The main problem is the schools (education system) teaches the children truthiness whereas parents try to teach truth. Children have been indoctrinated into the ideology of the world. If you wish to learn more about this read the book "The Eclipse of God" by Erwin Lutzen in Part 2.
A child internalises and mimicks their parents by nature, as a means to learn and survival, as young children they are a blank state. Parents don't knowingly see themselves as forcing something on them, but since they are the carers of a dependent infant, that infant will have to learn the way of the parent to both survive and navigate the family unit.
All (decent) parents do this...whether it's teaching "right from wrong" or religious beliefs or social customs ("norms", "manners", etc.) or whatever. * Of course they do so because they think it best for their children! * It might be a cause of stress in some adults...but I don't know why that would be any more of a "cause of stress" than any other teaching from any other source.
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