Wondering: how do you know that they are Ugandan and/or Nigerian? For one thing: "Nigerian" isn't a language. The primary language in Nigeria is English, followed by Hausa. (All told, there are several HUNDREDS of different languages spoken by natives of Nigeria.) Similarly with Uganda, except that Uganda has far fewer languages and English is spoken by a far smaller percentage of the population. So: do you really recognize various Nigierian and Ugandan languages when spoken by natives of those nations? That would be quite an amazing skill!
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Its good how politicians import Africans for you all to pay for. we have heaps of them here none of them know how to work they will never speak english or respect your socity they don't here.
Thanks for your comment well said :)
So? This is an observation not a question. Its racist and totally unnecessary. AND NOT A QUESTION!
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Welcome to Socialism - that Utopian world everyone who hated Trump wanted so badly. Open borders, no accountability, no vetting - plenty of forced diversity.
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Change is hard, but remember the US is a melting pot. They and their children will learn English over time.
Why do you think they will respect your culture they have no respect for mine they have been here 10 + years. -
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Linda Joy
stevo, do you have respect for theirs?
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