Its 'novelty' has certainly worn off. I don't watch the news. Here are the stats:
somewhat but another variant will be on the way
Democrats are scared of the shellacking they're going to get at the midterms for their Covid fear mongering. My answer is Democrat fearmongering is "fading away", as a last ditch attempt at preserving the party.
The "other variant" that Murzy speaks about is the Russia/Ukraine event. The people who have been politically abused for the past 2 years by the Democrats have started pushing back (even in Canada). With their tyranny weakening, elected officials know that their days of oppression are almost over and so they're creating a distraction - perhaps even trying to start another war to stay in power. The Democrat Party is nothing but one power-grab attempt after another. It goes back more than a hundred and fifty years. Every election cycle they'll prey on the weak-minded to bamboozle themselves into yet another political season of corruption.
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
It isn't the Democrats who are pushing the lie that Trump won the election. -
Army Veteran
They couldn't push a lie like that because it isn't a lie. No - they pushed the lie that he lost in 2016. And they've pushed every lie throughout the Trump administration. Pick one: Russiagate, Ukraine scandal, supporting the borders...the only "truth" they told was about doing away with everything Trump did - so how are you enjoying the higher gas prices and the higher cost of everything else? You know that if Biden gets his way and starts a war with Russia you'll see a huge jump in prices. Is Biden still your boy? Maybe you should honestly (cough, cough) look back and see everything Trump did to make this country better. -
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
Proof please.....And if war with Russia commences I expect you to do the patriotic thing and enlist. -
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
Or you could always get a plane ticket to Moscow if you hate America so much. Love or leave it, as you guys USED TO SAY. lol -
Army Veteran
"Proof"? Proof of what? If you hadn't been asleep at the wheel for the past 5 years, you would have seen everything. That's what happens when you're in denial - you refuse to see the truth. There was more going on in life than standing on a street corner holding a sign saying "I hate Trump". Trump was being attacked even before the 2016 election - his entire administration was one attack after another because you Liberals were trying to stop him from "making the country great" (I really hate using that term because it's so cliche - but it's accurate). Remember paying less than $2 per gallon of gas in April and May of 2020? The highest it got in 2020 was $2.54 in January and it ended at $2.19. When Biden took over and shut down the Keystone XL pipeline, gas jumped to $2.33 and has been going up higher each month to its current average of $3.60. don't want proof of anything. You want me to waste my time providing links to facts that you're only going to deny anyway. I almost feel sorry for you because it takes no effort at all to deny something - little children have that skill down pat. The effort comes in when you do the research. -
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
1465 RE " don't want proof of anything. You want me to waste my time providing links to facts that you're only going to deny anyway. I almost feel sorry for you because it takes no effort at all to deny something - little children have that skill down pat. The effort comes in when you do the research." ....A) Which is also why I get annoyed when you accuse mainstream sources like ABC NEWS and the Wall Street Jounal of being "Left-Wing Journalism" Its easy to lie, hard to prove. You said it yourself. Only we know Trump is lying about the election. If he weren't it wouldn't take an angry mob of 800 to destroy the capitol bldg. He would have proved it in open court by now. Stop being a Russian Troll.
Yeah funny that, still bringing economical collapse to your own countries, and societal change is a multiple step process. Not a word about the US carrying out airstrikes in Somalia either, or what about Afghanistan? When did we last hear about the afterMESS we left there? How about American companies privatising more parts of the UK NHS? I guess the Ukraine is the latest distraction where the Western country leaders can try to convince us that their the good guys, whilst breaching many agreements.
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
CC: Wow, you sound like an anti-war liberal. -
I am against war, but since you have a love of labels, I'm neither liberal or capitalist.
Not here they are still pushing mandates and vaccines. If your over 75 be worried the government wants to get rid of you.
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
Is that why my state doubled the amount on food stamps and welfare benefits for poor people - because they want to get rid of old people? lol. you are crazy - again. -
Army Veteran
Maybe the rest of the country should send their elderly to Washington so they'll live longer. But then you'll exploit their senility and have them voting Democrat. On second thought, 'tis nobler to die with honor than to vote long after you're dead. -
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
Russian Troll.
28/2/22 its not, but we are told we gotta learn to live with it ..many will still die but we wont be told ..only loved ones will know stay safe many still die thats been vaccinated and boosted
My state will reopen March 21st. Yes their may be another variant but I will hope for the best.😌
Army Veteran
So which variant would you consider the best? -
Lol! -
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
Beat Covid, avoid Republicans. Fight Communism, Vote for Biden.
Mask restrictions are lifting so I'd say yes its fading away.....until a new variant is here. Then we'll see from there re: restrictions,
There are still some people in the world passing away from covid and there are living people who have certain symptoms of covid. Covid is still around but with the number of deaths decreasing.
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