They claim with Medicare for All ..The United States could get medications from Canada, Germany, France, UK, etc
Have you ever worked hard 8hrs or more a day for a living only to have it taken away by the government in taxes to pay for someone else's portion of the pie because they can't or choose not to work? Have you ever thought about where this money is going to come from? Whose paycheck do you take money from for your income? NO ONE GETS ANYTHING FOR NOTHING! If its free to you someone else had to pay for it! And some will continue to pay long after we're dead for the debt we ran up with these liberal give money away (that's not theirs!) programs they put in place to win votes!!! Here's the truth about this plan please at least read it!!
Linda Joy
Its really not fair for the working people to have to pay for the poor choices of others!! "Changing lifestyle choices could cut $730B in annual health care spending" -
Thank you for your comment :) -
Linda Joy
You're welcome. I also believe even a kindergartener who knows nothing yet of philosophy or government if demonstrated with candy would know in their infantile minds that its not fair to forcefully take away from one person's portion to give to someone else. This is the kind of things humanitarians should be doing willingly sharing of their own choice to give to another who has less. Not being compelled to give and our portion forcefully taken by the government to give to someone else. Did I explain that any better this time? I don't think those who need care shouldn't get it. But for those who believe in evolution then you should believe only the fittest survive. Stupid people do stupid things and they don't get the opportunity to reproduce because they're dead. The rest of the human race as a collective will be stronger. And those who believe in Heaven should be glad when someone gets to go there, right? Especially if they're suffering through life. We put animals down when they get old and crippled because they are in pain but we artificially prolong the life of people who would have died under the same circumstances 100 years ago just because we can? What is right depends on how you look at it. But ultimately people in need give us the opportunity to show our own humanity VOLUNTARILY! And serving others is a privilege and a commandment of God. Also receiving help is a blessing not a right.
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