⭐️Creamcrackered"No way, get fxxked, fxxk off!" A feel good song, and live.
★Stevothe world is sterile now the young are missing out
⭐️CreamcrackeredMake you right.
Kari Jobe - Revelation Song: It's live and alive for an eternity. (Revelation 5:8-10)
She has a good voice.
John Cage - "As Slow As Possible"
Jeepers, that would get all the vermin out of my house, I'd want it to speed up exponentially. :-O -
bostjan the adequate 🥉
Napalm Death - "You Suffer" in that case -
Well if it was an atomic bomb in your area, that would suffice! -
bostjan the adequate 🥉
I love the part of the song where he shout "YO!"
"Seven Spanish Angels", by Ray Charles or" Evangelina", by Hoyt Axton are among my favorites. 1/10/25
Mello, smooth, like Seven Spanish Angels. -
Yes, there is another one I really like called "Golden City" by hillsong I think. "We shall meet in the golden city of the new Jerusalem," etc.
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