I often tell people they are brain dead and Im sick of wasting my breath explianing to you how it works. I wasted half an hour the other day telling a stupid wog how the tv areail in his caravan was wired and why it was done like that then it goes on to tell me how he thinks its wired I did trace the wiring and show him the diagram to how it was. then a couple of days later the stupid wog comes back wanting us to make it work. The first thing I said to it the first time was we do not work on caravans why I spent 1/2 hour tracing and explianing how it was wired to him.
Sometimes it isn't worth the effort Shadow. If a person cannot be bothered to understand, why bother trying? It's a way if sorting out who is worth your time and who is not. Most people are self oriented, and project how they think on to you, it actually has nothing to do with you.
Shadow Of The Mind
True. I agree
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