I'm sure he'd like to know the answer to this. But, IMO, the less he does, the better he looks. I don't want to paint Trump in a positive light, since I honestly think he was one of our worst 3 presidents in history; however, he really isn't the ultra-villain people make him out to be. Most of the corrupt crap he pulled was probably not too different from what other presidents have likely pulled in the past, but, Trump did an awful job covering it up (if you could even call it that, since some of the things he did, he blatantly flaunted). Still, though, I don't understand the pro-Trump mentality. Isn't there another leader who could accomplish what you want more effectively? If Trump gets the GOP nod, we'll have the two options of octogenarians in the White House, both of whom had already been there before.
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Not be convicted.
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Pick a Black Female as his running mate. It will show he is not a racist.
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so color is more important than credentials? I wondered how a geriatric got to be pres what a bunch of pathetics you all are.
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