• My cousen is staying here for a while I said to her when monkey gets here send him down the shed she asks why hes called monkey I told her because he looks like a monkey really his last name is monk. Then a big hairy greek bloke showed up. lucky ole mate didn't hear her say the monkey is here.
    • ⭐️Creamcrackered
      Lol!! Brilliant
    • ★Stevo
      it would of made a funy youtube video, How do I say to George I want you to dress abit more monkey like then we are going to call you a monkey and put it on youtube. another had to be there joke, He would probably chin me if I said that too him. Ill tell you the Lorry Bulldog story another time.
    • ⭐️Creamcrackered
      It would of made a great youtube or tick tok short. You tease, now I'm left wondering what the Lorry Bulldog story is.
    • ★Stevo
      When I was a kid my father worked with Lorry Bulldog for years he'd often tell us about his day which some times included the bulldog. Lorry didn't know he was called the bulldog, He did look like a bulldog, when I was about 13 my little sister and myself said hello Mr Bulldog, he wasnt happy the rest of the oldmans work mates cracked laughing. The oldman got the sack the next week.

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