Russia is winning. US involvement in Ukraine was never meant to win or lose anything. It was a distraction - it gave Americans something controversial to focus on so they wouldn't notice how Biden and his administration are stabbing them in the back and gutting the economy.
It appears they are looting the treasurey? stealing from every young American? Hopefully Im wrong -
As most of the weapons the USA is charging Ukraine for were made last century you aren't giving Ukraine money you are charging them for oberslete rubbish is the trueth of the matter.
"Is it offical in the USA that Russia are wining the Ukraine war?" - Answer: such a thing would never be "official" in the U.S. Like all national governments the U.S. government does broadcast propaganda, but much more subtly than that. The U.S. government would never broadcast such propaganda as an "official" news item or statement. SO: such a thing will NEVER be official in the U.S. *** That being said: news sources claim the opposite. That is to say: news sources are claiming that, though Russia is making advances, it now seems certain that Ukraine is going to win the war. (The news is claiming that Russia cannot afford to continue the war for as long as it will take to finish it, because of both economic pressure and the military resistance with advanced US/NATO weapons that Ukraine is giving them.) *** "The US santions are doing nothing" - Answer: Almost certainly the various governments recognized (before the war) that threat of sanctions would be NO deterrent to Russian invasion of Ukraine. BEFORE the invasion it was mere political posturing. HOWEVER: nations that are now placing sanctions on Russia are suffering economically because of those sanctions. So - the sanctioning nations are not kidding, they expect the sanctions to produce results that will somehow benefit them in the long run. (For example: by making Russia think twice before invading another nation, 5 years or 10 years down the road.) *** Russia is suffering pretty serious economic repercussions from the sanctions (see: several news stories about this). Russia is suffering far more economic hardship than are sanctioning nations (which are also suffering - from the recession). Of course, these economic repercussions Russia is experiencing are not enough (at least, not yet) to cripple Russia's military, and Russia probably expects to be able to be released from sanctions quickly once their objectives in Ukraine have been achieved. (I don't know if Russia is right about that. I expect that they are WRONG.) *** "who are the santions designed to hurt" - designed to hurt the Russian economy (which they are doing). IF and when the Russian economy gets bad enough (it might NOT get this bad before the end of the war), it is expected that "the Russian people" will rise up in protest against the economic conditions and that the Russian leadership will comply with the protestors simply to avoid a revolution. It's also POSSIBLE that the economic sanctions will make it extremely difficult for Russia to continue to provide needed materiel[correct spelling] for the war, thus ending the war earlier in that way. *** "How much money will that cost the American taxpayer all up?" - Answer: no one knows. For one reason: because no one knows how long the war or the sanctions are going to last. For another: because it's hard to calculate the actual impact on OUR economy of the sanctions against Russia. As we have seen, such sanctions have both direct and many, many INdirect consequences. *** "what excatly are the weapons the USA is sending them achieveing?" - Answer: these are relatively advanced weapons that the Russians have NOT developed any defense against, weapons which allow the Ukrainians to successfully destroy Russian military vehicles. In other words: these weapons in Ukrainian hands make the war VERY expensive for Russia and will also make Russian advances in Ukraine VERY much slower than would be the case otherwise.
The weapons pledged or sent include 72 155mm howitzers, 72 vehicles to tow them, 144,000 rounds of ammunition, and more than 120 Phoenix Ghost tactical drones. Advance weapons what a load of rubbish. THey are old tec and useless -
Your story is different from the stories I read on BBC news. -
What have I said thats not true? the BBC is as dishonest as the ABC. -
I don't trust news sources in general...but I find them more trustworthy than individuals on the internet who make claims contrary to news articles. Here's a news article that claims to list the weapons sent by the U.S. to Ukraine. You'll notice your list doesn't even scratch the surface... [[ ]] The particular weapons I was referring to were the Stingers and Javelins. -
They were both first used last century like every piece of millitary hardware I have ever seen the USA give Australia it's obsolete. The majourity of stuff you are selling them is Obsolete it won't help them win a war all its doing is bleeding the people dry with loans their grand children will still be repaying. -
Since Russia doesn't have any defense against Stingers and Javelins, it's hard to say that those weapons are obsolete in that conflict. Yes, they're probably obsolete with respect to the U.S. military forces...but the Ukrainians aren't fighting U.S. military forces. They're fighting Russian military forces, and the Russians don't have any practical or effective defense against Stingers and Javelins.
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