That's not going to be true for more than a very short time. What do you think these "provide free abortion" orgs are going to do in the states that outlaw abortion? Exactly this: provide free transportation - and probably free shelter ( - for the abortion seeker, to send that person to a state where abortion is still legal. They aren't going to fold up and go away in these states. There's too much money involved. They're just going to alter their method of getting people in those states free, legal abortions. *** A pity, because that means that within a few months abortion rates are going to be just as high as they were previously.
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
Don't be so sure of that. I heard on the news yesterday that one abortion provider in Colorado said that he provides 150 abortions a month from out of state people. That's a lot of money. I doubt Planned Parenthood has that kind of dough. -
Remember: in these abortion-restricted states, pro-abortion orgs are going to be closing up their abortion clinics (and selling them) and/or they'll stop funding local abortion clinics that they don't own. What are they going to do with unused funding? They're not allowed to show a profit. Instead, what they're going to do is fund discounted (or free) legal out-of-state abortions, and they'll probably use the "attack against women's right to abortion" patter to acquire far more funding than they did in the past.
That's the best news I've heard this century! Finally! Murdering children is illegal again! I celebrate the few lives this will save and the potential they have to do great things in this new world! And I encourage those who don't want children to use the PLETHORA of LEGAL options available to them. In this day and age there is no longer a valid reason to have to murder a child in order to prevent pregnancy.
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
Linda, how many welfare kids go on to do great things? Its a pittance. I think you're suffering from delusions of grandeur. -
Linda Joy
How many parents who murder children or let them be murdered as a form of birth control had at least five other ways they could have chosen to prevent a pregnancy? Just say no! NO to murder!! And how can hoping children become a success be a delusion of grandeur on my part? It doesn't promote me in the least. I don't know how many go on to do great things, but I know two examples off the top of my head of celebrities that were on welfare as children. Oprah Winfrey and Whoopie Goldberg. How many that were murdered had the chance? And how many of your children have you had murdered? -
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
Linda, half of pregnancies end in miscarriage. I don't know what you are talking about. Babies die by miscarriage and nobody accuses the mother of murder. Why now? Easy. The real reason behind the Right to Life movement is anti-feminism. Its also about creating more redneck republican votes. You've been brainwashed. How much violence have they used against you to cultivate these opinions that are anti-female? -
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
And no. I've never had an abortion. But if I could I would. And I'd name it Lindajoy - after you. lol -
You conveniently ignore rape- a good example is the 11-year-old in Brazil, forced to give birth to her rapist's child- and procedures for life-threatening pregnancies (and the aforementioned 11-year-old is also a good example of that). -
Linda Joy
Hulk, I didn't ask if you personally have had an abortion and my comment clearly states how many of your children have you had aborted. And you know full well its not the same thing. But your intent was to not answer the question I see it and I call it! -
Linda Joy
robted: No, you ASSUMED I didn't consider them. I have. They most likely are still legal in the context of the law. Situations of rape or incest have always been considered separately from abortion as birth control just because children having sex aren't responsible adults taking responsibility for their choices. Please, robted, don't assume you know what I think or feel please ask and get a direct answer from me. -
Army Veteran
"Babies die by miscarriage and nobody accuses the mother of murder." Miscarriages happen for natural reasons - abortions happen because the babies are intentionally murdered. Don't justify abortion by equating it with a natural experience. -
Army Veteran
I can understand the response to abortion when rape is involved, but I'm not sure I necessarily agree with it. The central issue is that there's a child involved - one that didn't choose to be in the position that it's in. Can a person, in good conscience, end the life of an innocent child just because the mother was forced into it? Rape seems to be a justified reason to have an abortion in many states. In the wake of Roe v Wade, I wonder how many women will falsely claim to have been raped just to get around the law. Whether rape was involved or not doesn't change the fact that protecting the child should always be the top priority. If the mother doesn't want the child, even a child resulting from rape should have the same option of being adopted - how he came to be wasn't his fault.
Sounds a bit like disingenuous hyperbole to me!
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
Hyperbole??? - Don't use words you don't understand. -
Linda Joy
You just did, hypocrite! -
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
???? -
Oh I understand it alright. Here, just in case you don't; hy·per·bo·le [h??p?rb?l?] NOUN exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally: "he vowed revenge with oaths and hyperboles" · [more] synonyms: exaggeration · overstatement · magnification · amplification · embroidery · embellishment · overplaying · excess · overkill -
Linda Joy
You apparently don't know what illusions of grandeur are! Then you say others shouldn't use words they don't understand.
The 10th amendment says that "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people." Because there is no Constitutional law that grants the right to abortions at the federal level, the power to regulate them is left up to the states. Overturning Roe v Wade untied the hands of a lot of states to choose for themselves the issue of abortion. Many indicate that they will outlaw abortion - and it's their right to do so. The protests are from the usual suspects - Liberals with no sense of responsibility who think the government should pass laws that benefit them only. To see Conservatism win at anything sends them over the edge.
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
Cable TV isn't in the constitution either but the Scotus rules on it. Get real. -
Army Veteran
So, you prefer to pick and choose which laws you're going to recognize as Constitutional? I'd have to see what you're talking about with regards to cable TV. It would seem that there would have had to have been a connection to cable TV (no pun intended) and a legality that was covered in the Constitution as to the reason a ruling was made. -
Linda Joy
The Declaration of Independence guarantees everyone the RIGHT TO LIFE, LIBERTY AND THE PERSUIT OF HAPPINESS! ALL WERE DENIED THESE CHILDREN!! Murder is not ok. -
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
That makes God the biggest mass murderer of all. He told the Jews to kill all the Canaanites. -
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
1465 - You guys pick and chose all the time. Its called "interpreting" the constitution. -
Army Veteran
You must have been proud of that answer to have posted it twice, Provide an example of Conservative "pick and choose" (not "chose") that defied the Constitution. -
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
I just did. CATV isn't in the Constitution, Therefore the Scotus has no right to rule on it. However they rule on it all the time. Here is an article that explains tha games they are playing. >>>> -
Army Veteran
Your link said nothing about CATV. But from what it did say, it appears you're in favor of doing away with the 2nd amendment because of all of the gun violence. You want to stop the gun violence? Take the guns away from the criminals. It isn't the legal gun owners who are doing the mass killings - it's the criminals. And stop blaming the guns - guns are inanimate objects. They can't do anything on their own. They need a person to make them fire. Look at all of the criminals that commit crimes only to get released by a Liberal judge. As to the reference to the founding fathers against a standing army, I really can't say one way or the other because I haven't done the research. However, logic would question the reference considering that the Constitution did provide for a standing Navy - and unless the sailors were tied onboard their ships with rope, they would pose no more or no less threat to the several states once they left. Another aspect to consider was that the citizens made up the "well-regulated militia" just as they did during the Revolutionary War.
If you were trying to force a needle in my arm last year, I don't want to hear "My body, My choice" from you now.
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
You already shared on a previous post that you WERE vaxed and boosted but I doubt it can be retrieved. Posts disappear all the time here. You don't give a shit about truth. -
Army Veteran
I was never vaxed nor "boosted". Get your facts straight --- for a change. -
Linda Joy
I was vaxed and boosted for covid. I have also been vaxed for polio, measles, mumps, rubella, smallpox, flu, shingles, and pneumonia. -
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
1465 - again you are liar. -
Army Veteran
"Liar"? If you think I'm lying, then prove it --- I'll wait. I should know whether or not I was vaxed. I was tested for COVID 3 times (all negative) but never vaxed. I did mention here that my brother was vaxed but still caught COVID - and pneumonia. He got through it like a champ. You'd better get your facts straight - your credibility is bad enough without falsely accusing someone of lying. -
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
I'm not a liar, you are. -
Army Veteran
(Oh, no...! His "I know you are, but what am I?" response is stuck again.) Someone slap the crap out of him to stop it! (hyperbolically speaking, of course...) -
Linda Joy
Maybe just a Gibbs slap to the back of the head to get him un-stuck? -
Army Veteran
I was thinking more on the order of an aluminum baseball bat. But whatever works...
I suppose you think it would be good if the owner of a cat that had kittens didn't want the kittens to put them in a bag and throw them in a lake? Do you think it is good what your pal Fauci had done to those poor little Beagle pups? Your disregard for human life is disturbing and I suggest that you seek mental help for this.
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
Hey buggar, Fauci never put a bag of beagles into a body of water. You lie. And the only reason you are upset about this is because you don't factcheck. -
Army Veteran
DUH! I don't see anything that says "put a bag of beagle pups into a body of water." Your credibility is dropping as fast as Biden's popularity. -
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
Your butt-buddy Linus van Pelt just wrote it. I know reading is hard, especially for someone who never got past 4th grade. -
Linus van Pelt
Your reading comprehension is abysmal. A product of public education? I gave one example, then a separate example. What your hero, Fauci, did was provably far worse than the example about the kittens. -
Army Veteran
LvP - since we need to help the intellectually challenged with their comprehension skills..."Abysmal: adjective - 1) of or like an abyss; immeasurably deep or great. 2) extremely or hopelessly bad or severe: (example): abysmal ignorance; abysmal poverty." -
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
BTW, according to Factcheck.Org, there is no proof that "Beaglegate" ever happened. You're making it up - again.
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