Well its certainly causing my family some problems right now. Everyone in my family had both covid19 vaccinations 3-4 months ago. My 2 adult daughters took a weeks vacation to Cancun Mexico 10 days ago & naturally passed the airlines covid test in the fly to Cancun. Unfortunately when they tested again Sunday to fly home monday one of them supposedly tested positive so now both of them are quarantined in an $80 a day hotel room in mexico even though neither one of them is ill. No one can tell us how many weeks or months they will be confined in the room. only that they will have to stay until they both test negative & each time they are tested will cost an additional $45 each added to the cost of the room.. I suspect they will be held hostage there until the hotel finds someone else to rent the room. Or possibly until we find the right person to bribe to turn them loose.
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
That's really sad particularly when you consider Mexico wasn't even admitting it had a problem until three months after the US did. Good luck. -
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Army Veteran
If your daughters were vaccinated, they shouldn't have tested positive, should they? Whether or not they got the vaccines voluntarily, it still throws a bad light on the vaccine program itself. But then, there's been no consistency about COVID, anyway - Fauci changes the rules more often than he changed his shorts. Maybe if they renounced their American citizenship they could come in as illegals and not have to go through the testing process.
Anti-Vaxxers may want to take a look at what Mitch McConnell said today. To his credit he said the right thing FOR A CHANGE
Army Veteran
Mitch McConnell is not to be trusted - he's a RINO. Nor is anything published by the Washington Compost. -
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Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
1465 is Team-Covid. He's in favor of death. lol you might call him a "Covidian." lol -
Army Veteran
I'm in favor of telling the truth and nothing about COVID has been truthful.
I think it's a problem for the elderly and those with health issues, but for everyone else, I tend to think the whole thing is a bit overblown. It has a high survivability rate. Get vaccinated, if you're concerned.
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Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
Kevin is also Team Covid.
If you support Dr. Fauci, and you're scared, you have no one to blame but yourself. At present, he is being questioned about his participation in funding the Coronavirus research in Wuhan: [] However, it's not as bad as most people think. The CDC combined the figures for pneumonia and the common flu to elevate the "official" totals. Pneumonia and the flu are common seasonal issues that do not pose a serious level of threat. But by using these figures, a "pandemic" was created and "spread" through the fake media. It's all been a scare tactic by the radical Left to sabotage the November elections using mail-in ballots. The mandates imposed beginning in April of 2020 by state governors were never supposed to be extended beyond 30 days by law. They **illegally** extended them each month (some even predicted months in advance that they would have to be extended) so that social distancing would prevent voting in person for the paranoid who was too scared to leave their house.
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this is what the Dems do--fearmonger. keep everybody off kilter and confused. then we look to them for help. these are the same people who just put all the millions of doses of hydroxychloroquine in storage. I make it a point to NOT believe anything coming out of the WH or the MSM. they are all in collusion and won't tell us the truth about this virus unless it benefits their sick narrative. this new virus variant is probably due to all these unvaccinated migrants coming into the country thanks to stupid Biden. We had a monkeypox case as well. it's only a matter of time before Dengue Fever and whooping cough epidemics happen. and almost all the Texas Democrat reps who left the state to fly to DC on a joy junket to avoid voting on their new election laws, is testing positive for covid. LOL! (God don't like ugly!)
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Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
Hydroxychoroquine was also declared useless against the Coronavirus by the FDA over a year ago. I'd trust Science before I trusted you. . Personally I don't care. The fewer Trumpsters there are to overthrow the government the better. BTW you never did discuss how you feel about the January 6th riot. -
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Back in the day, the Martian invasion of Orson Welles had many a gullible sheeple scared witless. It wasn't hard to inflate a molehill into a mountain back then, and even easier today, with the crapification of the schools and colleges.
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Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
@ Charin RE this new virus variant is probably due to all these unvaccinated migrants coming into the country thanks to stupid Biden." You are a Stupid, stupid, stupid man. The reason we have the spread of the virus is because of you anti vaxxers. You know this and you still do it. I think you are Russian agents. -
Or perhaps this "new virus variant" is Fauci and his BFFs at Wuhan just stoking the flames of hysteria that have started to die down. Maybe it is a mutation in response to all you cowardly nitwits that got the jab. Or maybe (like the flu) it just constantly mutates naturally. BAAAAA! BAAAA! howled the gullible sheeple in protest! How dare you not join the herd in worship of the wolf pack that has promised to protect us helpless creatures from the invisible predators! How dare you not do what the wolves tell us, which is for our own good! How dare you endanger us by rejecting our hysterical hivemind and groupthink! I dare because you and 'tards like you are so braindead you not only reject thinking for yourself, you embrace allowing the worst of the worst (Fauci, Gates, CDC, WHO, etc.) to dictate what you think...if you call that thinking. Seems there ain't much difference between your sort and the commie-indoctrinated SJWs & NPCs. Neither can be bothered do the research (outside the MSM), and come to your own conclusions. I dare to make my own decisions, based on my own research. and unlike idiots such as you, I take responsibility for the personal results of my choices, instead of laying blame on others for what happens to me. Unlike you, I make an INFORMED decision not based on disinformation and propaganda, or libtard logic --- -
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
Franco, if you are rejecting the work of the scientists and substituting your own, I hope you don't have kids. Personally, I am in favor of you harming yourself, lol but you can't harm them. -
Army Veteran
He's rejecting the work of the Fauci-approved scientists. The ones who reject the work of scientists who oppose the mainstream "science" - the ones you never hear from because their conclusions are being censored.
Awful disease/virus
Thanks, for sharing your comment well done :)
unvaccinated people are dieing in huge numbers
Thanks, for sharing your comment well done :)
Yes, I never thought there would be this many variants. We could go on like this forever. And yet there are people who are okay with this
Thanks, for sharing your comment well done :) -
Army Veteran
Yeah...just as soon as the current variant becomes manageable with normalcy on the horizon, along comes another one - guaranteed to maintain the mandates. And as you say, "there are people who are okay with this."
It is scary. Reminds me of a novel called "The Stand" by Stephen King. Same nightmare scenario of "virus escapes lab, spreads around the world" etc. We have stories out here in CA about a great sickness that swept thru the San Joaquin and Sacramento valley's a long time back that killed so many there weren't enough people left to bury the dead.
I don't know what to think
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