my mates were shooting deer at the farm I visited this afternoon. not when its vermon or food I can eat
Shadow Of The Mind
How does it make you feel to hear an innocent deer being killed? -
its vermon for a start cant say Ive ever thought about I thought about eating it.
In general, I realise the only constant is death and taxes, the latter may end up causing the former. It depends on the distance that person is related to me, or the tragedy of the loss, ie how the person or animal died. I was devastated when I lost my grandfather, as I couldn't imagine never seeing him again, faith can provide so much, but death is raw at the time, and final, he died of cancer. There is never enough time on this planet with a loved one. I was also heart broken at my animals dying, not so much if it was old age, but when tragically taken from me was traumatic. However, I can have empathy for a friend who has experienced a loss, but it doesn't affect me as much as my own. Watching the flooding in Spain upset me, even though I'm not related, because it's tragic on a large scale. Seeing cruelty to animals also upsets me. It's all about context.
Shadow Of The Mind
I’m sorry to hear about the loss you experienced. Like yourself, I am affected by the flooding that happened in Spain. I also get upset when people are cruel to animals so you are not alone with that feeling.
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