Once upon a time, gray hair was seen as something to be avoided. So let it be, since some old trends are back in style.
Thanks Jenny :)
I'm dying mine. I'm not ready to look like a little old lady. people treat you different. without gray hair, I can pass for 15 years less than my actual age.
Aww, thanks for your info
It's up to you, but don't pull it out, 12 will turn up to its funeral.
Thank you Creamcrackered -
There is a difference between men and women, a man goes grey he looks distinguished, a woman goes grey she looks old.
For me it coincided with the hair receding so I've been shaving my head for about 15 years, nobody knows I've gone grey!
Thank you so much
Of course. I didn't look my age until that started happening...and I still don't if I am clean-shaven.
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Yes. I have naturally dark brown hair with grey strands here and there but I would rather leave it be just to be natural about it instead of being fake about it by dyeing the hair.
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I think its up to the person. I'm short, so I've always been thought younger than I am. And while I got my first gray hair (that I was aware of) in my early 30's people still say they don't see the gray in my hair. I feel like an old lady since the cancer. But if I felt like it I'd put a streak of pink or blue in my hair. I've never been big on conforming to societal 'norms' anyway. As for men, gray and bald can both be VERY SEXY! IMHO
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female, no...male, yes
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I was born with grey hair so I'm pretty used to it. Besides most grey hairs don' t keep the coloring. IOW its still grey.
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