Yeah! Welcome back! 7/19/24
Linda Joy
Hey there you! I remember you! You and your wife know plants! You have been seasoned with time to near perfection! -
Hehehe! Where you been so long? I thought you might have eloped or something! I hope you weren't in jail or anything like that! -
Linda Joy
I got mad at AT&T for jacking their internet up to $! So I quit the internet. -
Well dangit! No wonder you been out of touch. You must have ironed out the problem though. -
Linda Joy
Yeah I finally figured out how to use my free government phone, that I got after mine quit, as a hotspot and I can use my laptop off of the hotspot. My laptop still has tabs open to pages I forgot the passwords for. -
That's good. Do you get enough data to use the internet as much as you want? Or do they limit you to a small amount of data. -
Linda Joy
I'm pretty sure it's limited. It does the sit and spin thing, but I just do something else while I'm waiting on it. After all, what do you expect for free? I stream Tubi all day long sometimes. And now I can even do stuff on my phone while my laptop is sitting and spinning. Other people might "need" more, but I prefer free. -
We had a lightning strike knock out our internet for hours awhile back, and I used my phone for a hot spot and it was even better and faster than my regular internet!
YES...You were missed!!! I got worried after sending you an email & getting NO response. That's one of the drawbacks of the internet. People disappear never to be heard from again. WELCOME HOME!!! 😁🥰👏👍
Linda Joy
My computer remembered my passwords so I didn't. When I let the internet go my phone quit charging and I had to get a new one.
Yes, glad you're back, how are you? What's been happening?
Linda Joy
I got an electric scooter (urban scooter, not a mobility scooter) and then wrecked it, but I'm ok and so is the scooter. What have you been up to? -
Excellent Linda, you riding your scooter sounds great, I'm waiting to move, had a tough time last couple of years, certainly learned a lot.
Welcome back Linda apploglies for declaring you dead I didn't think you could leave AB for that long.
I remember that post. I'm glad you were wrong about that! -
so am one of those times its good to be wrong -
Indeed! -
Linda Joy
thats the universal dudding system that does that Australia does it also .
Linda Joy
I guess you would know!
Yes, welcome back! Where have you been?
Linda Joy
Taking a break, thank you! I missed this place, too.
Hi Miss Linda how you doing ?
Linda Joy
I'm still alive, which is more than I expected. I'll be celebrating 5 years clean and clear of cancer in January! Woo hoo! Good to see you're still counted among the living as well, my friend! -
Wow! That's a milestone! Congrats. -
Linda Joy
It means the end of monitoring for a recurrence. I guess cancer is most likely to return within the first 5 years. Yes it's a milestone for sure! -
Glad to hear, congrats Linda, you go girl!
Yes I do..
Linda Joy
I don't recognize your name. Maybe it's because you don't ask questions. Or did you change your name?
Glad to see you are okay.
Linda Joy
Good to see you're still here!
Linda Joy
Hey! How have you been? What's going on with the fam?
No, I don't miss you because today I'm new here.
Linda Joy
You mean this is your first day on Answerbag. I was called the new kid all my life but I wasn't new. I was still just the same old me. -
Thank you for joining us Haditjan!!! You feel familiar. -
Yes, I mean this is my first day on Answerbag and thank you very much, majik-1
Where did you disappear to this time? 10/5/24
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