I have garlic and onions coming up, lilacs blooming and radishes and potatoes planted. There was new snow on my garden this morning. 5/2/23
Linda Joy
Oh no! We haven't had snow at all this year.
Ornamental garden. Right now I have 2 lilacs (same variety) blooming and a third (another variety) ready to start when those are done. One peony with buds about to burst. Five clematis (3 standing and 2 vining varieties) about to bloom. baptisia blooming (one blue, one yellow). Three roses about to bloom (yellow, peach and red)- two died all of the way back to the ground so it'll be awhile before I have anything from them. Purple columbines that I grew from seed last year blooming, some pink perennial geraniums, orange geums and a variety of pinkish purple salvia blooming. Last but not least, five weigelas (shrubs) of different colors in bloom for the hummingbirds, who love them- 3 of those will bloom all summer. Everything else is up other than my elephant ears which I'll have to wait a little longer to plant 'til it's warmer; it's been a strange spring, daffodils started blooming in late February (about a month early for here) and even the later-blooming ones are done- finished a few days ago. How do I care for it? With a lot of work. I'll be 72 in two days and I've been growing plants longer than I can remember since my mom took me out with her when she planted things and showed me how to do it. Her father had a small rose garden that I eventually took over for him and I took care of one of my uncle's gardening- but I was paid to do that, lol.
Happy birthday. -
Thanks -
Linda Joy
Happy Birthday!!
I'm at the point where I try to make things as easy as possible out of laziness. So, I use an old bird cage for pepper plants and larger herbs, I have a raised bed for beans and lettuce, and smaller herbs I grow inside. I've given up trying to grow eggplant or even cabbages, since those seem to end up getting eaten by the wildlife, so I just buy those at the store. My workplace usually grows an abundance of squash which are ready late summer, so I don't bother growing those.
There is no garden. If there was one I'd plant mint, holy basil, lemon myrtle.
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