• Mark 16:15-16
    • ⭐️Creamcrackered
      The original Gospel ended at 16:6-8.
    • bostjan the adequate 🥉
      Correct. I wish I could like your comment... the fact of the matter is that we do not have a single record of anything Jesus said contemporary with when Jesus lived. Instead, there are the gospels, which were written based off of some other sources that we do not know, the testimony of Paul, formerly Saul, who not only never met Jesus during His life, but persecuted early Christians. And Paul's teaching (a whopping 13 books) makes up more of the New Testament than any other singular source. The large amount of purported eyewitnesses to Jesus' ressurection were puzzlingly all silent about the miracle- everything we know about them, we get second or third hand from early Christians who wrote about the eyewitnesses, rather than from the eyewitnesses themselves. Perhaps the long gone original sources for the gospels were the eyewitnesses themselves, and perhaps there is good unknown reason why such important historical documents did not survive, but it all has to be taken on faith, or rejected on lack of faith, at the personal level. If you reject the Gospels, and they end up being true, you miss out on heavenly rewards, or, if you believe in them and they are wrong, you end up being a nutter, or, and this is the big one, if literally any religion other than mainstream Christianity ends up being right, you could be both a nut and burning in whatever analogue of hell the correct religion has. So, you can read them all- the Bible, Quran, Vedas, Book of Mormon, etc. I did, and they all sound completely insane to me. Genesis 1 and Genesis 2 have contradictory timelines for creation. So, not 5 minutes into reading the Bible, any sane person should already at least have questions, and, fast forward to the end of reading the Bible, you will not only not get answers, but you should have so many more questions, like: why did God tell Adam that if he ate the forbidden fruit that he would die within 24 hours, how would Adam and Eve know not to eat the fruit before having knowledge to discern good and evil, if they didn't know right from wrong then why would God punish them, why did people in Genesis live for hundreds of years, if Adam and Eve were the first people who did their son marry, why did an omniscient God feel regret for destroying the Earth in a flood, why did Noah and his daughters have sex, why are bats birds, why does it say rabbits chew their cud, why did people see God if no one can see God, how did Moses write the story of what happened after Moses died, why such weird rules about menstruation, ... , why did Jesus have two different human genealigies if He only had one human parent and why are neither of tgem traced through that one human parent... and on and on and on it goes. I promise you the Quran is no better- it has many of the exact same puzzles, along with a very bipolar-sounding swing in tone between murderous rage and peace. The Vedas is also full of goofy nonsense. But people need to believe in something greater than life and something beyond death in order to feel that their otherwise insignificant lives mean something, so, rather than go through the incredible amount of mental energy required to come up with a new religion, they glam onto one of the extant ones, and then, often times, place items they like about it a la carte, and schism off their own dogmatic variety from the main line. And on and on that goes, all fueled by faith, i.e. trust in their elders, and/or pretend to have faith in order to be accepted by the tribe, especially in cases common throughout history, where that tribe would literally torture and kill you if you were not a good little cog in the machine.
  • This link goes to an article about this topic. He did say at one point that He was sent only to the people of Israel, but He later instructed his disciples to go to all nations and teach them as well. One of the OT prophecies about Him was that "He would be a light to the gentiles". 1/23/24
    • ⭐️Creamcrackered
      I was told by a Jew, that Isaiah is speaking about the Jewish people ie "I will also give You as a light to the Gentiles." Not Jesus. Thanks for the link, Gospelnof John is my favourite Gospel.
    • dalcocono
      Welcome, I like John's gospel too.
  • Many passages can be used when the term, "Savior of the world" is mentioned. Jesus is the only one who can reconcile sinful humanity to God. In Judaism, they do not believe this. To His own He came and His own received Him not. But Jesus, the Good Shepherd said in John 10:16, He has other sheep not of this fold - (non-Jewish) that He must bring by hearing His voice and become one fold.
    • ⭐️Creamcrackered
      Alot of Jewish believers follow the Kabbalah, in that tiphereth is the sacrificial god man, representing the person practicing the kabbalah.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Kabbalah: "a Jewish tradition that is considered an essential part of studying the Torah." Another fruitless belief, filled with supposedly secret instructions on exploring God. Galatians 3:10 "For all who rely on works of the law are under a curse; for it is written, “Cursed be everyone who does not abide by all things written in the Book of the Law, and do them."

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