• What like Sharia law?
  • Different laws to each other? What kind of talk is that? I agree it would make sense if every country had the same laws. I've been wanting that for over 50 years now.
  • It's because each nation decides its own laws. * For all nations to have the same laws, we would have to have some world Authority that forced the governments of all nations to live according to the same one law...and (of course) that would probably be bad (see: authoritarian regime). * But think about it: if you were a Muslim living in Saudi Arabia, and 99% of people in Saudi Arabia are Muslims (like you) who believe that consuming alcohol is immoral, should you and your nation be forced to legalize alcohol like most other nations do? Does that serve the people of Saudi Arabia? * And the reverse is equally true. What if the US were forced to outlaw alcohol consumption, so as to have the same law as Saudi Arabia. We already know the results of such prohibition. Namely: organized crime quickly takes over alcohol production and retailing, and becomes very wealthy and powerful in the process. In other words: a very negative outcome for our society. * Different societies NEED different laws, to suit each society, to best SERVE each society.
  • Different cultures have different values. USA- freedom of speech (as long as you say what I want you to say), everyone gets a gun (but outlaw body armor), and freedom of religion (so long as no one is atheist, muslim, hindu, pagan, rastafarian, pastafarian, bahai, catholic, or buddhist). KSA- chop up the people who do crimes, like stealing, drinking, or being born female. PRC- execute more people than the USA, but never tell anyone what crime they committed or how many were executed. Europe- somehow don't guarantee freedoms like the USA, but also somehow be more free and have just as many eagles... but also taxes.
  • Because there is no central world wide authority to enact laws for the entire planet. 1/16/25

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