It's a step in the right direction. Even unborn children need to be protected - ESPECIALLY unborn children. They have no voice - someone has to speak for them and represent their right to life.
Thanks, for your advice :) -
Linda Joy
Another constitutional right swept under the rug!
Well...that's not exactly how the law reads. Apparently (according to BBC news), what the law DOES do is allow anyone involved in such an abortion (that is: an abortion that occurs after APPROXIMATELY six weeks of pregnancy) to be SUED. So: the law makes it legal to sue someone who has had such an abortion, AND it is legal to sue someone who participated in such an abortion (for example: doctors and nurses). Again: there is NO DIRECT LEGAL PENALTY under this new law for having such an abortion, but the law DOES open such a person to law suit. Here's my source (note: liberal slant, but I have no reason to believe it is inaccurate). {{ }} I quote: "Most abortion restrictions that have been proposed before have relied on criminal penalties or some form of regulatory punishment. The Texas law instead authorises "a private civil right of action", which allows people to sue to enforce the law even if they themselves have not been harmed."
Thanks, for your advice :)
If they abandon abortion rights, guys are really going to hate it when they go out on dates. No chick wants to get pregnant unless she's married. You Connies are biting down on you own ___ (rhymes with Rocks) LOL
Thanks, for your advice :) -
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
This is a direct attack on Roe v Wade. If the Scotus overturns Roe be ready for lots of civil disorder. You Connies think BLM was bad, that was only the warm-up band. lol Think of 175M women waking up to find their right to an abortion is gone. ....Remember what happened during Prohibition? -
Lox? Chocs? Smocks? No, must be "Brachs". -
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
Army Veteran
They should listen for a heartbeat. A heartbeat signifies "life". To have an abortion when there's a heartbeat detected is premeditated murder. You and your Roe v Wade have no defense and "my body, my choice" is out the window. -
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
Yet you reject the same science that tell you to take the vaccine. You make no sense at all. -
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
Honestly I wouldn't care if you guys were adopting those kids but you aren't. Your leaving them alone in foster homes and orphanages where they can be abused and grow up crime statistics. I don't want to be shot at while crossing the street by a 'would-be' abortion. lol I care more about the living. -
If they do grow up crime statistics, the libs will finally have a decent pool Democrat politicians. -
Army Veteran
@ Hulk70156 - You accept only what "science" supports your beliefs. You reject any science that disagrees with the "Fauci protocol" which opposes mask-wearing and vaccines. Leaving them in foster homes is better than killing them - at least they have a chance. And if you're so worried about "child abuse" why don't I see you weighing in on human trafficking and illegal border crossings? -
Linda Joy
Whatever happened to personal accountability? You don't screw someone without protection if you don't want a baby. (that goes for BOTH sides!!) You don't just murder it because its inconvenient! Right to life is a constitutional right!! Abortion as birth control is just wrong! Its not like there are no other options! Its the irresponsible parent who should be executed, not the innocent child! -
Linda Joy
Civil disorder, you mean the people who wanted to go out and loot, steal and destroy stuff are now given what they see as a reason. There's nothing 'civil' about it! People do bad things because they want to. They're not making anything better or fixing anything by acting like animals instead of humans. -
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
Linda Joy: They sure have you brainwashed. I'm advocating for your rights and you beat me up. lol I'm not the one who has to get pregnan! and 1465 - I'll go with Fauci over Tucker Carlson for my medical advice every day of the week! lol -
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
And Linda Joy I worry God kills people all the time, so do accidents, and so does the government. You guys don't care about life, If you did you'd mask up. You are the biggest hypocrite out there. -
Linda Joy
I don't know to which 'they' you're referring, but I make up my own mind. I don't "have to" get pregnant either. Its a choice on both sides. And I'd never want to murder my own child. What person did God kill, in your opinion? And why do you keep insinuating I don't mask? I've told you repeatedly I do, which would make your insinuation a lie. Fauci has also been caught lying. I think they all have, haven't they? I do care about life, others more than my own. But I sure don't care what you think about me. -
Thanks, for your advice :)
I think the results are going to end up deeply disappointing the Texans. There will be test cases proving hugely problematic for Texas, and state legislatures all over the country will be making sure that what happens in Texas can't happen in THEIR states. Really, it's about time for Texas to secede. It's out of step with the rest of the country and always has been. We won't miss it.
Thank you for your comment well appreciated :) -
Linda Joy
It appears to me that millions of people like what Texas is doing and want to live there. "4.2 million people have moved to the state since the last census in 2010,"
Coercing women and girls to carry a baby to term is all fair but requiring a mask during a public health emergency tramples on your freedom. Gee, my mask comes off in a matter of seconds once I'm in a private setting, but that kid is going to have to be supported for 18 years at a minimum. And if the birth mother is unable to do so, who's going to be paying for that support?
Linda Joy
Their FATHERS?!! How about parents start actually parenting and teaching CHILDREN not to have sex until they are grown? How is teaching them to murder anyone that gets in the way of a fun time a good thing for our society? -
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
Linda, some guys own up to their responsibility but most don't - if they can get away with it. So that solution has never worked in the history of Man and you know it too. Gee wiz, you have a lot of faith in us guys. How come? -
Linda Joy
Oh no you don't. I've said both sides all along. I'm not pinning this on anyone. And you won't pin me with taking sides! Unless the woman is raped, and that's an entirely different situation. She's just as responsible for getting pregnant AND financially and emotionally supporting the child. That goes both ways, too! As for some guys... I know a lot of fine men that take care of their families. The more evolved ones, of course that have made it past the infantile selfish stage we all go through. As for my 'faith' in 'guys' well that comes from experience... lots and lots of experience with, well, lets say 'immature guys'. -
Thanks, for your advice :)
I'll personally be happy to see the law go back to the states. Something else the Fed shouldn't be involved in.
Army Veteran
There is no federal law against murder but there is for abortion - the only difference is, abortion targets defenseless children. -
Linda Joy
There is a constitutional right to life! -
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
So LJ stop supporting the people who are prolonging the Pandemic. Stop advocating they have a right not be vaxed. You are pro life in one area but against it in another, make up your mind. -
Linda Joy
But they do have a right to choose whether they want to be vaxxed. -
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
This pandemic will end when we have mandatory vaccination or until a cure will be found. Unfortunately our main enemy is stupidity. The only question is how many people will die before then. If I am vaxed I have a 99% chance of surviving. That's all I need to know. Good luck to you all, you're gonna need it - lots of it. lol -
Thanks, for your advice :) -
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
The law is also based on a lie. It says that life begins at 6 weeks. However heart cells beat by themselves without being connected to a heart at six weeks. In other words there is no heart after six weeks. Its just the cells thumping against each other.
Abortion should be a decision between a woman and her doctor.
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