Well, at the end of the day, if the energy isn't coming from solar or wind power, then it's no different, the only difference is the batteries are not going to bode well for the environment, and cost as much as a new car in of themselves.
Moving Violation
Excellent March.14.2022 They are lying so bad about EV's cannot believe anything you hear and only half of what you see about EV's. Those battery are very dangerous they burn so hot it takes thousand of gallons of water to put out the fire! -
water doesn't put lithium fire out,find an old lithium battery gut it put the lithium in water what happens?
Not this one, anyway...😆
Once constructed, the car itself - while in use - does not itself produce greenhouse gasses. *** HOWEVER: the car is powered by electrical power plants, many of which DO produce greenhouse gasses. *** AS WE CONVERT from "dirty" electric power plants to "green" electric power plants, the typical electric vehicle will have less and less impact on the environment. *** Still: the batteries can have a serious impact on the environment (much more so than - by analogy - a gas tank from an internal combustion engine vehicle). *** SO: in fact, the verdict is still out regarding how "green" an electric vehicle is compared to an internal combustion engine vehicle. We SHOULD expect, though, that the electric vehicle will become more and more green over time, at a much faster rate than a comparable internal combustion engine vehicle.
the amount of materials and energy required to make a Tesla ? Its life span? The energy required to recycle it? Don't you include any of those things?
well its a start for the environment as the car itself dont use Petrol!!!!!! .where as petrol run cars use BOTH coal to run electricity and car runs on petrol electric car is a major Better difference
People call gasoline cars clean after they wash them. Everyone who posted so far seems to be forgetting water/dam power and nuclear power. I have an idea why don't YOU INVENT ONE since you claim to know all about it.
Moving Violation
My who stepped on your tail, you act like you know every thing also! April 14 2022
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