• They assimilated into Babylon, so yes there probably are descendants alive today. Most civilisations haven't died out they've just turned into something greater, such as Egypt turning into Rome/Greece, and those turning into the West which is why you will still see Roman Gods and obelisks in the West, such as the Goddess Minerva/Athena on the Capitol building (which means head) and they the personification of wisdom, trickery, and war, along with the Washington Monument within the Vesica pisces, which is the Egyptian equivalent of Osiris and Isis, often seen on church steeples and domes which are of effect the same thing. As was the statue of liberty originally made for Egypt. Regardless of atheism, religion is very much alive and means something to those in secret societies who have infiltrated much of the political framework of the world.
    • bostjan the adequate 🥉
      You mean Sumerian religion? I'm not sure it really had much influence on the religion of Ancient Egypt, although I bet it must have had some influence on Babylonian religion if the Sumerians were in fact assimilated into Babylon. I find it fascinating that the Sumerian culture, which was by most accounts, the first urban culture in the world, and invented both writing and the wheel, is rarely taught in primary or secondary schools in the USA. I suppose anyone who lives in a city, eats wheat, plants their crops in rows, uses a writing system, or uses a wheel owes something to Sumerian culture.
    • ⭐️Creamcrackered
      You asked if those related to Sumerians are alive today, my answer is yes, as you said yourself, they all interbred. In those days, belief was all they had, their life was based around the ancient tell breks which funnily enough often feature in the history of the banking system :) So-called civilisation came out of the fertile crescent, which included Egypt. I can't see how it's practices didn't morph into Egypt. Remember most ideas are based off an original, rarely these days, does a man have an original idea, that idea has to come from something that has happened to them i.e the beginnings of civilisation. When you look at the stories of the gods coming to earth and giving them Me's, It's very similar to the story of Genesis when man ate from the tree of death, and gained a sense of self and separateness from God and everyone else. The same as the story of Cain and Abel, you are dealing with shepherds and farming. The story of Cain as the first builder, Uruk is a contender for that City, then you read his descendants such as Tubal Cain was a blacksmith, this is the beginnings of freemasonry. The Tower of Babel, again thought to be Eternenaki, (the clue is in the name anki) this was the largest tower built of it's day, and it was said to have a gate at the top, very much like the Ishtar gate, constructed in 575 BCE by order of King Nebuchadnezzar II. Even today, you can follow the religion back, and find that the god Enki was equated with Prometheus, whom you will see outside the Rockefeller centre in Manhattan. So yes I agree, it's a real shame that it is not taught in schools, this is the turning point, when something happened to mankind, which took him from being a hunter gatherer, to ploughing and farming, which of cause has eventually led to his enslavement. Because whoever owns the land, owns the food supply, and whoever controls the food supply, controls the people.

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