probably a lot less liars and far fewer peadophiles. Many peado's goto church so the priest will say they are of good character so they can stay out of prison.
Jenny The Great ⭐
Thumbs up for stopping by. Priests? Uhh, forgive them Lord, for they do not know what they say. Let me get this straight. When you say, "a lot less liars," this means there will still be some liars in the world, even without Religion. LOL -
of course there still will be liars.I'm probably bias as Ive been fueding with the local rockspider arh priest for the last 8 years -
Jenny The Great ⭐
I couldn't care less what priests do and say. The bottom line is, you will keep hearing lies. So it is a moot point. -
I dont care what a priest say's when its a rockspider is the problem I have with them. Some of them must be good people I just haven't meet a good one in a long long time. I ve tried to believe a few times in my life. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
I don't listen to priests. I'm a Non-denominational Christian. This means I have as much freedom as you do to seek the truth.
There would be less psychological damage and more freedom to think for oneself instead of getting brainwashed by some mind controlling people. There would be less violence because some people in the world kill in the name of a character in their imagination. Violence and religion are connected. Without religion there would be less stress because religion is stress related that the religious believer is unaware of. Without religion, people would be more in tune with the natural world and with emotions instead of engaging in fantasies becoming insensitive to others in the process.
Jenny The Great ⭐
I don't see how your remarks answer my question, cause I feel 0 stress when I read the Bible. Psalm 23 proves to Christians that when life difficulties arise like (the waves of the ocean, we are led to still waters). Also, I am very tuned to the natural world. As for killings, "you shall know true Christians by their fruits." (Matthew 7:16) Now to speak of fantasies, what exactly is a fantasy about Christians? I can prove whatever it is you need to know. -
Shadow Of The Mind
You asked how the world would be like without religion and I have answered it. I’m just saying how things could be like if there was no religion. My answer is relevant to the question. The bible was written by people with an imagination. There is no physical evidence whatsoever in what the bible says. There are people in some parts of the world who kill in the name of their “god”. What physical evidence do you have to support what you say instead of all words? Whenever a religious person is asked to prove their religious claims, they usually mention the bible but that is just a lame excuse because it’s just a book and not physical evidence to backup what they say. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Your answer doesn't speak for me or for 2.4 billion Christians. Why? You are presuming to know how we live our lifestyles. If the Bible is inaccurate, then why is everything that is happening in the world mentioned in the Bible and not in any other religious book????????????????????? You want physical evidence, here it is: frequent earthquakes, hurricanes, tsunamis, Covid, pestilences, famines, Israel's rebirth, Russia's expansion in Gog and Magog, China becoming a top economical player in the world, microchips, cashless societies and many more prophecies are being seen. -
Shadow Of The Mind
All those natural disasters you mention has nothing to do with the bible. Every natural disaster that everyone knows of is nothing religious. Whatever goes on in the head of religious people has nothing to do with earthquakes, hurricanes, tsunamis, Covid, pestilence and so on. Whatever bull$hit a religious person believes has nothing to do with me and not my problem. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
The natural disasters and Covid are specifically found in Luke 21:11... Luke 21:11 "There will be great earthquakes, and in various places famines and pestilences. And there will be terrors and great signs from Heaven." Hurricanes and tsunamis... Luke 21:25 "And there will be signs in sun and moon and stars, and on the Earth distress of nations in perplexity because of the roaring of the sea and the waves," See? It's all logic I'm using. Do you think the people from thousands of years ago who used their "imagination" as you say to write the scriptures from Genesis to Revelation had a lucky guess on predicting the future? The year is 2024 in the present. Can you predict what will happen in thousands of years from now??? Simple question. -
Shadow Of The Mind
Natural disasters have been happening before humans came into existence. If you are saying the bible mentions all these disasters, that means the people who wrote it have mixed facts and fantasy together in one book. Anyone can write things like that. They knew certain things that go on in the real world such as the disasters you mentioned and then use their imagination to write the rest of a fictional story. This fairytale bible mentions plagues and diseases but does not have the word Covid mentioned. As I said, the bible mixes facts and fantasy together in order to confuse the reader. I can not predict the future and nobody can. Plagues and diseases have always been and will remain on Earth. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
But in this modern world, climate change is increasing ocean and atmospheric temperatures and causing higher sea levels, which in turn can increase the frequency, duration and intensity of natural disasters. How do you answer to natural disasters occurring frequently as the Bible explains? Where exactly are the fantasies??? Just the passage of Luke 21:25 is already telling you the world is "distressed." Quote: "Anyone can write things like that." Bring the people who can write what will happen in thousands of years from now to these comments. That's right, there are none. LOL -
Jenny The Great ⭐
You have not answered my question because you don't have a divine inspiration. Not even in 2000 more years, being in the year 4024, you have no idea what can happen. And that's if humanity is still around, cause (evidently), climate change is the biggest threat to life on Earth. It could not be luck of the people who wrote the scriptures and predict what will happen in our time. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
As for the word "Covid," it does not have to be in the Bible. By definition, "pestilences" are infectious epidemic diseases that are virulent and devastating. -
Shadow Of The Mind
The bible is bull$hit and natural disasters have occurred before humans came into existence. The fantasies I speak of is religion itself because there is no such thing as religious characters floating in the imagination that you have read in the fairytale bible. As I said before, the bible mixes facts and fantasy together. People who believe in the bible are fools because they believe in this piece of fiction and can not prove their point in their claims because they are gobshites. Of course I do not know what will happen in the future and the same for everyone else. People who supposedly tell the future are just guessing so sometimes they can be right and other times they’re wrong. I know the facts about pestilences and diseases. The people who wrote the bible used their imagination to write it. If you think outside the box more, you won’t be as confused and get with reality more. Religious people who spend time on cloud nine are deluding themselves and victims of mind controlling people who have brainwashed them into becoming religious which is a fantasy. Religious people can not prove their point in their “god”, devil, jesus, heaven, hell, purgatory, angels and demons just to name some of the imaginary characters. It’s the same as saying there is an Easter bunny, santa and tooth fairy when in fact these characters are for children and for some adults with an immature mind. I’m not stopping you from whatever stuff you believe in because that is not my intention. I’m just pointing out. That’s all. If my words are not being heard properly, that would be the problem of the person who does not want to listen. If that’s the case, I’m just wasting my time typing these words. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
The Bible can't be what you claim, since you have not disproved any of the prophecies that speak of the end of times. The end of times means "the destruction of the world." Quote: "natural disasters have occurred before humans came into existence." But once again, climate change causing sea levels to rise wasn't an issue before humans came into existence. See it for yourself: -
Jenny The Great ⭐
That's what I thought, you or nobody else are certain of the world in the next couple of thousand years. The characters of the Bible predicted the future 2000 years ago and beyond. They're letting me and other Christians know what will happen in the present time. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
I can also prove the existence of God, Satan, Jesus, Heaven, Hell, angels and demons, which by the way, there is no such thing as "purgatory." -
Jenny The Great ⭐
It is not about stopping me about what I believe. You said in part of your answer and in your comments that religious people believe in fantasies. The subject we are discussing right now are natural disasters. We got pestilences out of the way, as there is no denying that they mean viruses. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Before we move on to the other subjects of God, Satan, Jesus, Heaven, Hell, angels and demons, (which you brought up), I want to know, what is a fantasy about natural disasters occurring at a faster rate, just as the Bible foretells? -
Shadow Of The Mind
The bible is not what you claim either. The bible is letting you know what lies it has to tell. The bible says a lot of things that are not true and clouds facts with fantasy. There is no physical evidence in the religious characters I brought up. With any real historical person, there would be documentation to prove they exist. There is none whatsoever in your “god” and “jesus” characters. Although natural disasters are real that are witnessed by people and people getting into accidents over them, that has nothing to do with a fairytale bible. There is nothing religious about natural disasters occurring at a faster rate. Everything that is natural in the world has nothing to do with goes in the imagination of religious people. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
The Bible is exactly what I claim - an accurate book that is saying what will happen in this modern time, and how should I prepare myself. There are no lies in biblical prophecy. Everything the Bible foretold and continues to foretell I am seeing it with my own eyes. The Bible spoke too about the April 8, 2024 eclipse: -
Jenny The Great ⭐
It just cannot be a coincidence. The end of humanity is coming to an end. Logically with the way things are going in this distressed world, all hell can break loose at any moment, being that greenhouse gases are potent. You only need small concentrations to get a big effect. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Quote: "There is nothing religious about natural disasters occurring at a faster rate." Do you even know what climate change is or do you have any idea of sea levels rising??? Answerbaggers can see how badly your reputation is getting ruined. LOL This deserves a huge *Facepalm* -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Revelation 11:18 says judgment comes on those who are destroying the Earth. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Quote: "There is no physical evidence in the religious characters I brought up." Oh, the religious characters you mentioned are seen everyday in the world. Pick one. I'll give you physical evidence. -
Shadow Of The Mind
The bible is full of bull$hit and lies. An open minded person would see that. The bible says a lot of things most of which is fiction but since you don’t understand that, that would be your problem and the same for other religious people. Humanity will only end if Putin sends the satan 2 bomb into the ocean and if that hopefully does not happen, humans will be around for many centuries to go. I know very well what climate change is and I am aware of sea level rising but that has nothing to do with religion. Religion is what goes on in your head only. You just want me to be ruined and that’s not going to happen. Your words do not ruin me. If you want my reputation ruined, that makes you a psychological bully. The words you recite from the fairytale bible means nothing but it would only mean something to someone who is brainwashed by a book. If religious people get their head out of that damn book, they would be able to think for themselves but that will never happen. The religious characters that religious people see is all in their imagination. They want those characters to be real because they are living a delusion with an immature mind. There’s no point talking religious to me because what goes on in your mind is not my business. Everyday in the world, someone is getting brainwashed to be religious. All I see in this world is the sky, clouds, earthlings (some of which have mind problems due to psychological damage), the ocean, the beach, mountains and technology that people create. Nothing more. That is called reality. Any sane person would tell you the same thing but you obviously don’t want to hear what I say when I’m pointing out that religion is all in your head and nowhere else. That’s nobody else’s problem. You’re not going to change my mind on this topic because I’m not affected by religious bull$hit. If you think you can make me believe in the fairytale bible, it’s not going to happen because I do my own thinking. There is no point talking religious nonsense to me. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
The Bible is full of BS? That's an emotional feeling on your behalf, and not a fact for misunderstanding the scriptures and not reading my comments properly. You have no idea what it is to be open-minded, now that the Bible predicted that natural disasters will only increase based on climate change. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
You also don't have any idea of what the Bible entirely says, since you have not read it. You think you know, but again, you are sharing your emotions. You have not disproved anything that you think it's fictional. I'm trying to find out myself what is fictional of the Bible predicting natural disasters in this modern world when in fact like I told you , the prophecies were written thousands of years ago. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Other religious people? If you search other religious books, you will not find anything on end of times prophecy. Epic fail, cause you have not read other books from different religions to have the slightest idea what they say. *Double Facepalm* -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Quote: "Humanity will only end if Putin sends the satan 2 bomb" What a coincidence that one of Russian's most powerful bombs is named Satan by which he represents hellfire. That's not how the world is going to end though. The Battle of Armageddon will bring the end of the world. This is when Israel finds itself surrounded by armies of millions trying to annihilate Israel by Revelation 9 that shows all together, the "kings of the east" of a mass army of 200 million. The countries that hate Israel from the East are Russia, China and North Korea to name the most powerful countries of the East. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Quote: "humans will be around for many centuries to go" You are dreaming, WW3 can happen at any time under Putin's time in power. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Since you say you aware of sea rising level, then you should know climate change is increasing natural disasters by mankind destroying the world with greenhouse emissions. Quote: "You just want me to be ruined and that’s not going to happen." It already happened when you failed to acknowledge climate change affecting the world and the judgment coming upon those who are destroying the Earth. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Psychological bully? Look again and see who asked the question above. You came to me, and imposed you knew how I and other religious people live our lives. Calling the Bible a fairytale is yet again emotions you are expressing. Emotions are not facts. You cannot disprove the Bible by calling it BS or a fairytale. I'm here to find out, what's so fantasizing about the Bible predicting natural disasters happening in divers places as Luke 21:11 says? "Divers" does not mean that there will be earthquakes happening in swimming pools. Look up the definition. It means diverse places, different or various places. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
BTW, you have not told me any of the characters you mentioned you would like to get physical evidence of. Pick anyone. You spoke of seeing the sky. Another fact is: there is only so far the human eye can see in the sky when the heavens are mentioned. Which is why, you can't be sure what's beyond the sky. *You fail again* -
Shadow Of The Mind
It’s not an emotional feeling on my behalf. I’m just saying how things really are which you can’t accept. That would be your problem. Of course I know what it is to be open minded. You think you can win over anyone who has a different mindset to you but you can’t win over in me because I stick with my reality. Emotions are short with religious people and a lack of empathy on their part because their minds are on cloud nine shut off from other people’s perspectives. It’s a big IF that there might be a WW3 because Putin could change his mind or someone could get rid of him to end his reign of terror. I don’t have to read about religions because I’m aware of people with mind problems who have their head stuck in a book. Everything it says is bull$hit, confusion, contradiction and lies. I acknowledge climate change affecting the world and I did not deny it. I know the bible is a fairytale which you can’t acknowledge. Emotions are very real within everyone and it takes insensitivity to deny that. What’s beyond the sky is the atmosphere and beyond this world are the planets and stars. You want me to fail because you want to break me down and that’s not going to happen. Stop talking religious to me because it’s stupid and you think you can win over me. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Everyone can see how emotional you are getting to discuss these religious subjects, simply because (you are cussing all over these comments). This is something your school teacher or your parents should have taught you to have some manners. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Yet again, I do not want to know of your emotions, but in what fantasies am I believing. I am as open-minded as any person you can think of. What you're saying is not convincing me to identify what is so fantasizing about the scriptures saying natural disasters will increase in the last days. Any scientist will tell you that climate change is destroying the world due to as the Bible said it clear, humanity is destroying the world. Those are 100% facts. The reality you supposedly speak of is beyond scientific studies. *Triple Facepalm* -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Religious people's minds are clouded? It's the other way around, since I am a versatile person. Again and again, you fail to speak for me and other religious people. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
There are no IF's if WW3 will start. It actually already started silently with China producing the man-made Covid virus. Then with Russia invading Ukraine, and the surrounding Arab countries trying to wipe Israel off the map, it is just a matter a time before the US and NATO get involved directly. WW3 as everybody knows will be a nuclear war, being there are 12,119 nuclear warheads in the world. Boris Yeltsin announced his resignation on December 31, 1999, and made Putin the prime minister. Turn the year upside down. The number is another biblical prophecy of 666. Where is the BS in the Bible you speak of? There's no fairytale about it, I keep seeing prophecy after prophecy being fulfilled. It gives me a reason to believe. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Quote: "beyond this world are the planets" What a hoax, I have not seen Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune or Pluto with my own eyes. Now this is BS. You have more faith than me to believe other planets in the solar system exist. LOL Too easy! -
Shadow Of The Mind
I’m not emotional towards religious delusions. I do not want to know your religious delusions the same way you do not want to know about my emotions. Anyone can say they are open minded including those who are not really open minded because they are deluding themselves. You believe in fantasies such as anything religious. You just don’t know how to stop talking religious nonsense to me and if you think you can change my mind, it’s not going to happen. Natural disasters are a fact but your fairytale bible clouds facts with fantasy which you don’t realise. I know very well about climate change and people destroying the planet. I don’t have to read a fairytale bible to know that. I keep myself informed through the news and nature programs on television. At least my head is not stuck in a book and that I explore things by myself instead of being part of a pack of religious gobshites who are brainwashed into believing rubbish. I do not speak for religious people. That’s what you assume. If WW3 already started, I would not be alive because all of Europe would be destroyed. Everything about the bible is bull$hit that you are dumb enough to believe in since it was written by people with an imagination who cloud facts with fantasy which you are unaware of. You don’t realise you destroyed the online friendship we had because you go against everything I say. What a dumb thing to say about planets being a hoax! It’s a scientific fact that there are planets in our galaxy. It takes ignorance to deny that. Planets can be viewed by telescopes and by satellites connected to computer networks. You have not seen any planets because you’re so glued into your fairytale book. You say you are open minded but you have not taken your head out of that damn book and explore other things that exist outside of yourself. If you don’t plan to look into a telescope or computers connected to satellites to see other planets, that’s your own ignorance to deny the existence of other planets. It’s not a matter of faith to know they exist. It takes awareness which is completely different to faith. I don’t want to hear anymore religious bull$hit coming from you so please stop that. You can share your religious views with others like yourself. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
You are being emotional, closed-minded and now, delusional to speak of other planets. Let's keep this discussion reasonable, just as I am doing by providing facts on biblical prophecy based on climate change, what is happening in the present and what will happen anytime soon. Anyone can say they are open-minded, but you can't believe everyone until you get to know what they are about. Which is exactly why I'm telling you I am open-minded, being that I'm versatile to discuss and learn about many subjects, just as long as they make sense. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
I believe in fantasies? I can be a broken record too like yourself by repeating myself and telling you it wasn't luck that the men who wrote the scriptures were right on the dime when they spoke of natural disasters increasing in our time, and how climate change is the cause. This is not religious nonsense as you claim, only 100% facts. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
You know very well of climate change? Nope, cause you fail to understand that judgment comes upon those people who are destroying the Earth. I'll keep repeating myself to know, and I really want to know, how is it fantasizing to believe in everything I am seeing with my own eyes? Natural disasters increasing is something the news doesn't stop talking about. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
You don't have to read the Bible to know of the natural disasters increasing, since the difference between us, I know what is going to happen in the world, even before the news announces it. I'm already far more steps ahead of you, now that you don't know what is going to happen in the nearby future or what awaits you if you did not live to see another day by your depression: -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Your suicidal questions: -
Jenny The Great ⭐
And I won't be surprised if you are diagnosed with autism: -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Depression, suicide and autism causes a person to be so messed up in the head. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Oh, WW3 has not literally started. It is a silent war that China unleashed to weaken the world's economies. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
I'm not destroying our friendship. I simply asked a question about how the world would be without Religion, and you attacked me by saying religious people believe in fantasies. Maybe other religious questioners will not respond to you, because most of them are not active on this site. But I'm active, this is why I defend my religious views. Stop playing the victim about Answerbag adding a blocking feature, cause again, you came knocking on my door. Too funny! -
Jenny The Great ⭐
There are no other planets in our galaxy. If they were, they would be visible. Telescopes and satellites are altered. Once more, you have more faith than I do. Like Thomas the disciple said between the lines, I will not believe if I don't see the physical evidence with my own eyes. ROTFLMAO -
Shadow Of The Mind
It is not delusional to see other planets in our galaxy. You just don’t want to get your head out of that stupid bible and actually do things to make discoveries. There is a reason why telescopes and satellites exist in order to observe space. To say that no other planets exist is completely delusional and ignorant of scientific facts. You are highly confused and any religious weirdo has difficulty differentiating reality and fantasy because they are so preoccupied in their head and can’t get their minds out of books such as the fairytale bible that you are so obsessed with. There are plenty of other things to do in life instead of getting brainwashed into being religious. Obviously someone did wrong to you by messing with your mind through mind control and you’re unaware of it. That’s what makes you religious. Religion is stress related because the religious person has been brainwashed to be that way. If you think you can change my mind with your religious talk I don’t want to hear, that’s not going to happen. You are ignorant of scientific facts which is typical of all religious people. It is not a reasonable discussion even though people know me in the real world as being reasonable. It has been said to me by many people. It’s just you that’s being unreasonable because you make it difficult for me to have a proper conversation with you due to ignorance. Autism does not cause a person to be messed up in the head. That is an ignorant thing to say because of your lack of understanding in people who are different to you. You know how to give me a hard time with some of your comments. You just don’t know how to stop. Have you ever tried understanding people with autism? Obviously not. Autism is difference. See a person as to what they are able for and not their disability. If you can’t do that, it’s your own ignorance. I simply answered your question which is a relevant answer but since you have been commenting under my answer, it’s been nothing but ignorance and trying to put me down which you have not succeeded with. You can defend your views and I defend mine. Obviously you and I are completely different and that’s why this conversation is not reasonable. There is no door for me to knock on on Answerbag. We may be on the same webpage but we are not on the same page if you catch my meaning. Of course there are other planets in our galaxy. I have seen some of them through an advanced telescope many years back. Seeing is believing. You call me delusional because I mention other planets in our galaxy but you just go against everything I say and that’s your problem. It’s not about faith to know about scientific facts. It’s about knowledge and exploration which is something you don’t do. Science will always win over religion because it’s factual. You think you can get the best of me but that’s not going to happen. I stick with my scientific views and you can believe other things all you want. I’m not stopping you. As I said, you and I have different views on certain topics so just leave it at that and stop bugging me about it. I never mentioned the word suicide and I would never think of harming myself so you misunderstand that question I asked a while back. What makes you think I have depression and autism? Those questions were NOT about me so you have it all wrong. I was referring to other people in general. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
It is delusional to speak of other planets that are not physically seen. I have my eyes on the Bible, knowing everything it is telling me I am seeing with my own eyes. Satellites and telescopes are government inventions. They are designed to make people believe there are other planets and also aliens. That's a hoax. No fantasies about me, just 100% facts. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Plenty of things to do in life? It is ignorance to presume to know me. I have traveled around the world. Have you? Who did wrong to me? You have no idea what you're saying. It only proves how lost you are. You also don't have any idea about Religion. I do not go to church by the way, so you are only making things up. Can I change your mind? A Christian's duty is not to change people's minds, but to spread the seed around. In other words, preach. If you cannot change, then keep in mind that there could be other people wanting to be saved from the judgment that comes upon the Earth - all thanks to you for giving me your time in which, it is a win-win for me. :D -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Unreasonable? Everything I'm saying is crystal clear. I discuss one subject at a time so an understanding can be reached, rather than throwing up words for grabs like you. I don't know how to stop? That's because it is also my duty as a Christian to address people's remarks who are skeptic about religious matters based on 1 Peter 3:15. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
I sense that you are suffering from autism with various personalities to keep yourself happy. You simply answered my question? Then don't whine and complain on the Answerbag homepage by asking about a blocking feature. It's not happening anytime soon. You want to defend your views? Be my guest. I haven't even got comfortable yet. Knocking on the door is an idiom to call someone out for a discussion. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Knowledge and exploration means facts. You have never seen or been to other planets. Therefore, you are delusional. LOL -
Jenny The Great ⭐
You are asking questions about suicide, because you are depressed. Those type of suicidal questions should not be asked on this site. Get professional help instead. -
Shadow Of The Mind
It is delusional to deny other planets. That is like saying there are no stars and no moon. That’s just stupid talk. I know there are no such things as aliens out in space because people who believe in them have their heads in sci-fi movies. You just stick with your fairytale bible which you want to be real. You stick with your views and I’ll stick with mine. You and I are not having a proper conversation. I do not need to know you personally to know that there are plenty of things to do in life. I was pointing out “plenty of things to do in life” for me and nothing to do with you. I’ve been to some countries during my life. Someone did wrong to you psychologically to make you religious but you refuse to believe in anything I say. You just don’t want to listen to what atheists say regarding a topic such as this because people like you are switched off from atheists who try to make a point that you don’t want to hear which is intolerance. I’m not lost. I know very well where I am which shows you know nothing about me. You make assumptions about me that are wrong. I don’t make things up. I say how things really are which you don’t want to hear but that’s your loss. I know that religion is a delusion in the mind that people have created in their imagination for centuries and brainwashing others such as yourself among others. Since it is not your duty to change people’s minds, why do you keep talking religious to me when you know I am a non-religious atheist. It is not a win for you. You think you can win over me but that will not happen so quit bugging me with your religious talk. Most things you say are not crystal clear because they do not make sense not even to a sensible person. There will never be an understanding between us on this topic. What makes you think I have autism? I only have one personality like any other sane person. I’m not a skeptic on religion. I’m just not affected by that bull$hit. In other words, anyone who defends their views will have to put with you going on and on not giving up. When someone tells you to stop going any further in a conversation, do you keep at them or back off? Obviously you don’t know how to back off because that’s what bullies do. Nobody has ever been to another planet. Don’t sound like a fool. As I said before, I have seen a few planets through an advanced telescope or did you forget I said that already? I never said I was suicidal and I never will be. I don’t need the type of help you think I need because you don’t know me. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
It is delusional to believe in other planets. Oh, the stars and the moon exist alright, no doubt about it, since I can see them. I agree that your remarks are foolish. There are no such things as aliens, just like there are no such things as other planets. It is government propaganda so people can believe in such things. You do not have an argument to present what you find a fairytale about the Bible. A reasonable conversation is to be open-minded and exchange views in a civilized manner, rather than to bring up your emotions that are filled with vulgarity and hate. Quote: "I do not need to know you personally" Then you are throwing words up for grabs like I said, pretending like you know me and other religious people's lifestyles. LOL -
Jenny The Great ⭐
You've been to some countries? Does going to some countries speak for you or the different personalities you have due to autism? BTW, at least be proud to capitalize "Atheists." You are lost. You have no idea what you believe in or what you are saying, cause now you're saying you don't make things up by which you have been playing the victim all along. Linda Joy and other AB'ers have told you that all you do is play the victim, as you whine and complain too much. LOL -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Why do I keep talking to you as an Atheist? Besides spreading seed around, that is also because you have been making me laugh recently with your victimized personality, your outcries and all your planet nonsense. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Everything I say is crystal clear. Since you cannot understand any of it, you are the perfect example of being closed-minded. You have multiple personalities, and it shows by... 1. Pretending to be smart. 2. Funny at other times. 3. Feeling victimized. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Not that I care, but different personalities is to also have multiple Answerbag accounts. One for each personality. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
You haven't seen Jack when it comes to other "supposedly planets," since I can also say I saw a unicorn through an advanced telescope. ROTFLMAO -
Shadow Of The Mind
It is delusional to deny other planets. So you’re saying science books and programs have it wrong. That’s complete bull$hit. You sound foolish in your remarks but obviously you don’t realise how foolish you sound because you think you’re right about everything. Nobody is right about everything all the time. You are wrong to say some things about me. You want to be right but you’re not really. I know the bible is a fairytale because it’s called common sense which you know nothing about. I know very well about having a civil conversation. I have been told by some people in the real world that I am civil and that’s how I am aware of it. It’s just not a civil conversation with you because you go against everything I say. I don’t pretend to know you and other people’s lifestyle so you have that wrong. You often misunderstand things I say and that’s mainly the reason why this is not a civil conversation. No country speaks for me. I have one personality like any other sane person but you think wrong that I have multiple personalities. You’re so wrong. You are not my psychiatrist and don’t know me personally so you are not in a position to say such things about me that is not true. I’m not lost. That’s the second time you said that. I know my own mind which you have no clue about. I don’t make things up. I see things as they really are and not how things should be. You don’t know my mind. Only I know that. Each person has their own mind which they are entitled to either keep to themselves or share it and quite often when people share their minds there can be arguments and conflict with others. I choose not to be a victim so you are on Linda’s side with that which is the wrong way to go. I refuse to be anyone’s victim so you have it wrong. Your denial of other planets is nonsense and ignorant of facts which is foolish. Everything you say is not crystal clear. I understand reality and facts. As I said, you don’t know my mind and it’s not for you to know. It’s not like you’re going to understand anything I say and I don’t know why you resume with this uncivilised conversation. I’m telling you now to back off and leave me alone and at least respect differences but you don’t and that’s your problem. I have now confronted you about it. A victim would find it difficult to confront with someone who is giving them a hard time. I can see why many people have left Answerbag because of people like you that does not know how to keep the peace and not respect difference. If you think you respect differences, how about knowing when to stop being a nuisance? You are not in a position to tell me what kind of mind I have. At least I listen to different people who voice themselves. I’ve had to listen to religious bull$hit for a long period of my life in which they never provided physical evidence in their claims they initiated. Being unconvinced by what they say through common sense, I realised they have mind problems just like you so you are among loads of other religious gobshites who can’t prove their point. The problem I encounter with religious people is that they don’t know how to listen properly to atheists because they are so involved in their own head rather than think outside the box. Part of being open minded is to properly listen to what others have to say about certain things and knowing when to make sense of things. I only have one account on Answerbag and I don’t have more than one personality. You sound pathetic saying that. You speak of unicorns which the same can be said for all those religious characters you stupidly believe in. You obviously have never looked in a telescope to observe space and you probably don’t plan to. Your plan is to have your head stuck in a book and rely everything it says rather than see things with your own eyes as to what physically surrounds you. -
Shadow Of The Mind
An open minded person would know how to observe things with their own eyes without getting the wrong ideas and wrong interpretations by not getting involved with the subconscious mind. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
It is delusional to believe in other planets that cannot be seen. Science does not favor Religion or Atheism. It simply proves what is visible to the human eyes. It is BS to believe in planets you have not even been to. I agree that you sound foolish for trying to get me to believe in planets I am unable to see. Therefore, you do have more faith than me. LOL -
Jenny The Great ⭐
When you say nobody is right about everything, it also includes scientists who do not have all the answers. They are still working to discover more things. The Bible is based on common sense. You have no idea what it is to have a civilized discussion. Not that it matters anymore, because my goal now it to entertain myself with your silly behavior and fairytale beliefs. You are implying to know me and other religious people's lifestyles. You have no idea what religious people are about. You do not have one personality. I have proven that you have multiple personalities from the disease you are suffering from. Oh, I have studied psychology, so Yes, I know what is true about you. Once again, you are lost, being you are adding nothing more but your emotions. You have been making up a lot things in the present and in the past to make yourself feel victimized. I'm not on Linda's side. We never liked each other, but since I am almost everywhere on Answerbag, she is right for telling you to stop whining and complaining. LOL -
Jenny The Great ⭐
I made it simple, if I can see all the planets in the solar system with my own eyes, then I will believe. I do know your mind well to point out your errors. Leave you alone? What are you blind now? You are in my question, and like I mentioned, you are my guest who came to me and attacked me. I could not care one bit what you say to other religious people's questions, but I do care on this subject, since I'm asking the question about a world without Religion. People are free to leave Answerbag. Nobody is forcing no one to stay. Another huge *Facepalm* -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Keep listening to religious matters, simply cause you came to me. I have proven many times already why it is I believe in the Bible that is giving me all the answers I need. You are thinking outside of the box by your emotions and failing to prove that other planets exist. You have multiple Answerbag accounts, and it's really not that I care, but to show you that you are suffering from autism. I've looked in far more expensive telescopes than you can think of, being that I got into astrology a while back, and no other planets are seen. You live in a fantasy. LOL This is really too easy! -
Shadow Of The Mind
It is delusional to deny other planets that can be seen by telescopes. Since you don’t bother discovering space by not observing it with technology available, that’s your problem. I’m not trying to get you to believe. It’s up to you to use your awareness and use the technology available. It’s your choice to ignore scientific facts by having your head in that stupid bible of yours. As I said before, it’s not about faith. It’s about knowledge and awareness so stop repeating yourself to me because I do not listen to stupid things from stupid people. The bible is based on imagination and not common sense the way you think. I couldn’t care less what you think because anything you say goes against everything I say. I know very well to have a civilised conversation with people since they have told me in the real world. It’s not a civil conversation with you. It’s just you which you are not aware because of your ignorance which I’m trying to make you aware of but you won’t listen to what I say and that’s your problem. You can entertain yourself all you want over what you concoct in your mind about me but it’s not true which you fail to understand. You have fairytale beliefs because you’re a religious weirdo. You are ignorant towards atheists and to anyone with a different mindset. People are naturally different with the way their minds work. Some will be involved in their imagination like yourself and others who are more in tune with the natural world by not having their heads stuck in a book with an awareness of surroundings. I’m not a victim like you think I am. You don’t know me in the real world therefore you don’t have a clue about me but you make false assumptions about me by saying I have more than 1 personality. You are not a psychiatrist who can diagnose me for having more than 1 personality. You sound ridiculous saying that. You don’t know my mind at all. You think you do but it sounds like you’re a psychological bully who has intentions once you want to get inside someone’s mind. You can’t get inside mine because I think for myself. Just because I ask you to back off does not mean I am blind. I answered your question like everyone else but it’s just me you’re having a go at which you don’t realise. My main answer is very relevant to the question but you’re just going on and on at me. I do not need to listen to religious matters just to suit you because I’m not brainwashed to be a religious weirdo. You can believe in your bible all you want but you can’t make believe what you believe in because that would be the same as forcing your views which is being a psychological bully. Why do you keep thinking I have more than one account? You’re deluding yourself to think I have more than one account. You are lying by saying that. It’s you who lives in a fantasy because you are in a world of your own and not able to challenge yourself by not getting a reality check. A reality check is what you need and someone to burst your bubble but you don’t listen to me and that’s your problem. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
It is by no doubt delusional to believe in other planets that are not visible. Telescopes are altered. Unless I see other planets, it as easy for me to say I will believe. There's no scientific facts about other planets, it is an illusion. I couldn't also care a bit what you think about the Bible. 2.4 billion people believe in the Bible, so your opinion is meaningless. It is about faith to believe in other planets. Foolish people? You are speaking for yourself. You cannot prove the Bible is based on imagination, now that the men of the Bible had a divine inspiration to predict the future. You have no clue of a civilized discussion. Ignorance? Keep asking yourself that. LOL -
Jenny The Great ⭐
My beliefs are 100% facts. Think again to see who is the weirdo who believes in other planets, and then brings up the stars and the moon to make it seem like you have an argument. Your argument is weak, and of a kindergarten level. I am open-minded to Atheists and all people. You are involved in your imagination for failing to prove the existence of other planets or even have plans to visit those planets. Yes, you are playing the victim. Mostly everyone on Answerbag knows it, so keep deceiving yourself. Therefore, everything I say about you is true. You have various personalities. I am diagnosing your autism disorder. You think for yourself? You don't look like you even think at all. LOL -
Jenny The Great ⭐
No, you did not answer my question like everyone else. You came attacking me, thinking you can slide one through, but you didn't. By no means am I brainwashed, since I reject cults. You are not important on this site, so it doesn't matter if I believe you have multiple accounts. Do get a reality check and stop asking questions about depression and suicide. Get professional help instead. -
Shadow Of The Mind
It is delusional to not believe in planets that can be seen through telescopes and it is delusional to deny science books that mention the planets in our galaxy. It’s not an illusion like you think in your own imagination. Your opinion on the bible is meaningless to me so I don’t care what you say about that. There are many people that don’t read the bible because they have heard enough of unconvincing religious weirdos like yourself. It is not about faith to know that there are other planets you fool. People in the real world know me for being civilised so you don’t have a clue about me. It’s only what you concoct in your mind about me and assume wrong. It’s just with you that this is not a civilised conversation because you’re the problem which you don’t realise. You think in your mind that your stupid beliefs are 100% facts but they are not really. You are very confused because you don’t know how to differentiate reality and fantasy which is typical of religious weirdos. Think again who is the weirdo who believes in a fairytale bible and goes on and on with stupid religious talk that doesn’t make sense. You are not open minded towards atheists otherwise you would not have created an uncivilised conversation with me and going against my views. An open minded person is not ignorant towards the views of others as long as they make sense in what they say. I’m not involved in my imagination unlike you. I don’t play a victim. That’s just what you think. Just yourself and Linda has mentioned it on here - 2 religious weirdos with the wrong ideas about me. Everything you say about me is not true. That’s just what you want to think in your dumb head. You know nothing about me personally and you are not my psychiatrist so you are not in a position to say I have multiple personalities which you’re so full of $hit and you are not in a position to say I have autism. Only a certified psychiatrist can do that to the patient in person so you are totally in the wrong you dumb broad. You don’t have a clue how I think because you are not in my head. You’re just a person behind a screen who likes to try to put me down mentally with your words but I remain strong in myself. I use my own words in an answer the same way that makes different people’s answers diverse because there are users on Answerbag with different ways of answering a question from each other but sometimes a person’s answer can be similar to someone else’s. You say I’m attacking you but you’re attacking me by saying bad things about me such as telling me I have various personalities which I don’t, thinking you can diagnose me which you’re not in a position to do so and saying I’m delusional according to the points of view I articulate. You are brainwashed to be religious. You don’t have to be part of a cult to be religious. A family member or someone outside of your family brainwashed you to be religious and that religious weirdos are vulnerable in the mind since somebody got to them through mind control. Mind controlling people exist in the world unfortunately and spreading their religious bull$hit on to the weak minded. You say I am weak in my argument but you have a weak mind because you have allowed someone to mess with your mind in order to be religious. I think you want to put me down mentally with your words because you’re a psychological bully and you are unaware of that. You are not important to me either and you are in the wrong to say I have multiple accounts. You don’t have evidence to prove I have multiple accounts. I only go by one account called Shadow Of The Mind. You are being ridiculous to say I have multiple accounts. It’s you who needs a reality check because you’re a religious weirdo. I do not need the type of help you think I need. I never said the word suicide and I didn’t imply it either. You misunderstand that question I asked a while back. You can go f*ck yourself when you think I need professional help. You don’t know anything about my life and business -
Shadow Of The Mind
71 comments later and you’re still at me. Quit bugging me you bully because that’s what you are. You just don’t know it because it’s never been said to you but since these words are coming from me, you don’t want to listen and that’s your problem. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
It is certainly delusional to believe in other planets that have not been seen with the human eyes. The same people who claim other planets exist are the same people who also claim aliens exist. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Your opinion on the Bible is meaningless to me and to all the Bible believers in the world. There are far more Christians in the world than Atheists. Also, Google it. You have faith to believe in other planets. I know well-enough about you to say what it is true. I am being civilized in these comments, since you don't see me using me bad language all the time like yourself. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
My beliefs are 100% facts, based on what is happening around the world, which is seen by the human eyes. You are the one who is confused badly for believing in other planets you have not seen and will never go to. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
I am open-minded towards Atheists, being that I made it clear, I will believe in other planets if and I say IF they were visible at sight. Your imagination is made up to try to fool people. You are playing the victim as usual. Linda is right when she said all you do is whine and complain. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
I do know plenty of your personality and your personalities. A common problem in diagnosing personality disorders in autism is that those experiencing the consequences aren’t able to analyze their behaviors enough to recognize them as personality disorders. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
There are different users on Answerbag who answer differently, but once they are picking fights, then they are going to get a fight. You attacked me in my question. You should have known I was going to see your answer. It is the same for other questions about Religion I ask. If you've answered them, and I haven't addressed your answers, then I have not seen them, but eventually I will get to every answer when I see them. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
I'm not brainwashed to be religious, since I don't believe in cults, and no one brainwashed me, as I became a believer at an older age. Yet again, don't presume to know me or other religious people. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
A weak mind? Ask yourself that for believing in fantasies. LOL -
Jenny The Great ⭐
I don't expect to be important to you. It's what I do on this site by sharing numerous posts that makes me popular. As Linda also told you, she was only answering your questions because no one else hardly would. She left this site, and I started answering your questions, cause I felt sorry for you. Now that I can stop answering your questions because you do whine and complain a lot as Linda said, you can also keep asking those questions of why many of your questions are unanswered. LOL -
Jenny The Great ⭐
You have multiple accounts - 3 that I told you about. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Reality check? Continue to ask yourself that. Again, stop asking those questions about depression and suicide. Finding professional help is the best thing you can do. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
71 comments is nothing, since honestly, I still have not made myself comfortable in these comments. :D -
Jenny The Great ⭐
You are bugging me in my question, so I am defending my beliefs. If you don't like receiving comments from me, then you can see yourself out of here and go answer other questions, were most likely religious people who are not active will not say anything to you. Think again to see who has a problem. -
Shadow Of The Mind
It is certainly delusional not to believe in other planets that scientists have discovered with the use of technology and mention the planets in science books. By thinking that these scientists are wrong means you’re ignorant of facts. I know there is no such thing as aliens out in space because that’s just science fiction for the movies. I told you before I have seen other planets many years back through an advanced telescope but you are not my eyes. I know what I’ve seen so you’re in denial which you don’t realise. You are not open minded towards atheists otherwise you would you would not be uncivil towards me and go against my views. You’re an idiot. You are not a doctor assigned to me to tell me that I have more than one personality. You’re not certified as a doctor to diagnose me so get off my case. You just don’t get it and you assume wrong. I don’t pick fights. It’s you who is against me because you go against everything I say. -
Shadow Of The Mind
If you felt sorry for me you would not be going against what I say in this uncivil conversation since you and I are completely different and different ways of thinking. Prove that I have multiple accounts and I will tell you if it’s me or not but I know for a fact I have signed up to this site with one account only. You are going against me by not listening to what I say when I tell you I have only one account. You don’t listen to what I say and that’s your problem. I never said the word suicide so you can think all you want when you’re in the wrong. As I said before, you misunderstand that question. Professional help? That’s just what you think but you are not in a position to tell me that. You say you are not comfortable yet in the comments. The definition of an online bully is to keep at a person by putting them down mentally and you fit that definition. If you know someone who is depressed you would not be putting them down mentally with your words. Your words go in one ear and out the other for me. You are bugging me with these comments. You can defend your beliefs but don’t take them out on me but since you’re doing that, it makes you a bully which you’re unaware of. I’m entitled to be on this website and I see why some people have left because of someone like you. Think again who has the problem. That would be you towards me. I don’t like receiving comments from you so give it a rest and respect the peace but you don’t do that because you are a nuisance to me. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
It is positively delusional to believe in other planets that are nowhere to be visible like the moon and the numerous stars. You are cherry picking your beliefs by believing in other planets and denying the existence of aliens. It is ignorant to believe in one thing and deny the other thing, now that there are also books about aliens. You have not seen other planets, you are deceiving yourself. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
I am totally open-minded to Atheists, since it shouldn't be difficult to see other planets if they actually existed. I also gave your answer a thumbs up for taking the time to answer my question whereas, you are closed-minded for not RATING answers that do not suit your needs. That's why I am popular too, since I rate every answer, whether I agree with users or not, just as long as I see the answers. I am a psychological expert to know about your fantasies, what you're suffering from, your multiple personalities and anything I have yet to find out about you. You don't pick fights? Now you need glasses, being that you can't see well to know that you came to my question picking a fight. Put on your glasses and go check that I asked this question about a world without Religion. Questioners have the right to defend themselves. And again, what you say in other religious questions by different religious people I do not care a bit. But once again, you came to me. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
I could also not care a bit how you feel, especially by your vulgarity and your sensitivity of feeling victimized. I am as open-minded as it gets, knowing I am versatile to participate in all subjects. I already proved you have multiple accounts... the shadow is blocking your way of thinking account, the hulky account, the vampire account and surely the bosty account and more than likely other accounts. Your grammar is similar to all those other accounts. Not that I care, as it is your problem. Your questions ask about depression and suicide, and also being seen differently in society, feeling rejected, the victim and the list goes on. Most Answerbaggers who are active know this already. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Now you said if I knew someone who is depressed, I wouldn't be belittling them. This also shows you are referring to yourself. Really, get professional help. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
You are bugging me in my question, so deal with it or move along, and stop asking questions too about blocking people. Very silly how you pick a fight, and then you cry with your pitiful questions of blocking people. I pitty the fool. LOL -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Keep asking yourself to know who has the problem. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Give it a rest? Again and again, you came to me. At least stevo and Creamcrackered did not come to my question attacking me. A word of advice: do not pick fights with religious people, especially if they are active and everything in your own little world will be peaceful. It is as simple as that. -
Shadow Of The Mind
It is positively delusional to deny other planets that can be seen through telescopes. I don’t cherry pick anything and it is not ignorant of me to know about other planets that scientists know of and yet deny aliens. At least I know how to differentiate reality from fantasy because aliens on other planets are for sci-fi movies that are not real. You don’t have my eyes and I know what I’ve seen so I’m not being deceived like you think. You are not open minded towards atheists since you go against my views. I rate a lot of answers on Answerbag and you don’t know what answers I give a thumbs up to. You’re not a psychological expert. You’re a failure for thinking you can diagnose me since you’re not a certified psychiatrist assigned to me so think again. If you’re really a manager of a children’s mental health centre, you would not be saying things about me that are not true. Any professional manager would be more respectful than you. You can think all you want about these multiple personalities you think I have so continue to be in a world of your own and speak where the sun doesn’t shine. -
Shadow Of The Mind
You say that questioners have the right to defend themselves but so does anyone who answers the question because they are sharing their views which should be respected but you don’t do that. I don’t feel victimised and you are not open minded as it gets otherwise you would be listening to me which you don’t. You have not proven I have more than one account. This hulk, vampire and bosty user you speak of are not me just to confirm. There are people in the world whose use of words are similar to each other but does not mean they are the same person. It is not my problem that you think I have more than 1 account but you don’t know what you’re talking about. You are not in a position to tell me to get professional help because you’re not a certified doctor to tell me that. It is you who is a fool for saying things about me that are not true. You bug me with your comments and you don’t know how back off which is your problem. You don’t know anything about respect and keeping the peace. I don’t pick fights like you think. I share what’s on my mind without the intention of fighting. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
It is without a doubt delusional to believe in other planets. They cannot be seen by telescopes. You are cherry picking for believing in other planets and deny aliens. It is a fantasy to believe in other planets that scientists by means of the government speak of them in documentaries to deceive people. Sci-Fi movies are just an delusional as other planets. You have not seen what you think you saw. Therefore, you are delusional. I am open-minded towards Atheists. If you can't provide the proof of other planets, and especially since I can't see them, then there is no reason to believe. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Nope, you don't rate answers like I do. You only want to rate what suits your needs. Which is why you are closed-minded. I am a psychological expert, and I have diagnosed your problems. Don't worry about my job profession. Worry more about what is being said in these comments. Where the sun doesn't shine? Now the sun, just like the moon and the numerous stars exists. The last time I looked at an observatory telescope, I was able to actually see countless stars, but no other planets. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Anyone who answers questions has the right to defend themselves? Then there is no reason to whine and complain. Don't think you can come to my question and attack me, and expect me not to say anything in response. You always feel victimized, now that Linda, me and other Answerbaggers know it. Being the cry baby of Answerbag shows it. LOL -
Jenny The Great ⭐
I have proven that you have more than one account. You are those other users, as it clearly shows. It is not important though, since people who have multiple accounts makes this site seem like there are more active users. You absolutely need to get professional help, being that every AB'er knows your questions speak about depression, suicide, being the victim on Answerbag and why many of your questions go unanswered. That's why any answers you can get, it is because users feel sorry for you. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Respect? I only respect the users who are respective. stevo and Creamcrackered did not attack me. They wouldn't appreciate if I stopped by in their questions and I attacked them. They would want to defend themselves too, just like I am doing in my question. Anyone who wants to attack me, they will get ridiculed and look like fools. You want some more? Bring it. I'm too strong. *Muscle Flexing* -
Shadow Of The Mind
It is without doubt delusional to deny other planets that can be seen with telescopes. You just haven’t explored enough. I’m not cherry picking like you think. I know the difference between reality and fantasy so don’t tell me what you think goes on in my mind. If you think you can get inside my head that would make you a psychological bully but that won’t happen since you are someone behind a screen who knows nothing about me assuming the worst. I know what my eyes see. You are not my eyes so you are deluding yourself to think I have not seen other planets through telescope. If you are open minded towards atheists this would be a civil conversation but it’s not. You don’t know which answers I rate so you don’t know what you’re talking about. I have a right to defend my views the same way you do but since we are different this uncivil conversation will get nowhere. It’s like talking to a brick wall so no side will win. It will be neutral. You have not proven I have more than 1 account just because you mention other users. That means nothing. I don’t need the help like you think. As I said you’re not a certified doctor to tell me such things. I’ve been told by people in the real that I am respectable but you don’t know me in person and assume the wrong things about me. -
Shadow Of The Mind
You perceive me as an attacker but you are wrong and misunderstand me. People who see others as a threat when they’re not is being shallow minded and unable to see true intentions. I defend myself from the likes of you. You are the only 1 on Answerbag who enjoys having a go at me because you’re a bully and you don’t know it. I do not want more and I should not have to put up with you. You sound pathetic by saying “muscle flexing”. How ridiculous! You’ll just keep on going until you feel better by trying to break me but that will not happen. I will defend my views just like you’re doing. This is getting nowhere. You don’t know how to get away from me by continuing to be a nuisance which you fail to see. Since you’re a manager of a children’s mental health service you would not be putting others down mentally and that means both children and adults. I don’t know you as a person but you show unprofessionalism by trying to break someone down. It will not work on me though. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
It is without a doubt that no planets have ever been seen with the human eyes. Telescopes are altered. I've explored a lot in astrology, and I have never seen any other planets. You are cherry picking your fantasies. I already know what goes on in your mind. I know plenty about yourself to say you believe in fantasies. Your eyes have been lying to you. I am very much open-minded. You have no idea what a civilized discussion is with all your cussing. It only further proves that you are too emotional. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Oh, be my guest and defend your views. You are in my question. I'm not going anywhere. You have multiple accounts that me and mostly every AB'er is aware of now. Being respectable is to not attack other people. I made a couple of examples of stevo and Creamcrackered who also answered my question. You threatened me on my question by presuming to know me and other religious people's lifestyles. That's 2.4 billion Christians you presume to know. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Your defense is weak, since you keep playing the victim. Break you? Let's see how long you last with me. It is funny that you are counting comments. Keep counting them. :D -
Jenny The Great ⭐
I only put deplorable people down, as they are the worst people in society. I doubt if you have friends. LOL -
Shadow Of The Mind
It is without doubt that planets have been seen by me and by astrologers. You have not explored enough. You don’t know everything that goes on in my head and whatever your intentions are to know what goes on in my mind, it’s not good because you will try to take advantage. That won’t happen with me. I don’t cherry pick anything. It’s you in a fantasy because you’re a religious weirdo. I know what I see with my eyes that don’t lie. That’s just what you think. I know very well about being civil. People know me in the real world for being civil. This is not a civil conversation because you go against everything I say. I don’t have multiple accounts you idiot. Mentioning other users names is not proof and just because they use their words similar to mine doesn’t mean it’s me. I should know the 1 account I created so stop lying about that. Being respectable is to not give someone a hard time and keep the peace which you don’t do. I don’t presume to know people’s lifestyles. I should not have to last with you, you bully and that’s what you are. You just don’t know it. It’s never nice to put anyone down even if you think they are deplorable. I have 2 jobs working with people and I’m accepted by others. Just not by you. I have some friends which you are unaware of since you’re someone behind a screen and not with me personally. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
It is without a definite doubt that no other planets exist. You have never seen any other planets, as they are an illusion. I know what goes through your head, as what is going through your head is manifested in these comments. You are deceiving yourself with fantasies. I'm taking advantage of any of your delusions by mentioning them. You are cherry picking your beliefs, simply because other planets and aliens are both science fiction. You have never seen or gone to other planets to actually know if aliens live in them. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
You don't know what it is to be civil, as your vulgarity and your emotional expression has been known in these comments. You have multiple accounts that have also been known to the active AB'ers. They will not be honest and tell you about it, cause they do not want you to feel upset. Answerbag has lost many users, so lots of sugar-coating goes around this site to get users to stay. Keeping peace? You can't keep peace when you go around attacking religious people like me and others and expect us not to respond. Some simple common sense: do not attack religious people, especially if they are active and you will know what peace is. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
You have 2 jobs? I'm not saying you are jobless, but being in indifferent from everyone else leads to not having friends: I can understand why you are judged, knowing you just don't fit it. LOL -
Shadow Of The Mind
It is without a definite doubt that planets exist. It is not a delusion like you think just because you haven’t explored space enough. I do not need to be on them to know they exist. All it takes is observing. You don’t know what goes through my head. You think you do. It is psychologically damaging for someone to want to know what goes on in someone else’s head. If you’re really a manager of a mental health centre, you should know better than to try to get inside someone’s head. I know very well that aliens on other planets is just science fiction because that is for the movies. I know how to differentiate reality and fantasy. You’re clueless as to what goes on in my head. You think you’ve got in there but you haven’t because I don’t see you in person since you’re behind a screen elsewhere in the world. I know very well how to be civil. People in the real world know me as being civil so you have the wrong idea. At least I can express myself. It is human to show emotions. You are short on emotions and insensitive but that’s your problem. If I have multiple accounts I would say it but I don’t so you don’t know what you’re saying. Some users have left here because of someone like you that draws others away from the site. I have peace within myself and anyone can create their own peace as well. Unfortunately with people like you, you don’t know about peace because you like a fight. I try to avoid you but you keep at me which is bullying. The point I was getting at with my jobs is that I work with others who accept and respect me. It’s you that has a problem with me. You go against everything I say. I have many friends. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
It is without a certain and definite fact that no other planets have ever been seen. It is a delusion to believe in other planets and deny the existence of aliens. You have never seen or been to other planets to know exactly if aliens exist or not. You have no idea either what it is to observe. It is cherry picking to believe in one science fiction fantasy and deny the other. Again, don't worry about my profession, as it is better to worry about what is being said in these comments. If you know aliens only appear in Sci-Fi movies, this is an epic that fails, being that you don't know what other life can be in places that have not been discovered. *Another big Facepalm* -
Jenny The Great ⭐
I know exactly what goes on through your head. See me in person? Now you're making threats. I'm shaking now in fear. LOL -
Jenny The Great ⭐
You don't know what it is to be civil. Cussing all over these comments and expressing your meaningless emotions is not acting civilized. At least you can express yourself? Yeah, as the victim who demands sorrow. LOL -
Jenny The Great ⭐
You can't be trusted, knowing that everyone knows you have been playing the victim ever since you joined Answerbag. Again and again, Linda made it well-known that you always whine and complain. I have been seeing it for myself, just as every other active AB'er has. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
You also do not have an idea of peace. When you come to Answerbag and you pick fights with religious people, then you are going to get a fight. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
The point you were making? It's not about making points, but by keeping it real. You have friends? Fantasy friends don't count. LOL -
Shadow Of The Mind
You are not my eyes so you have not seen everything that I have seen. It is not science fiction fantasy that there are other planets like you think. You are so dumb. Of course I know what it takes to observe. I have eyes and I use them. You are not in a position to tell me what these things. You don’t have a clue what goes on in my head. What am I thinking now? Thought so. I’m not making threats when I say you have not seen me in person. You’re being ridiculous. People in the real world trust me. They have told me many things I keep to myself. If I see a bag of money with nobody else around I give it to the police. That shows I’m trustworthy. You don’t know me and you don’t have a right to say I can’t be trusted. I should know my friends in the real world you idiot. I don’t have fantasy friends since I’m not much of a person for imagining things. You think wrong about me so get off my case. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
I did not also say I was your eyes. Learn to read. You have never seen other planets since they don't exist. They only exist in your fantasy. It is not dumb at all to claim other planets are an illusion for the fact that aliens do not exist either. I am in every position to tell you what I know about being true as I have said. What you are thinking is the same victimized feeling to even go out on the Answerbag homepage and cry about it. LOL -
Jenny The Great ⭐
I couldn't care less what you look like in person, so look who is being ridiculous for bringing it up. What you do with a bag of money is your problem. LOL -
Jenny The Great ⭐
You are not trustworthy at all, you only say it to escape the mess you are in. Name calling doesn't even help your case either. You can talk about the fantasy friends you too believe in. LOL -
Jenny The Great ⭐
BTW, do not think other users are supporting you. If they did, many of your questions would not go unanswered. I'm too adroit for anything you have to say. You are just too easy! -
Shadow Of The Mind
You do not have to say you are my eyes. Read the sentence again and read ahead to catch my meaning. Obviously you didn’t catch my meaning. I have seen planets that do exist. In your delusional mind, they don’t. You are confused between facts and fiction. It’s a scientific fact that other planets exist but not aliens that are part of sci-fi movies. You don’t know the difference and you don’t understand what I’m saying. You lie about me concocting in your mind what you think you know about me which is false. You don’t have to know what I look like in person. You don’t know me because you never met me in person and make lies up about me. You think you’re right because that’s what your mind wants to tell you but you don’t have a clue about me. Everything you say to me is lies and ignorance. You don’t know your own ignorance. The only mess I got myself into is getting involved in an uncivil conversation with you. That’s nothing to do with me being trustworthy. You don’t know me as a person therefore you are not in a position to tell me I’m not trustworthy. How would you know what friends I have? You don’t have a clue because you have never met me in person and I wouldn’t want to meet you. -
Shadow Of The Mind
Just to prove you wrong about me having multiple accounts: -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Once again, I did not say I was your eyes. Make yourself clear is what you need to do. You have never seen any other planets, as they only exist in your fantasy. If they actually existed, at least one of the supposedly planets out of 9 should be seen with my eyes. But they don't exist. You are confused, since it doesn't make sense in your science fiction fantasy to believe in other planets and deny the existence of aliens. You have no idea what you are saying. You don't know exactly if aliens really exist, now that those made up planets have never been explored by humanity. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
The heck do I care what you look like in person. You shouldn't even have to speak of what you look like to begin with. I'm right because I like anybody else can see the moon and the numerous stars, and so can 8,019,876,189 billion people. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
I do know what goes through your head, as your beliefs are based on fantasies and emotions due to the autism personality disorder. You got yourself in a mess for coming to my question and picking a fight with me. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
You are not trustworthy, simply cause everything you say is based on playing the victim. Made up friends do not count. LOL -
Jenny The Great ⭐
On the link, Wolf and crackers are the same person. He knows of your multiple accounts, but he is not the type of person who goes around upsetting people, because he likes to make AB'ers feel welcome on this site. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
stevo knows your outcries are BS. So stop whining and complaining, especially on the Answerbag homepage. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Whereas hulky, keep deceiving yourself as the link doesn't mean Jack. LOL -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Is that the best you've got? Too easy! -
Shadow Of The Mind
Obviously you didn’t catch my meaning when I’m telling you again, you can’t get inside my head because psychological damage is usually done in person and you have not met me in person. Think about what I’m saying before you think of saying something stupid like “you shouldn’t have to speak of what you look like”. I never said anything about what I look like. I can see the moon and stars myself but with the right technology I can see other planets which you deny because you’re a fool. You don’t know what goes through my head because you are not on my side of the screen. You are in another part of the world you idiot. Real aliens are an unknown species in undiscovered parts of the Earth. The definition of alien is an unknown species and not like what goes on in the movies. You initiated this fight. I answered your question the same as 2 other users but you pick on me to have a go at. You’re a total b1tch with no right to tell me I’m not trustworthy. You don’t know me like you think you do. When you meet someone in person that is when they can be judged to know if they are trustworthy or not. The link I provided shows there are people on my side that shows you are wrong. You sound like a fool and an idiot for telling me lies about myself and for getting the wrong ideas. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
It is not about making catch phrases, but about making yourself clear in which you cannot. I'm already in your head, since I'm not going anywhere like I told you. Anything you say, I will use it against you. I don't need to meet you person. What you need to do is find real friends so you can stop telling me to meet you. LOL -
Jenny The Great ⭐
I already use an avatar of myself in animation. Try uploading your face if you want people to see what you look like. You can't, because you hide behind your screen. ROTFLMAO Too funny! -
Jenny The Great ⭐
I very much agree that we can all see the moon and the stars. If at least one supposedly other planet was visible just like the moon and the stars, I will be convinced then to believe the possibility of other so-called planets existing. But no proof, since neither of those fantasy planets are seen. I already know what goes through your head. You make up fantasies and you play the victim. You said it yourself that aliens are unknown species, and that's because scientists do not have all the answers. A conclusion cannot be made unless those supposedly planets are explored by in person. I initiated the fight? Wrong again, you came to my question attacking me. You wanted a fight, then you got yourself a fight by which to me it is rather entertainment as easy as you are. Name calling means nothing to me. This only further proves you cannot be trusted, now that children name call people. I am as strong as steel, so it is not easy to get to me. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
You are dreaming on the link. Nobody gives a you know what about you. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Tattle teller, wahhhhhhh! -
Shadow Of The Mind
You are not in my head you fool. Only psychological bullies like yourself try to get inside someone’s head. I don’t see you inside my head you complete dope. It is you against me and not the other way around you bully. That’s exactly what you are which doesn’t occur to you. I have real friends outside the internet so don’t tell me otherwise. You sound like an idiot because that’s what you are and you don’t know it. You think you can get away with saying the things you do such as the lies about me and trying to put me down. It’s people like you that drive some people away from this site without realising it. Other planets are not fantasy. That’s what you think because you haven’t explored space enough with the technology available. I don’t make up any fantasies like you think since you assume wrong. There are parts of the deep ocean that have yet to be explored where unknown species have yet to be discovered. Name calling has nothing to do with being untrustworthy you fool. As I said before, there are some people on Answerbag who are on my side and dont believe i have multiple accounts. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
I am very much in your head. It is you who came to my question looking for a fight. Your fantasy friends are not real friends. Idiot? I am positive you are asking yourself that. You have been lying to yourself, to me and to other AB'ers. You are free to leave this site. Nobody is stopping you. I don't want you to leave, since you are doing me a favor by answering my questions. This way, my questions will be displayed on the Answerbag homepage. :) -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Just don't give me your BS or else, you are looking for a fight. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
There are no other planets. 1 planet should at least be visible in the sky if they actually existed. All you have are fantasies. It is true, the depths of the ocean have not been fully discovered by scientists, but at least we know the ocean exists, since it is seen with the human eyes. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Name calling proves you cannot be trusted, as it is childish. No Answerbagger is on your side. They feel sorry for you is what it is. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Cry me a river. LOL -
Shadow Of The Mind
You are not in my head because I don’t see you there. You’re just a screwed up individual behind a screen thinking you can put me down mentally but it’s not working as I am not affected by your words so lay off but you can’t do that because you’re an online bully. You can think all you want about me but you’re just deluding yourself without realising it. You’re delusional to think you’re inside my head. I answered your question not to look for a fight but to answer it with my words which you perceive as a fight. You’re wrong. You do not know when you’re wrong and that’s your problem. You are very much an idiot to think I have no friends when in fact I have friends outside the internet which you’re unaware of. I don’t lie to myself and others. I’m a truthful person which you don’t know about me. I’m not going to answer anymore of your questions so I won’t have to put up with your lies about me. You would not like if I lied about you and if I said I’m inside your head. How would you feel if I said you don’t have friends at all? I don’t say the things you say about me. I don’t speak bull$hit. I know very well what I say. Of course there are other planets which you’re unaware of. It’s your ignorance that makes this an uncivil discussion. No fantasies on my side. I see things as they really are and you are not my eyes so don’t assume you’re seeing what I see. You’re not on my side of the screen. Some users are on my side who don’t believe I have multiple accounts. They are right to believe that. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
I am very much in your head. You don't have to see me in your head, but know that I am there further messing up the way you think. Behind the screen? I wouldn't be surprised you keep asking yourself that. Show a picture of yourself so people can see how you look. Are you afraid you might break the camera??? -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Nothing you say affects me. On the contrary, everything I say is making you cry, to the point were you have been crying in the general public. This discussion is between me and you. I do not have to think all I want about you, now that you are just too easy for me. I'll be in your head for a long time, and there's nothing you can do about it. You came to my answer looking for a fight, so deal with it. Everything I say is accurate. You have been exposed already, and this is why you keep crying. You have friends outside the internet? No friends at all is more like it, whether they'd be online or physically. Keep lying to yourself. There is no truth in you, just fantasies. Now you're going to stop answering my questions because I hurt your feelings. LOL -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Also, there is nothing you can say that will affect me. Which is why I couldn't care at all if you say I don't have friends or you talk bad about me. There are no other planets, it's just your fantasy. My ignorance? Continue more to ask yourself that with the illusions you see with your eyes. Believe in the sugar-coat lies. Nobody is on the side of cry babies. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Cry more, wahhhhhhh! -
Shadow Of The Mind
You’re not in my head at all. You think you are but you’re not really because you’re fooling yourself. I should not have to show a photo of myself on here and I’ve been photographed many times without the camera breaking. You would like to see that happen because you’re a bully. If I asked you to take a photo of yourself and add it to your avatar I don’t think you would do that would you? Everything you say doesn’t make me cry. I know my own emotions. You keep telling yourself that and the same with thinking you are inside my head when in fact you’re in denial and foolish. I never wanted to fight in the first place. You perceive me as an attacker because you misunderstand my words. You are not accurate at all. Keep telling yourself that by being in denial. You don’t know who I’m friends with outside the internet so you’re fooling yourself saying I don’t have friends. You’re lying to yourself. I know the people in my life and it’s none of your business. I’m not going to answer your questions anymore because you will comment on them and try putting me down like you’re doing on this page. You’ve been talking bad about me. It’s not my fantasy there are other planets you’re unaware of. It’s a scientific fact. I’m an adult and not a baby. I know my own age and my own emotions unaffected by your words. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
I am actually in your head, so get used to it. Yes, you do need to show a photo of yourself, other wise it is you who hides behind your screen. Do take the photo and hope the camera does not break. You cannot upload a photo of your face as your avatar, since you lack self-confidence. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
You are crying with everything I am saying. Your emotions have been deceiving you for playing the victim. Stop asking those victimized questions about yourself on Answerbag. More AB'ers are seeing that all you do is whine and complain. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
I'm 100% accurate for exposing you. This is something you should have thought of before coming to my question and picking a fight. A person has to be so messed up in the head to not show a photo of their face. You can't have friends, since you are insecure. If you do decide to answer my questions, you can be assured I will not comment on your answers, unless you attack me. You do not have much of a choice anyway, but to answer my questions. Why? It is mostly my questions you see displayed on the Answerbag homepage. You are not going to convince me about other planets, cause all I ask to see is just 1 out of the supposedly rest to believe. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Oh, being a cry baby has nothing to do with age. A cry baby in slang means someone whose feelings are very easily hurt. It's the case here, because you went crying to other AB'ers in the general public. And where did that get you? -
Shadow Of The Mind
Actually you are not in my head so get used to it. I could ask you the same thing about taking a photo of yourself but if you’re not going to do it it’s you who also lacks self confidence. My emotions do not deceive me. I know my own emotions and I am not hurt by your words. Keep telling yourself that. Exposing me? I’m not exposed. You don’t have a right to say things like that. Only bullies like to expose others. So you’re saying everyone else on here with an avatar not showing their face is messed up in the head. You’re not only speaking of me but to everyone else on here including yourself. I know the people in my life outside the internet so get off my case which shows I’m not insecure. I do have a choice to not answer your questions so you don’t have a right to tell me to choose so shut your mouth with all that nonsense talk. I see questions from other users which I will answer. Reaching out to others on here is not crying. You’re talking stupid. Those who answered were on my side and do not believe I have multiple accounts and they were right to believe it. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Actually, it is a fact that I am in your head. You can't get rid of me and you are crying in the general public by asking questions you have been going through with me. My avatar is a photo of myself in animation. You can take a photo of yourself and have the photo animated to allow me and others users to know what you at least look like. What's so difficult about that? -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Your emotions are deceiving you. Last week and early in this week you have been trying to get support by other users. They do not care about you. That's why many of your questions go unanswered. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
I keep telling myself that I am hurting your feelings. Again, this discussion is between me and you. I have every right to say what I want. Answerbag is not run by dictators. I didn't say every AB'er without an avatar of themselves is messed up in the head. I'm going against your words, since you told me I hide behind a screen, which apparently is not true, cause I have something to show for. Absolutely, you are insecure. Show your face. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
If you refuse to answer my questions, then good luck finding other questions, since not too many active users like to ask questions. You can always find questions from years to many years ago. Reaching out to others is letting them know that you should keep your problems to yourself. LOL -
Jenny The Great ⭐
No one is on your side. They just want you to feel welcome. That's what I call sugar-coating. Linda made it clear to you, stop whining and complaining. -
Shadow Of The Mind
It is not a fact you are in my head. You think you are but you’re not. If you are in my head I would be thinking the same as you but we are different in our thinking. Reaching out to users to back me up is not crying. Thanks to you for reporting my question it is now deleted. I attempted to animate a photo of myself but there were problems uploading it to Answerbag. I modified the size of the image to less than 2MB and made sure it was in PNG format but still didn’t upload. I got a bit of support from some users who believe me. Asking for support is not crying. You don’t have a right to say lies about me by saying I have multiple accounts and no friends. This uncivil conversation is getting nowhere since we don’t listen to each other. There are some users who ask questions. I only bother with them and not you attempting to put me down mentally. The users who believe I don’t have multiple accounts were in my side. You may think you’ve won but neither side has won or lost. The result is neutral. I’m not going to respond to you anymore. I should not have to put with someone who lies about me. You can say all you want now but you’ll be wasting your time and energy trying to get through to me. I wasted my time on a meaningless conversation. These are my last words. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
It is evident that I am in your head for giving me your time for nearly 2 weeks. Other users would have left the discussion in a few days if they felt this discussion was getting nowhere. I'm not easy to get rid of, being that I don't leave discussions, until a conclusion is made. If there are some discussions elsewhere I have not responded to, it means I have not seen the comments. Eventually like I mentioned that I am almost everywhere on Answerbag, I will see them and address what needs to be addressed. You are crying for trying to reach out to other users, knowing this discussion is between me and you. The heck with whatever of your questions got reported. It must have been an Answerbag moderator who saw the question on the Answerbag homepage and removed it. I know this for a fact, because there was a time some users were saying I was Linda Joy. I asked the question if users thought I was Linda. Most of them said No, and the next thing you know, an Answerbag moderator saw my question on the Answerbag homepage and removed it. For your information if you want to know, me and Linda Joy are not the same person. All you have are excuses of trying to upload a photo of yourself, since you were able to change the Answerbag default avatar, but you can't upload a new avatar. That doesn't make sense. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Having multiple accounts is not important to make a big deal out of it. Answerbaggers from the old and new site have been using sock-puppet accounts. On questions of how many active users are on this site: I have been saying there are just over a dozen. Take away the sock-puppet accounts, and there are 6-8 active users on this site. This site is not growing, cause most active users do not want to ask questions. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
You have no friends. It shows by the way you express yourself as the victim. This discussion is going my way, now that you don't see me whining and complaining on the Answerbag homepage. There are no users who are on your side. While you were at it, you should have told them to answer many of your questions for a change, rather than you asking continously, why do many of your questions go unanswered. It is sugar-coating is what they did. The Wolf and crackers by no means would like to upset you. Answerbag has lost many users from the time I have been on the new Answerbag. Losing more users is bad business for Answerbag. I myself try to encourage users who want to quit this site to stay. Of course, they are users I get along with. The ones I don't get along with, then they are free to leave this site as far as I care. Hulkie not wanting to upset you does not count whereas, stevo didn't take your question serious, and instead, he saw it as a joke when I read his answer and comments, causing me to also comment on his answer. Oh, I'm going to win because I am a Roman descendant, and I fight until the last man or woman standing. And I haven't even got comfortable in these comments meaning, when I get comfortable, I take my time responding, resulting in a discussion that could go on for weeks, months or even years like the good old days of Answerbag.
Totalitarian, with just the illusion of choice, not much different but without an objective right or wrong, and without good and evil, just indifference. And since humans will only be beholden to other humans, no need to not use eugenics.
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