I wish you good luck with that but I doubt they will help you hopefully they find a white knight to pay your bill.. Have you worked out what is the cause of you're excesive bill yet? Someone else using it, leak or compound interest of unpaid bills? Note i have seen utliity companys charging the new customer for the old customers unpiad bills i. Write a letter to the nearest plumbing Union begging for a plumber to come and give his opinion on whats happening? Surely a real plumber would work out if theres a leak or someone else using your water inside 2 hours? If none of that works pretend you"re a woke lgbq tranny in dire trouble. Tell them You haven't slept a wink in months you're afriad to use any water at all.
Thanks for your advice :)
You're in debt with $3,900.00. An unusually high water bill is most often caused by a leak or change in water use.
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Frankly, I'm not surprised. It's a relatable story on many levels yet an extreme case, which is just what the local news is apt to cover. If it airs, I bet the water company and the landlord will finally start getting somewhere.
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