Cyclimates were also cancerous. That's what happened to LIKE diet drink. It turned out to be false but that news was too like for LIKE. Coffee is cancerous too. So are bananas and just about anything a researcher wants to get his name in the paper for.
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Crap! I stir my coffee every morning - with a banana. Double whammy!
Seriously? SMOKING causes cancer AND heart disease, stroke, lung diseases, diabetes, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), emphysema, chronic bronchitis, tuberculosis, certain eye diseases, and problems of the immune system, including rheumatoid arthritis. And we still allow THAT. It's not even a food -- and everyone must eat food to live, and we are still learning what is good for you to eat and NOT good for you to eat in a world where nutritional information changes year after year... SMOKING is NOT a need of any kind - it is 100% idiocy and 100% damaging to your body and health and has no redeeming purpose whatsoever except to be toxic and slowly destroy your body. We've all known this for decades, and we are spending BILLIONS and BILLIONS of healthcare dollars taking care of the MORONS in this country who needlessly smoke just because they think it's cool! SMOKING is a stupid and costly scourge on our country that NOBODY should have to pay for - that level of stupidity and moronic idiocy.
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It's probably one of those deals where their test rat was fed nothing but Sweet n Low for six months, and they now can't figure another reason for his untimely death.
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They've been saying that for many years, decades, in fact. One problem is that the amount used in laboratory animals far, far exceeds the amount human beings consume. People keep using artificial sweeteners because they want sweetness but also are desperate to lose weight. It's a national obsession. I should mention that aspartame has been associated with seizures. This wasn't a result of lab tests only but actual patient experience. A friend of mine, who was drinking copious amounts of diet soda while on a lengthy diet, suffered a seizure though she'd never had one before and had none after she was advised to stop drinking the sodas. FYI.
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It seems that reasonable amounts are ok.
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WE don't.
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