Many people have no morals. Father less boys never get told the unwritten laws of our world. The same appiys to girls when their mother is a slut not a lady they are never taught how to be ladys eirther. To control society low morals are essential otherwise the I cant do that its not the right thing to do would come into play often. Sorry for being so crud ,.
everyone blokes knows a dogboy, dont let him in your house he will try root your wife . Id be pretty sure lots of ladys dont allow certian women in their house for the same reason -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Good answer and certainly good advice.
Too many get married because of lust and lasciviousness. when the lust wears off, they have little in common and no love to base their relationship on. Before someone marries another make sure Yashua is full involved in your relationship and His love has made you and the other person truly love one another.
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