He is part of the IMAGINARY race. Make-believe people who don't exist in reality. And nobody has ever provided any evidence to prove otherwise. "Every time you think of the name Jesus Christ, you bring Him to life from within." Same can be said for any of the other imaginary gods that people believe in -- Allah, Brahma, Zeus... this silly, childish saying of yours doesn't make your god real, or any of the other ones.
Okay I see -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Chicago, not so imaginary. Every time you think of the name Jesus Christ, you bring Him to life from within. -
Douglas Wade
Jews are not an imaginary race. They are a real people group with a real history. -
I believe in Jesus and I love him -
Jenny The Great ⭐
DancesWithWolves, Amen. -
Thank you Jenny
Jesus was Jewish and his language was Aramaic. I have no idea what his skin color was.
Thanks for sharing your comments :)
Jesus as Jewish and I do not know or care what skin color he had 😉
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bible says Jewish
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Jesus is a Jew and the King of the Jews. He spoke Aramaic. It is a language that was spoken by most Jews at the time. On Religion, He is the center of Christianity. Matthew 4:19 "And He said to them, Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men."
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Jesus was Jewish and he practiced the religion of Judaism.
Thanks for your comment :) -
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
Actually I think that was the whole point about Jesus. He overthrew tables in the sacred temple because of the money changers. He said this shouldn't be allowed. He got a lot of people miffed at him, particularly the Pharisees (leaders) at the Sanhedrin (Jewish Council). He wasn't a good Jew. He also said he was the Messiah but the prophesies about him were not entirely fulfilled, for example Peace on Earth was a biggie. Isiah also says that Elijah would appear before the savior did. Jesus said Elijah did show up but the non-believers killed him. This contradicted the words of Isiah who was a major prophet.This didn't exactly endear him to the Sanhedrin and he was pretty much excommunicated. (This made him a kind of man without a religion until the Catholics showed up) lol I wouldn't worry about Jesus, If you are the Son of God you don't really need a religion, do you? lol -
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The Bible states that Jesus mother and adoptive father were Jews, so his race would have been Jewish, and thereby have been raised in the Jewish culture and the Jewish culture was linked to their religion, so he would have practiced Judaism until his death, even at the "last supper" he was celebrating the Passover which began with Moses, it was on this night that Jesus changed the requirements to serve God and so began the Christian religion. If you would like more information on this and other Bible topics please login to
Jewish. Publius Cornelius Tacitus' works are a chief source next to the Bible and the works of Josephus for providing significant and independent extra-Biblical account of the life and crucifixion of Jesus of Nazareth
Thank You
He was a Hebrew. They were not imaginary people.
Thank You
He was from Heaven.
Thank You
He was a Jewish monotheist, and of the Abrahamic bloodline.
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In the classical, formerly scientific three-race classification system, people native to the Levant were typically classified as Caucasian. Of course, that doesn't mean that Jesus personally was Caucasian, and of course we don't know his race, his skin tone, his hair color or other hair characteristics, his eye color, his facial bone structure, etc. etc.. *** Culture: native-born Jew, Jewish Galilean, beginning in the time of Herod the Great (Judah was a "client kingdom" of the Roman Empire at that time) and apparently ending in the time of Herod Antipas (Tetrarch of Galilee and Peraea until 39 C.E.) and Pontius Pilate (Prefect of Judea until about 36 or 37 C.E., at this time Judea was part of the Roman Province of Syria and was not a client kingdom). *** His religion is a matter of dispute, and depends primarily on how one defines "Christian". For example: if you were to define "Christian" as "someone who believes and follows the teachings of Jesus". then we classify Jesus as a Christian. On the other hand, if you were to define "Christian" as "someone who believes in the resurrection of Christ and depends upon that same thing for eternal salvation", we Christians would NOT include Christ because he did NOT depend on belief in himself for eternal salvation, nor did he need to do so. *** Most Christians agree that Jesus was Jewish, but many teach that he was ADDITIONALLY Christian. Modern Jews typically opine that it is impossible to be both Jewish and Christian, but we see many such people described in the New Testament.
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Jesus was a Jew. His Hebrew name is believed to be either Yeshua, Y,shua, Yeoshushua. His mother Mary and earthly father Joseph were Jewish. He was most likely swarthy skinned, brown hair and dark eyes as that was the general way people in Israel looked back then.
Who cares this is just a make believe character anyways just like the Easter Bunny Nov.29.2021
Oh my get help
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