And because our government officials are no longer oil well owners! Jeez, that's what stopped us going electric long ago. My concern is that I heard the materials needed to make the batteries are some rare earth metals. But I'm sure our kids can come up with a better option where batteries are concerned. And we need to fuel our "electric" charging stations with something other than a diesel run generator! Duh!
Linda Joy
Good question. People need to be informed about this stuff. I think too many just jump on the catchphrase of the month and give it lip service without looking at how it works. There is a lot I still don't know.
- quieter - increased torque (i.e. faster 0-60mph time compared to a comparable-weight internal combustion engine) *** But note that there are several downsides to electric vehicles in comparison to fossil-fuel-powered vehicles, the most important of which are probably (1) maximum driving distance (2) power (3) reliability (batteries in electric vehicles typically need to be replaced at around 150,000 miles - and it's very expensive, typically more than the car itself is worth at that mileage) In comparison, the typical internal combustion vehicle does not require servicing nearly as expensive at that mileage, though to be fair gasoline engines typically don't last much more than 200,000 miles (diesel have been known to last MUCH longer - as much as 1,000,000 miles).
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