A lot of rappers have profanity in their songs because they are rapping what’s on their mind even if it means to use explicit lyrics. Eminem is a perfect example of what I am saying.
Jenny The Great ⭐
Thanks for sharing! What a sick mind. J/k. lol -
Shadow Of The Mind
Are you talking about rappers who have a sick mind? -
Jenny The Great ⭐
You said rapping comes from the mind. Unless you are a rapper, what do you think I'm talking about? -
Shadow Of The Mind
I was saying in my answer that they rap what’s on their mind but I didn’t say rapping comes from the mind. I’m not a rapper. There’s a difference between rapping what’s on the mind and rapping coming from the mind. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Obviously, rappers need a mind to compose a song. If rapping doesn't come from the mind, then it has to come from somewhere. lol -
Shadow Of The Mind
That’s true.
Shock value Dec.04.2023
To show their level of intelligence, which is very low.
Jenny The Great ⭐
Thanks for sharing! lol
Well...first: I want to point out that not all rap is profane or full of profanity. *** That being said: I think there are three significant reasons for rap frequently being rife with profanity. ** #1 ** - Fad. Probably partially for the reason that one answer gave, "shock value", and for other reasons such as "rebellion against society's view of what is right and decent", profanity in rap is widely desired by fans of rap. Rappers typically fill their lyrics with profanity because that is what "sells". It makes a song more popular - or more likely to become popular - than it would otherwise be. ** #2 ** The second reason is that, for many rappers, the rapper typically uses such language, and so the song does in fact mirror their thoughts and words. Their song lyrics are, for them, "regular speech". ** #3 ** I think the last reason is: the popularity of street-gang image in rap music. I separate this from the first matter because this involves the rapper's personal image rather than the content of the music itself. The rapper - again for reasons of popularity and sales - attempts to "look bad", to "appear to be an authentic member of a dangerous and criminal street gang". The popularity of the music depends not only on the "image" of the music's content, but also on the rapper's personal image - which often is that of a dangerous street criminal, and often is faked.
Jenny The Great ⭐
Thanks for sharing! Not all Rap music uses profane language, but with that said, the Rap music that doesn't use profanity in their lyrics will more than likely have other types of negativity going, such as: portraying women as sex objects, pimping, alcohol, drugs, partying out loud, (which is disturbing the peace), gangs, fighting, stealing, robbing people, shooting people and list goes on and on. Quote: "which often is that of a dangerous street criminal, and often is faked." Eazy-E and his posse made it clear in the 1990's when they rapped about Dr. Dre and Snoop Dogg, calling them studio gangsters:
Profanity is just part of how people speak. It's dialectical. To people who grew up around a lot of profanity, the language doesn't seem shocking. I grew up in the midwest, and, even in the cities, certain words were considered offensive to speak in mixed company. Moving to the East Coast, the culture here is much different, even in rural areas, no one really takes offense at certain words I'm accustomed to being offensive, yet other words still are offensive. Since so many rappers came from the East Coast, the colloquial language must have had an effect on the lyrical content of the music.
I think not only the region, but also the TIME, has affected what you and I perceive to be profanity. I grew up in Northeastern states (NY, PA, but not near the coast) where such words were considered profane (especially in mixed company), and where I live now - in the South - profanity is prolific and widely accepted and widely used by both sexes in mixed company and among strangers. (I still find it shocking, though not nearly as much as I did 50 years ago as an older child). And we can see how profanity has become more acceptable over time by watching modern TV shows. And then there's the censor "bleep". You hardly ever had a "bleep" in the 60s and 70s (perhaps more common in sports broadcasts than other places...). Nowadays, some shows are just full of them (and intentionally so)...including even cartoons. *** The change in the use of profanity in music is, of course, much more startling. *** No: I don't think it's a change of location so much as a culture-wide and generational change. AND: much more's the pity IMO. -
bostjan the adequate 🥉
Yes! When I was a kid, sometimes they would cut out a crucial scene in a movie or replace certain lines. My favourite was at a friend's house, we were watching a police movie, when a guy says "slug in a ditch." We both had a good laugh over that one. But even old songs had nasty language sometimes. The Beatles, the Rolling Stones, the Who, the MC5, etc., all dropped the F-bomb into their songs in the 60's and 70's. Often it was missed by censors for whatever reason.
Shocking lyrics draw attention.
They are a bunch of assholes who don't know any better.
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