It's all part of recent the $1.2 Trillion Infrastructure Bill that isn't going to cost Americans a penny. Isn't Biden's "Build Back Better" plan EXCITING? The higher prices are all in your mind.
Yes I agree -
Moving Violation
Everything is going up or down sizing March.14.2022. -
Army Veteran
(Although "puddings" aren't high on my list of concerns...)
Every thing seems to be either going up or shrinking in size.
Yes, look at Folger's coffee -
This trend has been going on for years and years. A can of tuna has been 5oz for a dozen years now, having dropped from 6oz and 7oz a few decades ago. Same goes for orange juice cartons and breakfast cereals.
every thing has been going up in price
Yes it is I agree
It seems everything is going up in price.
Yes I do agree
Yes, food companies are raising prices on everything, while retailers pass more of these increases down to shoppers.
Yes it is crazy
Not puddings! Oh no! (Just kidding. I don't buy pudding.)
Yes I hear you
price of most things have gone up here
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