Each subsequent generation exhibits less and less moral responsibility. Marriage takes a commitment that too few are willing to make. Marriage isn't as popular as it used to be since it became socially acceptable to "shack-up" (as it was once referred to). Getting involved in a relationship without committing to marriage became an indicator of the seriousness people put into a relationship. "Who needs commitment? When things get rough, just walk away...". Practical, but not morally responsible - especially when kids are involved.
Thanks I see -
Moving Violation
Excellent answer 1465 March 15 2022
No. See: the inevitability of death.
Army Veteran
I hate to burst your bubble, but people inevitably die whether they're in a relationship or not. -
Thank you -
1465: exactly my point. So: what bubble did you think you were bursting?
Because they just want to use you for their gain and advantage. When it's done they have no use anymore and it ends. To avoid such things from happening, you need to ask yourself "what have they done for you besides sweet talk? " If the answer is nothing, then you should just end it and save yourself the pain later
Thank you
because , when a couple first meet and they fall in love they both are real loving and caring and attentive etc etc to each other { putting their best foot forward ,so to speak not showing their real true self by hiding bad traits etc } ..then when they are a couple/married etc,they think he or she loves me and gradually start acting not as loving/caring etc etc etc etc then some feel unloved / some get bossy etc and may even cheat or leave /...marriages /relationships need to be maintained /looked after so they dont wear out and break down
Thank you
Betrayal leads to the breakdown of all of the bonds that hold a relationship together in emotional, physical and spiritual.
Yes I agree
Because of sin in the world.
Yes I Agree
Marriage ;- Easier to divorce now and is not as frowned upon. Relationships, all sorts of reasons:- Lack of communication. A change of dynamics, children can bring about this. Taking each other for granted. Miscarriages, and fertility problems. Interfering relatives. Post natal depression. Illness. Breach of trust. Financial problems. What initially was found attractive, becomes an annoyance.
Thanks for sharing -
I hope you are well DWW
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