something you can sell quickly that's pretty much it... of course other would think a start-up is better, having been through that I don't think so except if you can cash out quickly.
Heres what I'm doing....I buy tax lien certificates and tax deeds, they pay high interests and are not sensitive to the economy like stocks and bonds. I have no overhead expenses and needed no money to start. Either I get my investment plus interest and penalties or I will get the property I have the lien on. Requires lots of time to figure this out but its backed by the federal government and secured by real estate.
My first business was a lemonade stand. It ROCKED! I worked my own hours dipped in the profits anytime I wanted and at 50 cents a pop I was rolling in dough. Heh but that was 20 years ago.
The best business to start is one that you will enjoy, when you have fun doing your job; then success will surely follow. Do not get in to a business if you do not enjoy it.
Prostitution. You sell the product over and over but never run out of stock. :)
Monkey business;)
Something providing a needed service like plumbing, electrical, etc..
Something providing a product or service to the community that isn't currently available. A new idea or angle on a current idea. "If a man can write a better book, preach a better sermon, or make a better mouse-trap, than his neighbor, though he build his house in the woods, the world will make a beaten path to his door." -Ralph Waldo Emerson
This is not such a straight forward question to answer as it would appear......the overriding fact would be to ask yourself "What is it I want from a business" Firstly it shoud be one that you know something about. The most profitable businesses are not run by amateurs,I am assuming that you want to make a profit. A lot have said "Something you enjoy doing" this is ok if you don't necessarily want to make money. ....very few people who make a lot of money enjoy what they the same token very few people who enjoy what they do make money. i.e. I have been in business as a barber for over 40 years ,I really enjoy what I do but can think of far more profitable businesses. Wish you well in what ever venture you decide upon.
In my opinion one should follow his heart towards his business ....more importantly , its very easy to start any kind of business, but u should also know .....the easy was to quiet it ....write now i m stock broker ....but very soon i m gng to start a business which is totally unofficial ......and will satisfy my demand .....and i tell u 1 thing ....i m really happy with it ...... n enjoying every PAIN of my life ...........
anything to do with the health care industry
It depends on two factors: 1. Your passion 2. The needs of the people where you plan to set up your business. I think both should be present for any business to succeed. If you're passionate about something, but the people around you don't need what you're offering, then the business would suffer. In these trying times, "create a need" isn't a good strategy. People are actually cutting down on their consumption of even the most basic commodities. On the other hand, if people around you like your products/services but you're not passionate about them, then you would, most likely, give your customers a half-hearted service. That's something that wouldn't be good for any business in the long run.
Window Washing
one you enjoy!
Make sure that you know something about any business that you start, otherwise, you have to start AND learn the business. Also, please don't start a restaurant unless it's some kind of franchise. Restaurants have a 90% failure rate within the first year.
Money gifting is a great one. Let me know if you want more info try: http:/// Good Luck!
i think u should start up wit something u like and will get money out of it..
Right now? Can't think of anything until the economy improves or I'd make that move myself.
I started my own company at the age of 17 and became a millionaire by the age of 25. You want to start a business you will wake up to every morning and can't wait to get started. Without this type of passion you will never succeed. There are some very inexpensive and great businesses to start today especially in this economy.
Drugs, prostitution and porn are always safe bets
I started a business just doing things for people when they don't have the time. I have: - house sat - walk dogs - wait in line for tickets - dog grooming - personalize things - scrap booking a lot of fun and you make your own schedule.:)
The best type of business to start is one that you have passion for. Because at the end of the day whether you work from home, have a brick and mortar, do network-marketing, whatever it is you have to love it. Or you will quit. You must believe deeply, and be totally dedicated in order to be seen as a leader and be respected.
Whatever you do you must have a PASSION for it.
one that you're interested in and is amenable to your skills and abilities, and will make you the necessary profit you need to live and want.
Drugs - great demand!
The one you most like. Do what you love, and it won't seem like work. It also depends on how much money you have and the learning curve you need to have to run the business.
Funny business
the business which 1)you can run yourself 2) which is service oriented 3) which is consumeable 4) which is monopoly of your own
A state of the art gym
Network Marketing, can't beat it! it is here to stay and many, many are living lucratively!!! Time freedom cannot be bought, or brought back!! So you have to claim it, demand it NOW!!!
A war in the Middle East.
If you are talking about a business online, the best is writing content on a website, articles etc. and adding adsense ads to the pages. Choose a subject you enjoy and write, write, write. If you're not good at writing, you can write your articles like a list. Example: TITLE: 7 Ways To Make Your Mom Happy 1. Kiss Her On The Cheek When You Leave 2. Kiss Her On The Cheek When You Come Home 3. Eat All Of Your Vegetables 4. Brush Your Teeth Three Times Per Day 5. Wear Clean Underwear 6. Say "Yes, Mam" And "No, Mam" 7. Smile :) Article Copyright John Doe July 2007 Reprint Rights Granted - No Changes May Be Made Buy Mom A Great Mother's Day Gift URL Of Website Here Good Luck!
One that makes a lot of money!
Cleaning services.
pot growing business Quick grow done properly will yeild promising results And you will feel great for making the world better
a wedding cake maker you can make around $100-$500 a cake its a great business
Stationery business is well for now.....
There are different opinions you will get. But the best idea you would get on the dropship.ranktopfast. Here you will get all the idea about the best business to do online.
If you have experiences in gardening and landscaping.Its nice to start a gardening and landscaping company and serve at your local area for a start.
The traditional way of doing business has been taken over by the internet business. Internet business is working from home in front of your computer when, how and where you want. It is really flexible for your freedom. You can start with zero penny today. Its profits is immense and residual. If you like to learn more please click here and download our free e-book to learn everything you need to know. Cheers! Enjoy it!
Go for a franchisee of a local brand over there or if you can invest a good sum then go for an international brand.
Well first off it should be one that deals in something you LOVE LOVE LOVE.......only then will you devote your time/efforts to it........
Anything that is successful is a good start.
affiliate marketing is the best at your own time and financial freedom but you need learn the system or you can market done for you system.
I know a guy who does mobile tool sharpening in a van. He visits food prep places, garden centers, anyone who needs something sharpened. He is the only guy in the county doing it. He makes a killing on his own hours. I know another guy who does live plants for work. He does doctors offices, restaurants, any kind of office. Installs nice looking plants then visits once a week to water them. Only guy around doing this. And he makes a killing while making his own hours. See the theme here?
If you want to start a local business then you must understand the needs of the local area and accordingly start whatever needed in your area.
One of the best business in Local search engine, at beneficial work in the market area, so that low investment and good job for us, then my site is the best engine and various category available for example, Get the search by Plywood Dealers in Nagpur visit the site and share
Depends on what you can invest!
not sure, ive thought of doing something like that myself
Porn shop. high turn over few reruns good profit margin. If I were much younger I would find a good location and have a porn shop.
Different people have different preferences. First that you have to do is to look for common problems that your target audience have then start searching for solutions which are already available in the market. Choose the product or service that is marketable. If you are unsure, there are countless tools that you can find and use online in order for you to know the best possible product or service which you can easily sell. Good luck! If you need help, just let me know.
It certainly has to be an online business. It is 24/7 and sales comes in even while you are sleeping. Though starting an online business seems very challenging and most potential online entrepreneurs would certainly find it to be so. Here's the good news. It need no longer have to be that way. The solution has been found. You need to look no further from here. 10 Minute Cash System can effectively address that challenging situation and make starting an online business easy to understand and execute with very minimum cost. You don't even need to be internet savvy to do it as it is a proven global system that works for anyone, young or old, who enjoys starting your very own online business at your own pace and it can be done in a matter of minutes. You see further when you stand on the shoulders of giants. For more sharing on how to run a successful online business, be sure to check out the link in my profile, it is time for you to get rewarded as well.
There are so many businesses to start today, online or offline or both. • What you need to ask yourself is: • Do I have sufficient capital? • Will I be managing it? • Is it something I’m passionate about or as far as it makes you money it’s okay? • Do you want to start from scratch or purchase an already established business? Essentially, it all draws down to the answer you come up with and much more of course. If you intend to continue running an already established business you can actually purchase one as soon as you are ready. Business for sale websites such as, and (and many others) have people advertising businesses they need to sell. Run through them, see what interests you and check it out. These portals actually have best practices and processes to follow including legal intricacies to know and get prepared for to complete a purchase. Most vital though, the fact that you’re thinking about starting a business is excellent. Keep at it until you get something you can do and make money out of it.
The funeral business. Never a slow season.
Right now, a few drug kingpins has made itself accepted by most central and southern Americans as some form of political party or some such..
The funeral business. Never a slow season.
a funeral business
funeral services
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