While it's operating? Should be minimal, 10 V or less. Why?
i was wondering how much energy is used and interested in the loses next time I have a helper Ill measure it and how much current its drawing on the secondry side of the transformer. Not sure how ill measure that yet. -
bostjan the adequate 🥉
I see. In that case, it would be best to measure directly, since every welding set will be a little different from every other one. Good luck and stay safe! -
bostjan the adequate 🥉
Do you have a meter with a CT (current transformer)? You seem pretty savvy, so I don't picture you trying to plug a standard Radio Shack multimeter in series with the output of a welder, but, just in case someone else ever reads this, never ever do that - if the circuit even works the current would vaporize the poor multimeter! -
most of the clamp meters I have are ac only is the problem .
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