There is nothing in scripture nor Tradition that says smoking or drinking is sinful. There are rules against drunkenness, not drinking. Other communions that forbid those actions are doing so because of their own ideas or rules, not because of any scriptural instructions.
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First: allow me to point out that the religion - by definition - is Christianity. The Roman Catholic Church - and the several other flavors of Catholicism (which many Roman Catholics deny exist) - are all - by definition - part of the religion of Christianity, denominations of the religion of Christianity. *** NOW: the Bible is clear (in both Old and New Testaments) that consuming alcoholic beverages IS permitted. What is condemned - and it is strongly condemned, especially in the New Testament - is DRUNKENNESS. *** The Bible does not mention smoking, Why? Tobacco was not discovered by the Old World until more than 1,000 years after the last Biblical document was authored. *** Throughout history many religious leaders have banned or severely criticized the use of tobacco, typically for reasons of (A) health consequences and/or (B) false health benefits made by charlatans and/or (C) supposed intoxicating effects. *** However, in Christianity - historically - its banning was mostly limited to "temperance movement" denominations such as the Methodists. *** Finally: nevertheless we see in the Roman Catholic Church that excessive smoking IS clearly identified as sin in the (official) Catechism of the Catholic Church. However: as far as I know, that denomination does NOT define what qualifies as "excessive smoking", making that "rule" of value only to those Roman Catholics who do not smoke or who desire to quit or who desire for specific others to quit. That Catechism also describes excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages as sin (note: quite in-line with the Bible), and in addition explicitly quotes one of the New Testament passages that condemns drunkenness.
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you must realize, all christian or any religious people are human beings and not gods and will sin etc because they are not perfect no matter how hard they may try not to sin
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