Linda Joy
Wrong!! From your own link: "The study, by the Joint Committee on Taxation, “finds that average tax rates will increase for nearly every income category in 2023 under the bill,” asserts The Wall Street Journal editorial page. “This gives the lie to Democratic claims that no one earning under $400,000 will pay more taxes under the bill, a promise Mr. Biden also made in his campaign. The reality is that the Schumer-Manchin bill is a tax increase on nearly every American.”" -
Linda Joy
They are all the same. They are going to lie and tell you they won't raise taxes on the poor, but they ALL DO!! -
Linda Joy
"rolling back the state and local tax (SALT) deduction limit. It's odd because the change would, for the most part, provide a tax cut for wealthy people." -
Linda Joy
I don't even want a hacker! Why are you spamming a hacker? That's ridiculous!
The original link in this post refers to the Assembly bill as is stood a year ago in 2021. The much smaller bill passed in 2022 includes a 15% minimum tax on corporations over $1 billion and a 1% net corporate stock buyback tax, which have no direct impact on individual taxes at any income level.
Linda Joy
So your concern is not that he broke his campaign promise but rather WHEN he broke it?!!
yes I did you all told me I was a dickhead last time I was bagging your pathetic Presadent. Did the students think he was going to let them off their loans what a load of suckers. The democrats do not represent working people they haven't done that this century. Look at what they do the nice words they say mean nothing when what they say does not happen.
Linda Joy
Be careful throwing around that "you all" bullshit! I don't even use that word! And I've never been supportive of Biden's policies. I do pray for him though.
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