Perhaps they no longer want to use their Answerbag account anymore and got fed up with the website without letting other users to know. Maybe their account is still active but don’t want to go on the website anymore. An Answerbag user does not necessarily need to be declared to have passed away if they do not want to use the website. It could be a few reasons as to why they are not heard of anymore. Perhaps they lost interest in Answerbag and forgot to delete their account. They might have passed away. This is all just guessing as to why they are unheard of.
3/23/2023, you might be asking this question cause of Army Veteran: It has been a month now since he has not been seen. Neither has bostjan64, thinking they are the same person. Army Veteran posted in some of his comments that he wasn't doing good. He could be dead.
Correct, after I read the comment he wasn't well I asked the first question. I don't think they are the same person why would one bother with a dupe on AB? -
I hope that's not the case, I don't think they were the same Bostjan was atheist. -
they arent the same person I dont think anyway. Shall we Have a cold glass of beer and a moments silence for ole mate.RIP Army Veteran you will be missed at AB. -
Linda Joy
No, they are not the same person. I think 1465 got frustrated because he was used to personally, verbally attacking users and actually liked verbal sparring, which is fine if you're discussing topics not AB users. But he'd get personal verbally attacking the person. I think he just lost interest and probably went to another site with more sparring. Bostjan has taken breaks before and I expect he will be back eventually. Bostjan was younger than 1465 and he was here a good bit before 1465. Both had physical ailments, but I think 1465 was closer to death. But I prefer to think he's gone to another site and is happily sparring! -
Jenny The Great ⭐
No one in this thread can prove Army Veteran and bostjan64 are not the same person. Neither can no one here prove they are both the same person. These are just assumptions. What I have noticed from both of them, they argue in the same manner and they write similar. For fun, Hulk might be tied in with them. -
bostjan the adequate 🥉
Jenny Rizzo, maybe you and I are the same person. No one can prove otherwise! Only joking. -
Linda Joy
There is Jenny starting false rumors again! They don't argue the same. bostjan doesn't do personal attacks - not even after being personally attacked! bostjan is atheist and has family and is probably in his 40's and has birds that actually sing along with his music. AV is a little older than I am but not yet 65, I don't think. bostjan has kidney issues from a beating and AV had a defibrilator. AV was an army veteran and a "professional tourist" bostjan is a scientist and musician. AV lived in a basement apartment and as I said bostjan has a family. AV was more conservative and republican minded, bostjan is more liberal but not to the point of losing his senses. They're both wicked smart! -
Linda Joy
You are right about ONE thing though, we only know what they post. Or at least SOME of us do! -
Jenny The Great ⭐
bostjan64, everybody that is certainly aware of us knows me and you are not the same person. It is not a coincidence you and Army Veteran share similarities. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Linda Joy, quote: "There is Jenny starting false rumors again!" Then there's you who spreads false rumors about Answerbaggers. Once you spread DancesWithWolves is messed up in his head, that Shadow Of His Mind is a cry baby who only comes to Answerbag to whine and complain and Bootsiebaby is a prison convict and who knows how many other AB'ers you have spread false rumors about. Quote: "They're both wicked smart!" If this is true, you should learn a thing or two from them so you don't keep embarrassing yourself. -
Linda Joy
Those are all true. You can look at the questions on the first two and you can ask Bootsiebaby yourself. She never denied it. She beat the crap out of her brother in law and went to prison for it. And the last one you SHOULD be able to figure out by reading their answers. If you can't then its because you are dumber than I thought. But I have learned a lot from both of them. You ought to try it sometime. -
Linda Joy
So tell us, Jenny what supposed "similarities" do they share that would cause you to make up such lies? -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Linda Joy, quote: "Those are all true." As you said it yourself, then I did not make this up. Show me the links as evidence were Bootsiebaby never denied it. You have to back up what you say.
5/13/2023, Answerbag does not have a timeframe to know when was the last time a user was active. On questions with a lot of answers, see the users who are answering last. They are usually the active members.
Linda Joy
You can get a timeframe of when the questions were posted by the q-view number in the address line when you click on the question. And since you're getting notifications you can get a number off the answers as well in your address line when you click the link to the new answer when they notify you someone else answered a question you answered. I wouldn't even be giving you this info if it weren't for the fact I don't like it when you spread misinformation and for the others that may see this post. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
As if most AB'ers are able to look up the timeframe. A timeframe displayed next to our posts, whether it's a question, answer or comment is more like it. Also, since user's emails get flooded with Answerbag feedback, it is not convenient to see the timeframe of a post or search through hundreds of feedback messages to know when was the last time a user was active. -
Linda Joy
You say that as if you're not Jenny the wrong, yet again! You said they don't have a timeframe and you're wrong! -
Jenny The Great ⭐
The timeframe as you say is not convenient and helpful. Yet again, we need a timeframe we can see next to our posts. Quora, Fluther, Blurtit, answerMug and other Q&A websites have a timeframe displayed next to every users' posts. You are not making it easy for stevo to know how long does it take for a member to be declared missing. *Facepalm* -
Linda Joy
"Quora, Fluther, Blurtit, answerMug and other Q&A websites have a timeframe displayed next to every users' posts." Then go there. Seems pretty stupid to me for you to stay here if you dislike it. -
Linda Joy
I chose not to answer the question. I have that right. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Linda Joy, quote: "Then go there. Seems pretty stupid to me for you to stay here if you dislike it." Once again, you fail to read. I never said I disliked this site. I'm using the other Q&A websites as an example based on stevo's question of not knowing when a user was last seen.
stevo, if you read Linda Joy's comment in response to my answer, you can see that her information is inconvenient and useless. What this site needs is a timeframe next to our posts.
Linda Joy
At least its not WRONG INFORMATION like you've been giving lately. And we all know if its inconvenient you will be too lazy to do it! Even if all it takes is looking at the address line. My information is right and easy. All you have to do is look! How lazy can you be? -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Your information is still wrong, since it is not reasonable. With all the Answerbaggers emails flooded with feedback, that's like telling stevo to go find a needle in a haystack. *Huge Facepalm* -
Linda Joy
It is how you figure out the timeframe. Its not my fault if you are too lazy or too stupid to get it. And it is correct. You just can't admit it. That too funny!! -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Linda Joy, quote: "It is how you figure out the timeframe." But you can't figure out when I had asked the question I let stevo know about.
Given that he was openly anti-sematic, and thought Hitler was a great leader and that he posted this opinion on this public website for all to see, I would NOT be a bit surprised if the FBI or another anti-terrorist organization finally caught up with him. As well they should!!!! He was also an anti-vaxxer which during Covid would be endangering public health. He could have been arrested.
Are you serious ? quick lock him up for having bad thoughts ? -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Linda Joy, from what I know about arguing with Army Veteran numerous times in WW2 subjects, he is German, he says Hitler was a great leader and he is anti-Semitic. -
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
Re Antivaxers: IF everybody followed your advice and didn't get vaxed we'd still be sitting at home isolated with nothing to do and afraid to go outside. For Heaven's sake, take a reality pill, please! -
im still getting around I didn't get it, Covid is over Biden said it the other day. How long do you have to live since you took the poisen is the real question. -
Linda Joy
If China hadn't intentionally let that virus out on the world it wouldn't have happened. And I'm not an anti-vaxer. I got mine. I really don't care if it kills me. I do care about others though and I'v NEVER TOLD ANYONE NOT TO GET THE VACCINE. So that's Hulk lying when he called me an anti-vaxer, though I admit he didn't this time. -
Linda Joy
Nothing I've said about anyone on this thread is untrue. In fact if I said anything that was untrue on any post I've made it was because I was mistaken, and when that happens I ADMIT IT. Jenny, OTOH lies with no proof whatsoever. She makes shit up and then attacks anyone who disagrees with her. She has been every bit as hateful as I have. Just look how she was such a bitch to bostjan. (and I honestly think it was all because he was on the top of the leaderboard and she didn't put him there. Which is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO FREAKIN' PETTY!) And at least I don't lie like she has VERY OBVIOUSLY lied ALL THROUGHOUT THIS THREAD! And I have proved it. But Jenny always THINKS she won even when its obvious she lied and she was WRONG WRONG WRONG. LOL -
Linda Joy
And you are implying Hulk can't read if you have to tell him what I said in this thread. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Linda Joy, quote: "Jenny, OTOH lies with no proof whatsoever." I didn't make anything up. DancesWithWolves, Shadow Of Mind, Bootsiebaby and others will tell you - you have spread lies about them. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Linda Joy, just look at how I was a "B" to bostjan? Not quite, bostjan tried to contradict me. I had to defend myself by putting him in his place. -
bostjan the adequate 🥉
"bostjan tried to contradict me." Here or somewhere else? I know I've contradicted you hundreds of times in other answers, but I don't recall ever doing it in this one. If you are referring to other questions, then I'd like to see which example, specifically. If you had a bone to pick with each user who ever contradicted you in any instance on any answer to any question, then you wouldn't have lasted as long as you have here. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
bostjan64, quote: "Here or somewhere else?" Here you again, Linda Joy said I treated you like a "B" in Shadow Of The Mind's question of how many total active users are on this site. That's why the tirade continued in this subject. As for supposedly contradicting me hundreds of times - hundreds of times I have responded to you to clarify what it is you couldn't grasp. Just in case I have some unread comments of yours I haven't addressed, then obviously I have not seen them. With due time, I will eventually address what needs to be addressed. A bone to pick with each user? I used to do that all time in my first years of joining the new Answerbag. I rarely pick fights with each user now, cause this is the only Answerbag account I have, and with the flagging feature on this site for trolling, I am being very careful in using this site. Instead of picking a fight with each user as I used to, I am more on the defensive side so I don't jeopardize my account. This is why I have been lasting this long. -
bostjan the adequate 🥉
I think there is a typographical error in your last comment, because the first sentence after you quoted me is a little difficult to follow. I assume you mean that you took issue with what you perceived as me contradicting you in a comment on your answer to a totally different question. If you read through my comment as well as further comments, all should be clear that I wasn't trying to contradict you in that case, but rather was asking for clarification of your answer. I even apologized for the misunderstanding, and you responded with "No worries," so I took that to mean that the situation was copasetic. Now I suppose that was never the case, but I don't understand how to move forward to correct the problem. I think that, even in the worst case scenario, where we hypothetically disagree on the number of active users on AB by less than half a dozen, would be a pretty silly reason to hold a grudge, especially after all of the discussions in which we had previously engaged regarding religion and rarely politics, which mostly remained calm and at least stayed contained within their respective threads. Now there are a bunch of comment threads on a bunch of different answers in at least two different questions all pertaining to this same discussion? That just has me scratching my head. What part of this matters so much to you? Is it being right about how many active users are on this site? If so, how about just a little understanding that there is a subjective element to what constitutes "active" or not. If it's something that goes deeper than that, perhaps try another approach in communicating whatever idea it is that you need to communicate in order to get whatever it is that you want, or, perhaps, if what you want is for everyone to agree that you were right and everyone else is wrong, you might have to hedge that expectation somehow before you log in to the internet again. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
bostjan64, you are asking here or somewhere else in concerns of supposedly contradicting me. The how many total active users on this site question is what brought me to these comments. Trying to contradict someone is to have opposing views. It calls for a verbal fight depending on the subject, especially when you tell them that what they have just said is wrong. On religious subjects, once you challenge or state your disagreement with someone, a lot of religious people personalize it. I do not care a bit about how many active users are on this site. And just because I don't care does not mean I can't answer the question of the total active users on this site. The question was displayed on the AB homepage, so I decided to answer it based on the active users I have seen almost daily in the present of 2023. -
bostjan the adequate 🥉
I suppose that's where the subjective interpretation is - "active." For you, it means those who post daily. For others, it might mean those who post weekly, or even monthly. Since this site has little to offer compared with competing websites, in terms of rapid interaction, I could see someone coming here every couple weeks to post. As we both know, there are also lots of users who log in here, post several times per day, for sometimes as little as one day, and then then vanish forever. That's also subject to interpretation, in terms of how long someone needs to be visible here to be considered a permanent fixture. There is no need to take any difference in interpretation of this level of semantics as a personal attack. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
bostjan64, most supposedly active users are not even seen in months, but in years or in many cases, they never return to this site. It's the users who you see in this site frequently that matter. Any person signing up to this site just to ask a couple of questions, and then they vanish forever are not considered active users, but users who were curious to try Answerbag. -
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
LJ: This is for YOU and everybody else who thinks Vaccination should be a Choice:
stevo, by Linda Joy's unreasonable information, can you tell what year and day I asked this question? It is one of my oldest questions asked. The question is somewhat popular with 6 likes and 19 answers, saying this at 10:50 pm, 5/13/2023.
no idea the page your asking about was last cached by google on the 17 Mar 2023 11:53:46 GMT. goggle told me that its not in the page source and I have no idea how the AB numbering system works. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
I asked the question in the link somewhere in 2017-2018. I have no idea to tell when I actually posted the question. A lucky guess will at least give me an idea. -
there is no way unless the postincluded the date in their question or answer. As far as I can tell. I spent about 1/2 hour trying to find a date of post. I did try a big F for results in this case. -
Linda Joy
I think you're wrong on that date as well Jenny. I got here in April of 2017 and we were up to the late 349000's by then. Your question is q_view/3510322 And its not my fault if you two are too stupid or lazy to look in the address line and figure out which number is more than the other number. I'm soooooooooooooooo sorry you are so limited in your abilities, but that's not my fault! -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Linda Joy, Quote: "I think you're wrong on that date as well Jenny." Not all, I joined the new Answerbag in November of 2017. It is one of my first questions I asked on Answerbag. While you are saying to look in the address line, you couldn't provide a date when I had asked the question. If you could, you have already provided the date. You just ran into another *Facepalm* -
bostjan the adequate 🥉
The questions are assigned numbers in serial order, so question #3510322 came after #3510321 and before #3510323. Question #3510327, only 5 questions after the example you posted references Eurovision 2018, speculating who will win (quite accurately), and the final was televised on 12 May, 2018, so that indicates that your question was asked on that date or prior to it (likely not long before). Question #3510315 references drama on Answermug that occurred leading up to culmination on 14 May 2018, which is not definitive, but reinforces the early May 2018 timeframe. Question #3510267 was posted on 5 May of an unspecified year, but we can deduce with >90% certainty that it was most likely 2018, based on references to polls and magazine articles in several other questions near that serial number. So, although we cannot pinpoint the date and certainly not the time, I can say with a great degree of confidence that #3510322 was posted between 6-12 May 2018, more likely closer to 12 May than 6 May. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
bostjan64, quote: "So, although we cannot pinpoint the date and certainly not the time," Exactly, looking up the timeframe on user's posts is just not convenient and reasonable. I didn't sign up on the new Answerbag until November 2017, a few days before December. I don't really care about a timeframe. I got the idea of adding a date to many of my posts after I noticed Jewels Vern, a former AB'er adding a date to his posts. It is stevo who is concerned with a timeframe and perhaps other users who ask about Answerbag upgrades.
I don't know, but I do know there are far fewer people asking and answering than when I joined up shortly after Yahoo answers died. Looking back thru some of the "recently asked or a short time ago answers there are lots of names we don't see any more. I asked a "roll call" question hoping to get an idea of how many of us are still here using the forum. 5/14/23
Linda Joy
I did the roll call shortly after getting here and got no response, and that was before people started hating me for being honest, telling the truth and proving others wrong. Ooohhhh the pain of being a narcissist! -
Linda Joy
You did show up a couple of days after the influx from the closing of AB. Some trolls came at that time as well, but they have since left. -
Well, we shall see if anybody is interested enough to answer and give an idea of who is still here.
I still can't find a timeframe to one of my oldest questions in the link I added.
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