• 12/31/2024, "should of" is incorrect. "Should have" refers to a missed opportunity - an unfulfilled obligation. Logically: many people don't take pride in their writing 📝 like I do. 😁 I know if I make a mistake, I blame my Microsoft SwiftKey autocorrect on my mobile device, which sometimes changes/modifies words without my permission. I do edit my posts, because I like to post quality questions and responses. Of course, (when I was posting numerous questions). Nobody's catching up to me. To further touch on this question, I have noticed stevo, the AB'er write, "should of" in some of his posts. He is from Australia, and he will admit that using good grammar is not important to him.
    • Nosmo King
      None of that explains where they get "of" from.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Quote: "where they get of from" is bad grammar. Where they get the word "of" from is the correct wording, since "of" is a preposition word. By your remarks, you can't read well to understand that not everyone can write proper English. Also, I looked through your answers. Out of 588 answers you have given, they're all little ding-dong answers. Most of your answers are uneducated: "Huh?" Exactly what I thought.
    • Nosmo King
      I said "where they get "of" from". If you are trying to misquote me in the hopes of pinning bad grammar on me, then you are just confirming my growing suspicions that you are trolling me.
    • Nosmo King
      My "Huh" was there in reaction to yet another inexplicable misuse of an apostrophe. How would you have reacted to that?
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Your bad grammatical skills are showing again. Quote: "I said "where they get "of" from". You are supposed to put a comma "," in between said and where. Trying? I really do not have to try. This is too easy for me. Where do they get of from can mean many things by the usage examples. Where do they get the word "of" from means you want to know why some people write "should of" instead of "should have." I use the verb have as in possess, own or hold. To repeat myself, "Not everyone can write proper English."
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      As for, how would I react to the question in the link? Just as long as I can understand what the questioner is trying to ask, then it's all good. The questioner by the name of 'Aditya Sharma' must be an Indian immigrant who is living in the UK. It could be that schools in the UK are not teaching the user how to write proper English. ROTFLMAO
    • Nosmo King
      Who told you we are "supposed" to put a comma "," in between said and where? We didn't have that drilled into us in school.
    • Nosmo King
      Can you understand how anyone can use a preposition (such as "of") as an auxiliary verb? That will never make sense to me.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Who told me? My English teacher in which I got an A in English class. A comma is supposed to be used before you make a statement. If I was to use your sentence, the proper way is... "I said, where do they get "of" from." This is acceptable. But fhe most proper way is: I said, where DO they get the word" of" from?
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      And can you understand that "should of" is more than likely written by foreigners living in English speaking countries who cannot write proper English?
  • They're typing the way that they speak, which in this case is an error (grammatically speaking). It's mistaking "should've" (the contraction) for "should of". * There are lots worse things out there. My pet peeve is "prophesize", which I see used in movies and TV series that you would never expect to make such a glaring error in English (in contexts where "high English" is being projected by the actor or actress, and yet the supposedly well-educated character doesn't know that "prophesize" is not a word...)
    • Nosmo King
      How do they get "should of" from "should've"? I can see how they would get "should of" from "should'f", yet they don't write it like that. Why do you think that is?
      The two ("should've" and "should of") sound nearly identical in casual American English. The mistaken person who hears "should've" misunderstands it as "should of"...and so that's how they think of it, and that's how they write it as well.
    • Nosmo King
      In that case, why don't they write the abbreviation as "should'f"? I only want a logical answer to that question.
  • They do not have a sense of grammar. The correct way is “should have”. Those who say “should of” are not properly educated in the English language but there is always room for learning for anyone who would like to be taught proper English.
  • Because they write it like they say it, not knowing they are mispronouncing the phrase. Happy New Year. 1/1/25
    • Nosmo King
      Yet the words "have" and "of" are not pronounced alike. They don't even have any letters in common.
    • dalcocono
      People say "should'av" instead of should have, as though it's a contraction, so they then write it the way it sounds as pronounced
    • Nosmo King
      Yes, and "av" has an "a" sound while "of" has an "o" sound. They are not the same, are they?
    • dalcocono
      Close enough for a contraction. It's simply a mispronunciation.
    • Nosmo King
      Do people pronounce the word "avenue" as "ovenue"? Do they pronounce "ovulation" as "avulation"? I don't think they do, do they? What's the difference between that and "of" versus "have"?
    • dalcocono
      Some people even spell out "should of instead of should have. I saw a video recently where a UK fellow said "should'av." Regardless of the accent or pronunciation, it is an incorrect contraction of "should have".
    • Nosmo King
      Yes, but where did it COME FROM?
    • dalcocono
      As I said, it comes from a mispronunciation. There are lots of word that originated from mispronunciations.
  • Why does bad grammer bother some of you people so much? You must see it every day dont any of you receive text messages? If you dont know what the persons is talking about are you brain dead? Your life must be good if that is all you can find to whine about.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      I don't think the questioner has a good life, now that you can write more in one answer than all of the answers put together by the questioner. LOL
    • Nosmo King
      Why are you having a go at me, Jenny? I didn't think you were a troll when I first saw you on here, but now I'm beginning to wonder.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Nosmo, a troll? Sayyys you with your numerous sock-puppet accounts of, Urban Spacedork, the ugly boots baby, the big fat arse lady in pink leggings in whom she looks like Miss Piggy, Professor Yaffie-doo and more??? lol
  • "Should've" sounds almost identical to "should of" if you say it fast.
    • Nosmo King
      No, it doesn't.
  • 2/17/2025, you take too long to respond. I have bookedmarked this question you asked, along with others so you don't try to sneak one past me.

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