Banks always want there fee. Some will not charge a monthly fee on the account with a debit card if you can keep a certain minimum monthly balance.
Forget the banks and go with a Credit Union. They usually don't charge any fees as long as you maintain a positive balance.
Solution: find a better bank. Consider an online bank. For example: I use TIAA bank. They don't charge any fees and even reimburse you for a limited number of ATM fees each month.
I can't vote because I never understood what a debit card was for. I've always used a credit card, the kind that has no fees. That's all I've ever needed.
Not for me. The card came in the mail, they put money on it every month, and I spend it at any store I use. No interest, no fees. I haven't had a credit card since the '90's.
Army Veteran
Credit cards are too overrated, and they're sucker bait. You spend money with it to increase your credit limit - only to spend more money. Or else, you use it to increase your credit rating so you can...(wait for it...) GET MORE CREDIT CARDS! - which you use to spend more money so you can...(here it comes again...) GET MORE CREDIT CARDS! -
Not so. I've only ever had one credit card. I've never looked at my credit score (wouldn't know how). Since I was able to recover from a financially disastrous marriage, I've always paid all my bills in full as soon as they come. I'm not rich. The secret is to never use your credit card unless you could actually pay cash. Most people are tempted to use the credit because it's there. -
Army: you're not wrong...unless you are trying to increase your credit AND you are very responsible. For me: credit cards are a HUGE convenience. I DON'T spend beyond what I can pay at the end of the month, and I very rarely spend beyond what is currently sitting in my bank account. I pay off EVERY week...So: what's so convenient? I NEVER have to carry cash. I NEVER have to write a check. (It's been literally years since I've done either.) AND my credit has improved TREMENDOUSLY since I began responsibly spending with a credit card, and I expect it to continue to improve to the point where I can buy a house and get a VERY GOOD mortgage rate. The OTHER benefit is the sign-on bonus, which - now that my credit rating is higher - can be as much as $300-$400 every time I get a new credit card (which I do no more than once a year). Finally: I get significant discounts with the credit cards I now have. For example: I do almost all my grocery shopping at Walmart, and I get a 5% discount if I use the credit card and order pickup. Another example: with another card I get a 2.2% "cash back", which is very much the same as a 2.2% discount on purchases. Even someone on my tight budget gains significant benefit from these kinds of discounts.
I only know debit card is an anagram for bad credit.
Army Veteran
Danged if it isn't! Makes perfect sense, too.
I was sensible in that I kept only 1 credit card - but I kept it in good standing. Then the loss of my job brought me a bankruptcy and I *voluntarily" surrendered the credit card (the *responsible* thing to do, right?). After I started working again, I contacted the credit card company to get my card back. They told me to f*ck off. After the bankruptcy was dismissed (10 years later), I managed to get a compensated balance credit card. I kept that card only until my credit score was back in the "good" range, then I sent the card back to the credit card company and told them to f*ck off. My debit card does the same as a credit card except for charge fees (ie: "pay money whether you spend money or not"). I have a lot of things I could spend the money on besides handing it over to someone who wouldn't give me the time of day before. F*ck 'em...F*ck 'm ALL, I say!
I use Apple Pay with my iPhone at all stores and restaurants.
Yes, agreed. that, and not one single company is doing one single thing that I have seen in my area, for number capture devices on ATMs, anything. SO VERY MUCH FINANCING goes directly to fraud, and the people paid to protect others from it seriously do treat thier jobs as a sit on their fanny and scantly do anything at all every single day, proven, check for yourself. The people are paid very well for it, and they DO NOT AND WILL NOT ever do thier jobs, I know, I worked next to a few of them.
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