Is the Famous Star back? I thought they discontinued that back around 2008 the first time I worked at Hardee's as a cook. Anyway I don't remember. I remember I liked the price. They were both fairly cheap at the time. I don't eat out anymore though.
I never heard of "the famous star". What I used to love was the Hero Burger. Don't know if it's still as good as it used to be.
Linda Joy,on%20a%20toasted%20seeded%20bun. -
Oh...yeah, Hardees makes a really good burger patty...but the BUN is too sweet for my tastes. On the other hand: the Whopper patty is much too thin. The bread of the huge bun overwhelms the flavor of the burger. Yes, you can get a double whopper (and with that, the meat is about the right proportion to the bread)....but then you're eating a greasy sandwich that's as big as your head, and good luck to your insides afterwards...
Neither I'm pescatarian ie vegan and fish eater.
Have never heard of the Famous Star burger but have had a whopper. Personally, I prefer a Whataburger.
Back in the good old days, I would have readily said the Whopper!!! Now days, the Whopper sux & I've STOPPED buying it!!! The Star no longer exists so I can't even default to that one. The Big has gotten so thin that you can see trough it. I've got to where I stay away from fast food burgers opting to cook my own!!!
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