I have been using Net10 for several years now and I'm completely happy with it. I have service everywhere anybody with Verizon has service with out all the ridiculous contracts and fees Verizon hits us with. I pay 35 bucks a month, and I get unlimited calling, texts and data. I only use a small amount of data though. People who use large amounts of data should probably get the 50 bucks a month plan. You never have a "phone upgrade fee" nor do you ever have a contract to wait out, you never have to pay a "activation fee" for a phone, after you pay for the phone and the "upgrade fee". Once I finally had my last Verizon contract time out, I switched, about 7 years ago, and never went back.
Thanks for sharing with me well appreciated :)
Verizon 4 me
Thanks for sharing with me well appreciated :)
I've had Verizon for years with no problems.
Thanks for sharing with me well appreciated :)
In the U.S., Verizon has the best coverage. Great for someone like me who often works in rural areas. I now use Total Wireless, which uses the Verizon network but offers significantly lower monthly fees for service.
Thanks for sharing with me well appreciated :)
Verizon offers the better service, but T-Mobile gives me unlimited everything for half of what Verizon wanted.
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I've been with Verizon for many years. I once tried AT&T and got horrible service so I switched back to Verizon.
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I use T-Mobile Android and I am satisfied with it, I can make, receive calls. My favorite function other than calling is posting photos in the gallery.
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I have never had a dropped call or any hiccups with Verizon.
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