Chew on the other side of your face.
1. Talk to a lawyer. 2. Find another dentist. 3. Be sure that you have the new dentist fit you for a spacer or another device to fill the empty space. And take this from my personal experience, if you don't get a "filler" for the empty space, the surrounding teeth will eventually shift leaving gaps at the jaw where food fragments will lodge and rot your teeth. Good Luck!!
Army Veteran
Good advice for someone whose teeth were probably already rotten, to begin with - "shards" are the remnants of a tooth that has broken off. If the dentist took out the tooth next to the shards, chances are, it wasn't a healthy tooth, either. ΒΆ Are you wanting to see America turned back into a litigation state? You can't sue everyone for (damn, this coffee I'm drinking tastes good!) the least little issue. Lawyers are expensive, and the courts would be backed up for decades (assuming it even makes it that far). You people wouldn't make it in the real world as long as there is someone around to wipe your noses for you. -
Linda Joy
No need for the personal attack. She didn't even say sue anyone. She suggested a consult which is usually free. Although I agree on the probable state of the tooth and reason for its extraction which is the first thing I would determine simply by calling the dentist and ask them to return my call. -
I have plenty of experience in this matter. We don't know if there was anything wrong with that tooth. A lawyer could have the dentist prove that. If the dentist removed a tooth that was sound, then it can be decided if it's worth suing. I would not return to that dentist. I have unfortunate experience as all but eight of my teeth were decayed and removed by age 19. -
Who are you calling "You people"? -
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
NYAD, you are right. I had no idea that tooth was going to be pulled until after it happened. I was having no problem with that tooth. She should have mentioned that she was going to pull so I knew what was going on inside my mouth. Its my mouth, my tooth and my body.
I would go with :"Notyouraveragedummy;s" suggestions.
Your question says he your details say she. I agree with Army Vet that it probably needed to be extracted as well, but he/she should have discussed this with you before extracting it. My tooth broke then the filling fell out and I'm finding it difficult to get repaired/ extracted. I'm to the point where I've decided a blender is cheaper than dentures! I hope you have a speedy recovery and feel better soon!
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
Thank you linda.
I'd telephone my dentist, or go there, and speak to the dentist and ask why they have done this, then take it from there.
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
The problem with doing that is that I give her an opportunity to lie and say "yes she did" mention it and I gave permission. I also pre-warn her of the problem, giving her time to come up with responses as opposed to catching her cold when the lawyer calls. -
If she does that Hulk, just say no you didn't or otherwise I wouldn't be speaking to you now, and record the conversation. Did she charge you for it Hulk?
"I found out she took out the tooth next to it and didn't tell me". The tooth must of been about to fall out otherwise you would of known she was taking it out. Get over it the tooth must of been fucked anyway.
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
It was so heavily novacained that I couldn't feel anything in my mouth when she did it. -
Did your head not get jolted around Hulk, when she was tugging at it, teeth have big roots they are not easy to remove, when I had one removed it took 45 minutes to pull out, I knew he was taking it out believe me.
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