Menthol and it's either Newport Plantiums or This Menthol
By asking that question, I immediately assume that you smoke, yourself. Which I think is kind of sad now that you're asking this question. Which might, for some people, encourage that behavior. I don't smoke, for I don't ever planning on smoking not even one cigarette.
I smoke a pack a day. Menthols -
I wasn't interested how much you smoke or what you are killing yourself with.
I smoked Lucky Strike.
I was blessed...I tried cigs in high school, but NEVER liked the taste, smell, nor the thrill. So, I've NEVER smoked cigarettes!!!
When I'm watchin' my TV And a man comes on and tells me How white my shirts can be But, he can't be a man 'cause he doesn't smoke The same cigarettes as me
10/7/14 None.
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