Ladies and gents, here we have an example of another Trump University graduate. FYI, Biden is cleaning up the MESS that Trump made, including ignoring the pandemic.😆
Army Veteran
"Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life, son." -
Army Veteran
Biden can't ignore the pandemic. Mr "I've been vaccinated" tested positive for COVID. Now, THAT'S funny! -
Is where you live good or Bad? if you want to can you goto a different restaurant every night of the week? Or is it to expensive to do that? Do you feel safe walking down the street drunk as a skunk if you choose to walk home? As usual Hulk which question are you answering you must be the life of every party you goto somehow Im pretty sure you never get invited to any partys. -
Army Veteran
I don't think he gets invited to many parties, either. Liberalism is dying out. -
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
1465 - At least Biden doesn't brag about how many people he can get away with killing. lol and Stevo - Thank you for being interested in my social life but I don't go out with men. Sorry. I recommend the Log Cabin Republicans. Post back and let me know how it goes. -
Hulk you sound like AOC -
Army Veteran
Biden doesn't brag about anything except when he eats all of his strained carrots. -
Army Veteran
Stevo - they have a lot of similarities. They might even share the same bathroom. LOL
(1) Is where you live good or Bad? - Mediocre (2) if you want to can you goto a different restaurant every night of the week? Or is it too expensive to do that? - MUCH too expensive (3) Do you feel safe walking down the street drunk as a skunk if you choose to walk home? - If I were a drinker, and if I chose the right streets, it would be OK. Otherwise: not.
Yes. We scrutinize Australians so we can frame them for crimes they don't commit. We have a justice system specifically for Aussies, which we call Kangaroo Courts. Once found "guilty" of the worst charges we can come up with, you get deported to the darkest regions of Africa with T-shirts that read, "My Grandfather Was A Slave Trader".
thats why I decided in the late 90's I was never going overseas again. I thought I went to the good parts of the usa. Sorry to say sir your country is a shithole. Nothing in Africa I want to visit. -
Army Veteran
The only good part of the USA is my house. But you have to be vetted to come, and it's such a detailed process, you'd never make it past the first 15 stages. Say "Hey!" to Mel Gibson for me and be nice to Ellen Degeneres when she/he/it gets there. You don't want to upset that "thing's" apple cart and send it running back here. We'd never forgive you. -
I liked Florida never got to go can shooting thou. Mels turned into a yank hasn't he? He was born in USA. Theres plenty of freaks in NSW Ellen will fit right in. I'd fail the first stage by bringing the wrong band of beer or bring 6 and drink 10 better not let the Aussie he might knock off the cultery. -
Army Veteran
My cutlery is the plastic kind - no worries there. Unless it's a hot day, you can have the beer. I'll settle for a liter of Fireball or a cinnamon brandy. -
Army Veteran
Mel's a good guy - he knows a lot more than most people think he does. -
Mels my fav actor Mad Max 1 &2 . I think it was called Roadwarrior in USA.
Why do you even ask? You've already made up your mind. And if I tell you I'm quite happy where I am would you even believe me? I'm on social security disability and I get a free meal every weekday delivered to my home for free. There are dozens of restaurants within a mile of my home. And Wendy's has a dollar menu. You can get one of several sandwiches for a dollar. So theoretically I could eat one of those every day of the month for $30-$31. And the only thing I fear when I go out after dark is the mosquitos, and that's probably partly my fault for keeping (watering) plants. I have three loaves of bread at the moment I can't eat before it goes bad, and I've given away meals to my neighbors and even had them refused because she said she had plenty of food and didn't need anymore. So apparently my neighbors are not going hungry. I haven't personally heard of anyone struggling recently. Could be because of all the stimulus money the government gave away, or maybe I'm just not in touch with those that are in need. But I know for a fact there is a church down the street that gives away boxes of food to those who need it. I've made use of homeless shelters while I was waiting for my disability case to go to court. I had no income for two years (after depleting my savings) and still never once went without food, clothing, shelter or medical care. Sure bad things happen from time to time, but not usually to me. I believe if you do good to others it will come back to you. And its usually the people who are trying to cheat others or doing drugs that end up on the bad end of a situation. In any case I'd rather live here than in Europe. Just sayin'. What if a criminal has a gun? Your police yell "Stop, or I'll have to yell stop again!" ?? Throw the billy club to trip them if they run? It just seems very ineffective to me. But then, I live here. Anyway stevo, no one I know is begging you to come here. Stay where you're happy and keep that wool tightly pulled over your eyes, or you may see some truth you don't want to accept.
Linda Joy
Now that I posted my answer the question looks like it has been edited. -
The question hasn't changed. -
Army Veteran
Three loaves of bread? Why 3? Are they homemade? (I love homemade) If they aren't, you should have what you're not currently using in the freezer - they'll keep for a long time. Stevo is alright - he just sees things from a different perspective - that of an outsider who has access to news of world events that we in this country don't see because everything gets sanitized for our eyes - Americans are manipulated to all believe the same things. That's why the media is such a valuable propaganda tool. I can certainly understand about your homeless situation while waiting for your disability. I was so close to riding that train that the stress contributed to my heart failure 7 years ago. Your assessment of the way their law works is funny - because I know it to be true. They've already banned most gun ownership in the UK but the crime rate is still high. They're now talking about banning knives as well. If that doesn't work, maybe they'll resort to banning ping pong paddles. LOL (You sure that isn't homemade bread...?) -
Linda Joy
Not homemade. Given to me by others. And they are in the freezer all the way up until they go in the compost. I don't watch tv anyway. Except when I go to the hospital. Old Perry Mason and Matlock episodes, and Friends. I went nuts living in the shelters. I was heavily medicated for depression. My heart is what put me in the hospital last Sunday. I have a heart monitor on now for 30 days. The doc said he could shock my heart back into rhythm, I said why don't we just try the medication first and see if that works. I was chicken! Not homemade. If I make homemade bread this time of year its usually banana bread. My son liked it made into a peanut butter and banana bread sandwich.
It's the best country in the world with the best opportunities for a good life.
How many houses and horses do you own? With such Oppertunitys do you own 10 of each? Or did you inherit them from your family? -
Linda Joy
We had two horses when I lived in Washington. That hay is heavy!! -
it is horses eat heaps.
It was the best of times and the worst of times...
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