He has not received his benefits after contacting the Social Security telling them his Mother passed away and his Mother's been deceased a year
He should see an attorney who specializes in this area. -
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If he's able bodied, he needs to get a job.
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Were they his benefits or his mothers'? You said he contacted them but didn't say what they told him. The people at the SS office should have that information. I agree with Victorine he should get a lawyer or at least consult one. And I agree with Charin, if he can work he is now able to get a job. The market is great for getting hired! But depending on his immediate needs he may need to apply for SNAP and speak to the social worker there about the benefits for which he qualifies. He may need help keeping his home, or finding another that better fits his new finances and living conditions.
Thank you, No when he started taking care of his Mother, he loss his SSI benefits, So the Treasure office he shouldn't lost his benefits and also their putting him on a payment plan
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