I would imagine such a test will have to go through multiple tests (& possibly legal challenges) before being adopted by police & accepted by courts. UK police already use a saliva test called "Drugwipe" for roadside tests. It can detect a number of different drugs & apparently produces results in 10-15 minutes.
they shove a stick in your mouth here to test for drugs cannabis is one of them revenue collecting is all it really does. Recently they said it also tests for cocaine now. The City slickers of Australia love drugs they say.
I don't do cannibis anymore. I burned myself out in my teens. However I don't mind people who do. They legalized it where I live and I can smell it every day on the road. Nobody really knows if it increases traffic accidents because there are no tests for it.
bostjan the adequate 🥉
I mean, do we not know? Nearly every fatal motor vehicle crash here in the middle of nowhere involves the at-fault party testing positive for it. THC is a depressant. It's not as potent a depressant as alcohol, and it also appears that it affects different people in vastly different ways. For some people, it can cause hallucinations. So, generally speaking, yes, it increases traffic accidents. Now, if you take John Doe and feed him an entire tray of pot brownies, can he drive home safe? Maybe so, but I guarantee that if you fed 100 people a tray of pot brownies each, then cut them loose on the roads, it'd be chaos. I'd argue that the same characteristics are true about alcohol, just to an extent with lesser variability. But what is the logic behind DUI laws? And, does the same logic apply to cannabis? -
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
As soon as we get a bretholizer for cannibis, the laws will change. Then all the potheads who didn't want me smoking in their house will change. lol
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