They don't like wars - their irresponsible elected officials do.
Oh, C'mon. Wasn't that the justification for Vietnam? American wasn't going to "turn tail and run from a fight" "America has never lost a war." Isn't that the justification for the Military Industrial Complex? You Connies love war. That's why we're always building billions in weapons we will never use. Nobody has threatened Americas since 1812, I don't know why we need the B-2 bomber. We've never used it. But Republicans' do. 😅
why are they so many people at a Trump rally in Conroe, Texas? Has Joe been surrounded by that many people that like him in the last 5 years? -
how many people are there? -
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
Stevo. That's because Texas is still Redneck Central. Poor white trash. They never made it through High School. lol BTW there were no pictures in your link. lol That's important because most of them never learned to read. I'm surprised you do. -
The justification for Vietnam was the famous political objective of stopping the domino effect of communist takeovers. Our politicians were too scared of China to actually fight it like an actual war instead of a "police action" -
Army Veteran
Hulk doesn't like to research, but he should know that it was Democrat Truman that first sent the US into Vietnam. -
Army Veteran
America has never lost a declared war. Vietnam was never a declared war - it was an opportunity to open the drug trade between Indochina and the United States. That's the reason so many African Americans were sent to Vietnam early in the war - it was planned that they get hooked on drugs and then carry their addictions home to their neighborhoods where they would get others addicted. The intent was to do away with the African American population in the United States and let them do all of the work. As usual, the Democrats were behind it. -
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
1465 - That's an interesting conspiracy theory you've cooked up for yourself. Care to supply us with a link or are you going to keep that one to yourself? -
Army Veteran
This link generalizes what I said. My statement was cumulative of several years of research. -
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
1465 - Wow, do you know you just said something bad about a Republican? Do you wish to take it back? -
Army Veteran
You mean about Nixon? I realize that independent thought doesn't stray anywhere near your melon, but you should recognize that I am capable of thinking and speaking for myself. Unlike the sheep in Liberal Land, I don't get obsessed with adhering to Party lines. RINOS are backstabbing Republicans and I'll condemn them as much as any other Liberal. For the record, just because I said something unfavorable about Nixon doesn't mean I am condemning him for being born - he did get the US out of the Vietnam "war". If this triggers cognizant dissonance in your brain, it's something you'll have to work out on your own.
to keep the population down maybe
We don't like wars. Our politicians do. Our corporations do too. There's an old song by country joe and the fish that says "well there's plenty good money to be made, by supplying the army with the tools of the trade. Let's hope and pray that if they drop the bomb, they drop it on Vietnam! Another line said "be the first one on your block to have your boy come home in a box!" Our govt has sent far too many of of us off to foreign wars over "political and military objectives" that do nothing for the homeland. Now we have another old man in office that didn't ever serve in our military rattling his sabre for war again.
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
Trump and Bush2 never served in the military either. -
Bush 2 was a pilot, here is an excerpt; "George W. Bush joined the 147th Fighter-Interceptor Group of the Texas Air National Guard on May 27, 1968, during the Vietnam War. He committed to serve until May 26, 1974, with two years on active duty while training to fly and four years on part-time duty.[1] In his 1968 Statement of Intent (undated), he wrote, "I have applied for pilot training to make flying a lifetime pursuit, and I believe I can best accomplish this to my satisfaction by serving as a member of the Air National Guard as long as possible." Trump and Biden were both given deferments. -
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
Dalcono, I can't figure out if your liberal or conservative. Do you care to clue me in? Second Bush2 was going to go to Vietnam when he got a deferrement via the Texas Air National Guard. Now if that isn't strange to you let me ask: What is the job of the Texas Air National Guard? Do you know, or have you ever heard of any Mexican plan - to bomb the United States? If so I'd like a link please. -
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
1465-I give you plenty of research but you never read it. I give up after awhile. -
Hmm, you seem to think I must be one or the other. I am neither. Bush joined in 68 and was honorably discharged in 73. Another excerpt; "On October 1, 1973, Bush was honorably discharged from the Texas Air National Guard and transferred to the Air Force Reserve's inactive reserves in Denver, Colorado.[11] He was discharged from the Air Force Reserve on November 21, 1974, ending his military service." Here is a link to the article. -
Army Veteran
Hulk...when did you serve? -
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
Stevo. I thought I was a libtard. How can I be a Nazi? -
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
Dalcono, so I am right. Bush 2 seved but he used his father's connections to stay away from the fighting. To me that's the same as draft dodging. -
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
Takes one to know one. -
That statement is simply opinion. There is nothing to lead to that conclusion in the record. It is simply the sour grapes of the political rancor. That passes for politics today. When did you get drafted or sign up for service?
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